

  • 1、我们的校园又整洁又漂亮。
  • 2、月光是隔了树照已往的,下处丛生的灌木,降下整洁的班驳的乌影,峭楞楞如鬼;直直的杨柳的稀稀的倩影,却又像是绘正在荷叶上。
  • 3、AsI walked into her pristine and immaculate apartment, I couldn't help but be impressed by her meticulous attention to detail and her dedication to keeping everything in its rightful place.
  • 4、The clean and well-organized kitchen, with its spotless countertops and gleaming appliances, made cooking a joyous and effortless task.
  • 5、The tidy and well-maintained streets of the city showcased a community that took pride in their surroundings, creating a positive and uplifting atmosphere for its residents.
  • 6、The crisp, freshly laundered sheets on the bed made for a peaceful and rejuvenating sleep experience, leaving me feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.
  • 7、The neatly aligned rows of colorful flowers in the garden transformed the once dull space into a vibrant and captivating oasis of beauty.
  • 8、Walking into the hospital room, I was relieved to find it immaculate and well-organized, creating a sense of calm and comfort during a stressful time.
  • 9、The orderly and clutter-free desk provided a clear workspace for productivity and creativity to flourish, allowing me to complete tasks efficiently and effectively.
  • 10、The pristine and polished marble floors of the hotel lobby reflected the grandeur and elegance of the establishment, leaving a lasting impression on every visitor.
  • 11、The meticulously manicured lawn and well-trimmed hedges in front of the house made for a picturesque and inviting entrance, giving a glimpse of the care and effort put into maintaining the property.
  • 12、The well-kept and organized classroom provided an ideal environment for learning and growth, inspiring students to excel and thrive academically.
  • 13、The crisp, neatly folded laundry in the drawers brought a sense of order and tranquility to the bedroom, creating a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • 14、The impeccably clean and sanitized restaurant, with its tastefully arranged tables and polished silverware, set the stage for a delightful and enjoyable dining experience.
  • 15、The well-groomed and trimmed bushes and shrubs in the park added a touch of elegance and charm to the surroundings, attracting visitors from near and far.
  • 16、The pristine and gleaming white walls of the art gallery acted as a blank canvas, allowing the artwork to take center stage and leave a lasting impression on every viewer.
  • 17、The neatly organized closet, with its neatly arranged clothes and accessories, made getting dressed in the morning a breeze, enhancing my confidence and productivity throughout the day.
  • 18、The tidy and well-maintained swimming pool created a refreshing and inviting atmosphere, tempting me to dive in and enjoy a moment of serenity and relaxation.
  • 19、罗瑞先生有充裕的时间有条有理地洗漱梳理,到早饭时才穿着他一向穿的那一身白衬衫和整洁的裤子出现。
  • 20、这里到底是首鼠两端,街市繁华,道路整洁
  • 21、天赐良园特有的西式园林景观开阔、整洁,多处绿荫广场与庭院引导社区住户主动交流。
  • 22、那个服装整洁,身材苗条,亭亭玉立的女人则坐在他的床边,不时地抚摸他。
  • 23、杰拉尔德那双锐利的天蓝色眼睛意识到左邻右舍的房子收拾得那么整洁,那些头发梳得溜光、裙子啊啊啊啊响的主妇们那么从容地管理着他们的仆人。
  • 24、早上,金色的阳光洒满大地,风儿轻轻转在耳边吹过,仿佛在对我说:“祝你节日快乐!”同学们都穿着整洁的校服,戴着鲜艳的红领巾,兴高采烈地来到了学校。校园里的花草树木也显得格外精神。
  • 25、这里,芳草绿树鲜花环绕着整洁的小住房,妻子和孩子欢声笑语,其乐融融,是城里辛劳的人们安宁的避风港。
  • 26、集市贸易市场内的摊贩应当自备垃圾收集容器,并保持摊位和经营场地周围的整洁
  • 27、假如我把店面用品都弄整洁,那些娘儿们就不会对这些用品发生爱好了.
  • 28、鲍的卧室干净整洁,跟他朋友那间屋子的杂乱无章正好相反。
  • 29、它基本上有六个模块整洁地待在角落。
  • 30、不整洁的士兵,不会在战斗中战胜。
  • 31、套管涂漆均匀、外观整洁、包装规范、标识清楚、表面无锈蚀、无磕碰,螺纹保护良好.
  • 32、他曾写《自讼语》,历数“人事之不谙述”,“好以意气凌人,颇有目空一世之概”,“不好整洁”,“好晏起”,“作事殊难有恒”等缺点。
  • 33、谢普少校打扮得整洁多了,戴着一顶编织着木髓的钢盔,正好九点来到.
  • 34、那也是草棚,但比较的整洁,并且有一扇木门.
  • 35、她遵照轻松的自然法则生活,热爱世界、得过且过,对自然奇观有敏锐、神奇的鉴赏力,但在生活中却不能拾掇出整洁的家园。
  • 36、我们学校有一个语音室,它位于三楼,大而整洁
  • 37、给我一双滴乾的、整洁的、最好的短袜作礼物.
  • 38、是的,你猜对了,这种领带结是根据以整洁而闻名的温莎公爵命名的,温莎结打出来比较大给人以高贵的感觉。
  • 39、着装一定要稳重、整洁,不易招惹是非,且易于得到帮助;平时加强体育锻炼,使自己擅奔跑、有力量、能喊叫,会功夫更好;如果有女孩需要帮助,果断施以援手。
  • 40、据警方介绍,她还搬了个床垫到柜子中去,甚至还洗过澡,因为她看起来“干净整洁”。
  • 41、我对一座整洁的农舍比对一座岗楼更感兴趣.
  • 42、我叫焦辰朔,我是一个非常爱音乐和爱搞恶作剧的人。我头发短短的,像一个蘑菇似的。一双乌黑光亮的眼睛,圆圆的脸。一身整洁的校服。
  • 43、他的衣裤都明显地旧了,但非常整洁,每一个纽扣都扣得规规矩矩,连制服外套的风纪扣,也一丝不苟地扣着。
  • 44、他那整洁的衣衫下是一个肮脏的灵魂。
  • 45、在不同的地方再割一次柱,尝试获是整洁地划口。
  • 46、我的作业既干净又整洁,字既认真又漂亮。
  • 47、白色的袖扣和整洁干净的英式细条纹衬衫,显示了他严谨的作风,恰到好处的显出他完美的身形。却没有打领带,只是颈间一条精美的纯银十字架,带出了一种神秘的气息。
  • 48、一种天然色、无图案的棉麻布,用来做床盖、椅套、抱枕都十分合适,令房间看起来整洁、柔和得多。
  • 49、成群的奶牛和菜牛在绵延起伏的草场上安静地啃食青草,知之小工具在牧场的中间座落着几栋红色大牲口棚和几幢整洁的白色住房。
  • 50、你的作文必须写的整洁地在答题纸2上。


整洁 zhěngjié

整洁 指的是规整而洁净 ,着装整洁。





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