

  • 1、马前勇刚说完,不少老师都凑到他跟前看着他手里教案上的标准答案,想看看张文浩是不是还能够继续对答如流,没没想张文浩毫不犹豫的脱口而出。
  • 2、现代老师真好做,教案不用自己写,网上百事都齐备,学生会的他不会。吃着皇粮过日子,踩着铃声进课堂。学校力气省着用,外带家教才吃香!
  • 3、The detailed lesson plan, or "教案" in Chinese, played a crucial role in guiding the teacher to deliver a well-structured and engaging lesson to the students, enabling them to grasp the knowledge effectively and grow as confident learners.
  • 4、Asthe teachers gathered together to discuss their lesson plans, they eagerly shared their creative ideas, brainstormed innovative teaching methods, and collaborated to craft outstanding "教案" that would inspire their students' curiosity and ignite a passion for learning.
  • 5、Inspired by the latest educational research, the "教案" not only focused on imparting knowledge but also emphasized the cultivation of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and social-emotional development, preparing the students for success in both academic and personal realms.
  • 6、With a student-centered approach, the "教案" integrated differentiation strategies to cater to the diverse needs and learning styles of students, ensuring an inclusive classroom environment where every learner could thrive and reach their full potential.
  • 7、The well-organized "教案" incorporated clear learning objectives, detailed teaching steps, and formative assessment methods, enabling teachers to monitor students' progress effectively, provide timely feedback, and scaffold their learning journey.
  • 8、Recognizing the power of technology in enhancing teaching and learning, the "教案" embraced the integration of digital tools and platforms, enabling students to access online resources, collaborate with peers, and engage in personalized learning experiences.
  • 9、The expertly crafted "教案" infused cross-curricular connections, interdisciplinary approaches, and real-world applications, fostering a holistic understanding of the subject matter and encouraging students to make connections between different domains of knowledge.
  • 10、Taking into consideration students' prior knowledge and preconceptions, the "教案" utilized anticipatory sets, concept mapping, and questioning techniques, eliciting students' curiosity, activating prior knowledge, and constructing meaningful connections to new concepts.
  • 11、The culturally responsive "教案" celebrated diversity, inclusivity, and global perspectives, incorporating multicultural resources, authentic materials, and promoting intercultural understanding among students, fostering a respectful and inclusive classroom community.
  • 12、Nurturing students' creativity and innovation, the "教案" encouraged project-based learning, design thinking, and collaborative problem-solving, empowering students to think critically, take risks, and explore new ideas in a safe and supportive learning environment.
  • 13、Conscious of the importance of student engagement, the "教案" structured lessons in a way that promoted active participation through group discussions, hands-on experiments, role-plays, and simulations, creating an exciting and dynamic learning atmosphere.
  • 14、The comprehensive "教案" seamlessly integrated formative and summative assessments, allowing teachers to gauge students' understanding, adjust instructional strategies, and provide targeted interventions, ensuring continuous progress and growth for each learner.
  • 15、Implementing the "教案" facilitated effective classroom management, with well-defined rules, routines, and procedures that helped maximize learning time, minimize disruptions, and establish a positive and orderly learning environment for all.
  • 16、Recognizing the importance of collaboration, the "教案" encouraged cooperative learning structures, peer feedback, and teamwork, fostering a sense of belonging, building social skills, and promoting a collaborative culture among students.
  • 17、The "教案" integrated authentic assessments, performance tasks, and project portfolios, providing opportunities for students to showcase their learning outcomes, reflect on their growth, and develop a sense of ownership and pride in their achievements.
  • 18、The carefully scaffolded "教案" gradually built upon prior knowledge, developed skills progressively, and provided opportunities for formative feedback, ensuring that students advanced their understanding and skills in a structured and strategic manner.
  • 19、Reflecting on continuous professional development, the "教案" encouraged teachers to engage in self-reflection, seek peer feedback, and make necessary adjustments to their lesson plans, fostering a culture of lifelong learning and growth.
  • 20、With a focus on promoting meta-cognitive skills, the "教案" incorporated strategies that encouraged students to reflect on their learning processes, set goals, monitor their progress, and apply self-regulation techniques to become independent and self-directed learners.
  • 21、“黄崖教案”是太谷学派宗教化的转折点,它的直接后果就是其宗教化的中断,但中断的深层次原因却是近代中国社会的转型。
  • 22、同年级同学科教师提前一周备课,完成说课稿和教案
  • 23、然后加深对教材的认识,最好能够参考有关教案、说课稿,效果会更好。
  • 24、此外,当时民众的仇外情绪、斋教组织的排它性和其它偶然性因素也对这起教案产生过影响。
  • 25、国内首本小学生理财教育教案集在沪发布。
  • 26、形成了专业培养集、教学案例集、优秀教案集等一系列成果。
  • 27、说课稿是在个人钻研教材的基础上写成的,说课稿不宜过长,时间应控制在10分钟之内为宜;教案只说“怎样教”,而说课稿重点说清“为什么要这样教”。
  • 28、她的教学教案多次在哈尔滨市获奖,并被编辑成优秀教案集。
  • 29、”小学生理财教育教案集”发布。
  • 30、在理论教室,记者随手打开电脑,点击一份电子教案,只见水煮牛肉、麻辣豆腐等粗菜细做、细菜精做、一菜多做的技艺法占了教案的三分之二。
  • 31、历史教学法课程考核采用编写教案和试讲的办法。
  • 32、天津教案后,曾国藩曾感叹自己“内疚神明,外惭清议”。
  • 33、一个教师写一辈子教案不一定成为名师,如果一个教师写三年反思可能成为名师。
  • 34、三是强化教研工作的管理,认真开展一份好教案、一篇说课稿、一个课件、精心设计一份作业“四个一”工程。
  • 35、没有重点难点硬要找到重点难点,臆想出复杂的“舞台说明”,将教案写成了课堂实录。
  • 36、老教师给新教师送去了手写的教案集。
  • 37、它从初三历史教案接收到动静开始,直至动静被处理竣事为止。
  • 38、下面的事情就是等消息了,本来说比完赛要把我的教案设计传上来的,这样看来再等等吧!
  • 39、后来,初稿、QQ聊天记录、改稿、见报稿……应编辑要求,我的稿件被贴到了QQ群里,成了群共享里最早的实例教案
  • 40、要编写本性化教案,就要勉励教师博采众长,发挥自己优势,要研究教学本性,独树一帜,自成一家。
  • 41、杨文军介绍,与传统的数学教案不同,这次方城小学团队开发的学材用文字将生活联系起来,把抽象的数字具化,丰富了素材。
  • 42、1897年11月14日,德国以“巨野教案”为借口,出兵强占胶州湾,清军在青岛口的所有炮台、火炮、兵营等全部沦入敌手,青岛沦陷。
  • 43、加油!加油!等比完赛,我会把我的教案设计放在这里,大家来评一评吧!
  • 44、分析各阶段常用课堂教学模式形成的历史条件,并以教案形式再现了各常用课堂教学模式的内容.
  • 45、三位教授被请来对新教员设计的教案做出评估.
  • 46、等比完赛,我会把我的教案设计放在这里,大家来评一评吧!
  • 47、教师的教案设计和课堂设计不能完全依赖于教学工具,教师是教学的组织者和引导者。
  • 48、在桌高一英语教案unit1子上,有一本书,两支铅笔和一些扣子。
  • 49、没有完美的教案可以达到所有预定教学目标.但是,以下几点依然很重要.
  • 50教案个性化包括教学目标、容、略、考练习、移拓展的个性化.


教案 jiàoàn

1、教员备课时写的教学方案,包括时间、方法、步骤、检查以及教材的组织等 2、清末指因外国教会欺压人民而引起的诉讼案件或外交事件 
教案 教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据课程标准,教学大纲和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书。教案包括教材简析和学生分析、教学目的、重难点、教学准备、教学过程及练习设计等。



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