

  • 1、吃牛派有美英的强硬后台,把歪理说得头头是道,救亡图存压力下的中国维新一派鹦鹉学舌,也对自己吃猪肉的习惯加以鞭挞,对牛肉大吹法螺。
  • 2、与此相反,京师沦陷以后的江南各地,涌现出不少精忠报国、救亡图存的志士仁人,其中首推抗清扶明到底、收复失地*弯的郑成功。
  • 3、Asthe economy faces a downturn and unemployment rates rise, it is crucial for the government and citizens to work hand in hand, with a strong determination of "救亡图存", in order to revive the nation's prosperity and secure a brighter future for all.
  • 4、The devastating effects of natural disasters call for immediate action and a collective effort to save lives and rebuild what has been destroyed, embodying the spirit of "救亡图存" to ensure the survival and well-being of affected communities.
  • 5、Intimes of crisis, leaders must demonstrate courage and resilience, inspiring their followers with a vision of "救亡图存" and instilling a sense of hope, in order to navigate through challenges and emerge stronger as a nation.
  • 6、The preservation and promotion of cultural heritage is not only an endeavor to connect with our roots and maintain our identity, but also a testament to our dedication of "救亡图存", as we safeguard the treasures of the past for future generations.
  • 7、Inthe realm of education, providing equal access to quality learning opportunities for all children is essential for "救亡图存" - ensuring a prosperous and enlightened society that can face the challenges of the future.
  • 8、Global environmental issues demand immediate attention and action, as we strive to protect our planet and secure a sustainable future for humanity, underlining the urgency of "救亡图存" for both present and future generations.
  • 9、Inthe field of medicine and healthcare, constant innovation and advancement is necessary to combat diseases and enhance the quality of life, as we embrace the spirit of "救亡图存" and prioritize the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.
  • 10、The importance of investing in science, technology, and innovation cannot be overstated, as these fields hold the key to solving complex challenges and driving progress, ultimately serving the purpose of "救亡图存" and securing a prosperous future.
  • 11、In times of social and political unrest, it is crucial for all members of society to stand together, rejecting division and embracing unity, as we strive towards the common goal of "救亡图存" - ensuring the stability and well-being of our nation.
  • 12、The role of education in empowering individuals and fostering critical thinking cannot be underestimated, as it equips future generations with the tools needed to address global challenges and actively participate in "救亡图存".
  • 13、Investing in infrastructure and transportation networks is essential for ensuring the connectivity and efficiency required to drive economic growth and prosperity, reflecting the commitment to "救亡图存" by enhancing the nation's capacity to compete on a global scale.
  • 14、In the face of social inequality and poverty, it is imperative for governments and organizations to prioritize social welfare programs, empowering marginalized communities and embodying the principle of "救亡图存" by creating a more inclusive and equitable society.
  • 15、As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, it is essential to foster international cooperation and diplomacy, addressing global challenges collectively and exemplifying the spirit of "救亡图存" on a global scale.
  • 16、The pursuit of knowledge and the promotion of scientific research are fundamental to the advancement of civilization, as we seek innovative solutions to complex problems and embody the spirit of "救亡图存" by driving progress and understanding.
  • 17、In times of crisis, the resilience and determination of individuals and communities shine through, illustrating the unwavering commitment to "救亡图存" and the ability to overcome challenges, emerge stronger, and build a brighter future.
  • 18、五四时期,进步青年担当起了救亡图存的重任.
  • 19、一寸河山一寸血,湖南的土地洒遍了先烈牺牲的血雨,是他们以必死之心救亡图存,赢得了最后的胜利。
  • 20、它从一个侧面反映了在近代中国内忧外患的历史条件下,中国人民救亡图存与自强求富的基本要求。
  • 21、无论是街头诗,还是文艺气息更为浓郁的“文人诗”,救亡图存是不曾变更的主旋律。
  • 22、曾经的文人们为了探索救亡图存之路而笔战。
  • 23、自1840年**战争以来,“救亡图存”成为贯穿中国近现代史的一条主线,“振兴中华”成为全体志士仁人发自心底的激壮呐喊和艰辛探索的时代主题。
  • 24、在近代中国,由于救亡图存和人的精神进化的需要,陋俗文化发生了渐次演化,它集中反映在婚姻文化、家庭文化、妇女文化、性伦文化诸方面的嬗变上。
  • 25、为了救亡图存,中国的志士仁人蹈厉奋发、艰苦求索,进行了一次又一次英勇卓绝的尝试和可歌可泣的斗争。
  • 26、有识之士莫不心焦如焚,极力探索救亡图存的真正出路。
  • 27、当时的中国人,面对内乱外患,救亡图存都来不及,哪里能够去想“全球治理”?百年沧海桑田,世事大变。
  • 28、卢沟桥畔的勋章与雕塑,缅怀的是这场救亡图存伟大斗争中无数的奉献者、殉难者,记取的更是这一段“四万万人齐蹈厉,同心同德一戎衣”的历史。
  • 29、义无反顾的投入到救亡图存的事业中去。
  • 30、谈判结果所成立的国防**,应该作为救亡图存的临时领导机关。
  • 31、可以燎原的星星之火,燃起了四万万同胞救亡图存的斗志,民族兴亡,死亦鬼雄。
  • 32、早在30年代,一大批有识之士就以救亡图存为己任,投身到社会变革的洪流之中。
  • 33、1937年芦沟桥事变爆发后,辍学加入救亡图存运动,在华北各地演出话剧宣传抗日。
  • 34、同时,救亡图存成了这一时期的主题。


救亡图存 jiù wáng tú cún

《鬼谷子 中经》:“圣人所贵道微妙者,诚以其可以转危为安,救亡使存也。”




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