

  • 1、李涛,看在你我同属九派之一,也看在你儒云轩和本派是攻守同盟的份上,只要你交出凝灵草和千幻灵狐,我可以答应,炼出的筑元丹,分你们一人一颗。
  • 2、欧阳圣天在被夺舍之后,欧阳家族便与周家结成攻守同盟,这让所有人都大跌眼镜。
  • 3、Inthe face of adversity, a group of friends formed an "attack and defense alliance" to protect each other, strengthen their bond, and face the challenges together.
  • 4、The "attack and defense alliance" between the two countries not only ensures national security but also promotes economic and cultural exchange, creating a win-win situation for both sides.
  • 5、Asteammates on the battlefield, soldiers rely on each other for support and form an unbreakable "attack and defense alliance" to protect their homeland and ensure peace.
  • 6、The "attack and defense alliance" between the teacher and the student establishes a strong foundation for learning, where both parties actively participate, exchange knowledge, and achieve mutual growth.
  • 7、Inthe business world, forming an effective "attack and defense alliance" with partners can improve competitiveness, expand markets, and achieve common development.
  • 8、The "attack and defense alliance" between parents and children creates a strong family bond, where parents provide guidance and support, while children learn and grow under their protection.
  • 9、Inthe face of challenges, the "attack and defense alliance" between doctors and patients can overcome difficulties, fight diseases, and strive for a better quality of life.
  • 10、The "attack and defense alliance" between artists and audiences creates a harmonious cultural atmosphere, as artists express their creative ideas and the audience appreciates and supports their work.
  • 11、Through the establishment of an "attack and defense alliance" with the environment, we can actively protect nature, conserve resources, and build a sustainable future for the planet.
  • 12、The "attack and defense alliance" between literature and readers creates a unique connection, where literature inspires emotions, broadens horizons, and readers find solace and enlightenment.
  • 13、The "attack and defense alliance" between students and teachers forms the foundation of education, where teachers guide and inspire, while students actively participate and pursue knowledge.
  • 14、The "attack and defense alliance" between technology and society facilitates innovation and progress, as technology serves society's needs, solves problems, and improves quality of life.
  • 15、The "attack and defense alliance" between law enforcement and citizens establishes social order, ensures safety, and protects the rights and interests of all individuals.
  • 16、Through the establishment of an "attack and defense alliance" in the medical field, researchers can collaborate, explore breakthroughs, and ultimately provide better treatments for patients.
  • 17、The "attack and defense alliance" between entrepreneurs and investors forms the foundation of a successful business venture, where entrepreneurs find support and resources, while investors seek profitable opportunities.
  • 18、The "attack and defense alliance" between sports teams creates a strong bond, as teammates trust and support each other, striving for victory in the face of fierce competition.
  • 19、The "attack and defense alliance" between different cultures promotes mutual understanding, respect, and harmony, as people learn from each other and celebrate diversity.
  • 20、The "attack and defense alliance" between art and activism empowers creativity to address social issues, promote change, and create a more just and inclusive society.
  • 21、赵王采用虞卿之策,遣使赴齐商洽合纵事宜,并与魏国签订攻守同盟
  • 22、那也不好,毕竟我们三人,暂时是攻守同盟
  • 23、玄烨和梵音原本经过华山论剑时的事件,势力组建成攻守同盟,可没想到这梵音竟然如此狠的心肠,万不能与她为伍。
  • 24、我建议,我们成立一个攻守同盟,联合起来,一起对付他们。
  • 25、鉴于宋国在邲之战后居然还和晋国保持着攻守同盟的关系,庄王决定好好敲打敲打宋国。
  • 26、金华与水云立即结成攻守同盟,在白朴的连环计下和水云水精灵云天的苦肉计下,赤然在金江上被烧得七离八散,人马损失惨重。
  • 27、伍子锋没有现出身形,他知道,这十三个人已经大概的形成一个攻守同盟
  • 28、北冥家自此成为北帝国的新皇族,和慕容小三定下了攻守同盟
  • 29、王爷却根本不在乎,整天优哉游哉,跟没事人似得,这又和西夏签订了攻守同盟,还要打仗,这日子是真没发过了,耶律楚材这口气咽不下去了,这才有此一闹。
  • 30、赵东点点头,李知事要他提前来,是希望和他一起先定个基调,建立攻守同盟,这个他能理解;事情有些突然,但是还在他的预料之内。
  • 31、但因双方建立了攻守同盟,刚开始郑某负隅顽抗,拒不交代罪行。
  • 32、郑学青精通法律,非常清楚自身违法行为可能带来的严重后果,但由于缺乏敬畏之心,反而利用其深谙司法机制的优势,采取订立攻守同盟等措施来精心布局。
  • 33、也就是说刚刚晋升的低位神完全可以和其他大神结盟,形成攻守同盟
  • 34、义结金兰有利有弊,好处是能在一段时间内结成攻守同盟,但是坏处就是一旦上位,兄弟就会对自己的权力构成威胁。
  • 35、这些是美国人的用词,指一种攻守同盟,即不向上级报告他们所看到的有失职业道德的行为。
  • 36、本来嘛,联姻也不是一件坏事,既可以将实力整合,达到攻守同盟,共同抵御来自皇室的压力,而且以方石两家的关系,也确实算的上是亲上加亲。
  • 37、二十年前,德玛西亚与艾欧尼亚建立攻守同盟,大挫诺克萨斯的黑暗军团,使诺克萨斯在之后的几十年里,再不敢轻易发动战争。
  • 38、八十七、在一章内就建立的攻守同盟
  • 39、尽管明哥当时的话可能是说给张春来,可他的用意很明显,什么毒誓一类的攻守同盟,都没有用,互相揭底和攻守同盟,都是蠢货干的事情。
  • 40、在这件事情上,格林斯潘和鲁宾已达成“攻守同盟”,他说。
  • 41、如果线索在其他地方,那么在那里的队伍显然占据了优势,为了避免复活后来去浪费时间,我希望在整个任务过程中,我们五队达成攻守同盟!
  • 42、口说无凭,这里有韦宗主的亲笔手书一封,证明老朽可以代表剑极宗与叶家签订攻守同盟
  • 43、战国时期,六国订立攻守同盟,联合抗秦。
  • 44、永远亭和红魔馆已经达成了攻守同盟了呀,我们最可靠了。
  • 45、老男人的童年则充斥着小伙伴们互通声气的呼啸、吵嚷、激烈的拳击、抱团对付师长的攻守同盟,欢乐由外而内,渐次固化在心里,再也不会丢失。


攻守同盟 gōng shǒu tóng méng

清 梁启超《中国外交方针私议》:“日本既与英结英日同盟,及日俄战役方酣,又与韩结日韩攻守同盟。”



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