

  • 1、不得不说,繁华落幕很会收买人心,几句话下来,混世魔王兴奋不已,狗颠屁股似的退了。
  • 2、肖乐天确实是在作秀,他就是在收买人心,这点毋庸置疑。
  • 3、Despite his charisma and persuasive skills, the politician failed to achieve his goal of winning the election through manipulating public opinion and deceiving voters, as people were not easily swayed and saw through his attempt to buy their hearts.
  • 4、The corrupt CEO employed unethical methods to buy the hearts of his employees, such as offering bribes and false promises of career advancement, in order to maintain control and prevent any dissent within the organization.
  • 5、The desperate suitor resorted to extravagant gestures and expensive gifts to buy the heart of his beloved, oblivious to the fact that true love cannot be bought or forced upon someone.
  • 6、The multinational corporation aimed to buy the hearts of customers in developing countries by exploiting their vulnerabilities and offering cheap, low-quality products that would only serve the company's profit margins.
  • 7、The celebrity used her status and influence to buy the hearts of her followers, appearing generous and compassionate in public while ignoring important social issues and maintaining a selfish agenda.
  • 8、The manipulative lobbyist used financial incentives and favors to buy the hearts of politicians, ensuring that their decisions and policies aligned with the interests of big corporations rather than the well-being of the public.
  • 9、The cunning scammer employed psychological tactics to buy the hearts of vulnerable individuals, preying on their fears and insecurities to gain their trust and ultimately rob them of their hard-earned money.
  • 10、The ambitious entrepreneur used her charm and charisma to buy the hearts of potential investors, creating a false perception of success and stability in order to secure crucial funding for her startup.
  • 11、The authoritarian regime resorted to censorship and propaganda to buy the hearts of its citizens, manipulating public opinion and suppressing any dissent in order to maintain its grip on power.
  • 12、The manipulative cult leader used mind control techniques to buy the hearts of his followers, exploiting their vulnerabilities and indoctrinating them with his twisted ideologies.
  • 13、The cunning manipulator used flattery and deceit to buy the hearts of influential individuals, exploiting their weaknesses and insecurities to gain leverage and control over their actions.
  • 14、The pharmaceutical company used unethical marketing tactics to buy the hearts of doctors, offering lavish gifts and financial incentives to prescribe their medications over others, disregarding the well-being of patients.
  • 15、The charismatic cult leader used psychological manipulation to buy the hearts of his followers, creating a sense of belonging and purpose while exploiting their blind loyalty for his personal gain.
  • 16、The corrupt government official resorted to bribery and extortion to buy the hearts of his colleagues, ensuring their silence and loyalty as he embezzled public funds for his own personal enrichment.
  • 17、The manipulative con artist used charm and deception to buy the hearts of unsuspecting individuals, pretending to be a well-meaning philanthropist while secretly scheming to exploit their trust and defraud them.
  • 18、她常以小恩小惠的手段收买人心
  • 19、家里现在正被狠狠地被“敲打”中,就为了收买人心翻新工程。
  • 20、以小恩小惠来收买人心,实在是一种卑劣的手段。
  • 21、他活了这么多年,哪里看不明白,安公子这是在收买人心,用一把剑换一个巅峰高手,这买卖也非不可,毕竟在这世上天道高手实在太少,周扬的存在已经是巅峰。
  • 22、用礼物收买人心交不到长久的朋友。
  • 23、成吉思汗势力很弱小的时候,曾经投靠过义父王汗和义兄札木合,每天忍受着札木合的冷嘲热讽,在札木合的营寨中贿赂勇士,收买人心,靠挖义兄的墙脚起家。
  • 24、虽然,这些巧克力是用来治疗的,而且Lupin还好心肠的赶走了一只摄魂怪,但是糖果收买人心的速度总是快那么些的。
  • 25、上升到“领袖”这个位置,那此人也应是相当的能收买人心,为其部下考虑周全,使其死心塌地。
  • 26、如今刘縯居功自傲,收买人心,扩张势力。
  • 27、他不需要所谓的**忠诚,更不需要做出慈悲姿态收买人心,他今天获取的一切都是他铁血杀戮中建立起来的,他能容忍任何人的背叛,只要这些人能够承受背叛的后果。
  • 28收买人心,孝敬老头子,拉山头搞班底,哪样不是要大把大把地往外掏钱,没钱能成吗?就那点儿月例钱压根儿就不顶事。
  • 29、毫无疑问能够获得声望,但是,不要靠收买人心得来。
  • 30、利用经过验证的面试技巧“收买人心”。


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