

  • 1、刘仪型村的张玉奇不仅是企业家,更是慈善家
  • 2、昨天皮皮鲁讲堂,好多孩子看了电视来的,跟我说:我长大以后也要做慈善家
  • 3、Asa philanthropist, he dedicated his entire life to helping the homeless, providing shelters, and creating opportunities for them to rebuild their lives.
  • 4、The kind-hearted philanthropist donated a generous amount of money to build schools in undeveloped areas, ensuring that every child has access to education.
  • 5、Inspired by his compassionate spirit, the philanthropist founded a foundation that focuses on providing medical care to underprivileged communities around the world.
  • 6、Through his unyielding dedication, the philanthropist has been able to alleviate poverty in numerous communities, ensuring that families have access to basic necessities and a dignified life.
  • 7、With an aim to empower women, the philanthropist established a non-profit organization that supports female entrepreneurs and provides them with mentorship and financial assistance.
  • 8、Through his philanthropy, he has been able to bring awareness to mental health issues and create initiatives that provide support and resources for those struggling with mental illnesses.
  • 9、The philanthropist's generous contributions have enabled countless individuals to access clean water, ultimately preventing diseases and improving overall well-being.
  • 10、Recognizing the importance of education, the philanthropist has initiated scholarships and mentorship programs, ensuring bright futures for talented, yet financially disadvantaged students.
  • 11、Through his charitable foundation, the philanthropist has built orphanages and provided nurturing environments for vulnerable children, giving them a chance to thrive and succeed.
  • 12、The philanthropist's commitment to animal welfare has resulted in the establishment of sanctuaries, where rescued animals receive the care and love they deserve.
  • 13、By investing in research and innovation, the philanthropist is paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries and medical advancements that will transform healthcare globally.
  • 14、As a philanthropist, she has been a tireless advocate for gender equality, working towards creating a world where all individuals have equal rights and opportunities.
  • 15、The philanthropist's support for arts and culture has revitalized struggling communities and provided platforms for artists to showcase their talent and creativity.
  • 16、Inspired by his own cancer battle, the philanthropist established a foundation that provides financial assistance and emotional support to cancer patients and their families.
  • 17、The impact of the philanthropist's initiatives can be seen in the lives of countless individuals, as he continues to make a difference in the world, one act of kindness at a time.
  • 18、肯尼斯·贝林是一位享誉世界的实业家、慈善家,他发起组建了环球健康与教育基金会,在全球广行慈善捐赠事业。
  • 19、而中国红十字会在民初兵灾赈济中也逐渐形成了一个包括沈敦和、施则敬、任凤苞、吕海寰、盛宣怀、吴重熹等人在内的慈善家群体,其声誉扬于海内。
  • 20、这位慈善家在海牙捐助建立了和平宫,资助建立了卡耐基国际和平基金会。
  • 21、不幸被人笑,我们心里尽管骂他们少见多怪,也治好付之一笑。便宜了他们,大笑一场将来大限已到的时候可以苟延性命若干天。我们譬如慈善家施药,即使不是“乐捐”。张爱玲
  • 22、2004年,实践家教育集团的林伟贤董事长,同时作为一名致力于海内外的社会公益慈善家,改变了这一切。
  • 23、其中,新晋中国内地年轻女首富杨惠妍与其父亲杨国强在去年一共捐献了3200万美元善款,成为中国内地捐款最多的慈善家
  • 24、他乐善好施,济寒赈贫,是这一带出了名的慈善家
  • 25、田家炳博士是香港以至全中国杰出的实业家和慈善家,高风亮节,以振兴国家、教育济世为己任。
  • 26、《忏悔无门·慈善家李春平的旷世情缘》是李春平请人捉刀的自传。
  • 27、微软创始人、慈善家比尔盖茨在某精英技术会议上“放飞”了一满罐的蚊子,以刻意强调致命疾病:疟疾。
  • 28、此外,您也许不知,知名慈善家陈光标,歌唱家朱明瑛、吴国松,舞蹈家陈爱莲,以及大家熟悉的影视红星李羚、章子怡、李冰冰等,都是致公党党员。
  • 29、田家炳是香港最有名的实业家和慈善家之一。
  • 30、学校为纪念著名的商人、政治家及慈善家包玉刚爵士而创办.
  • 31、李志明,马来西亚著名慈善家,获得拿督封衔。
  • 32、不要坐等贵人来,谁都希望天降贵人,但“贵人”不是“慈善家”,而是“风险投资人”。大多时候,拔刀相助的背后,总会有利益索取,你获得多大的帮助,取决于能回报给对方多大的价值。与其期望,不如努力,即便缓慢,也在前行。
  • 33、世界上最豪华的不是亿万富翁的别墅,世界上最壮美的不是古老的七大遗迹,世界上最动人不是慈善家的善举。而集豪华、壮美、动人于一身的恐怕只有那生命的乐章。
  • 34、他经常匡济灾民,是一位有名的慈善家.
  • 35、许多所谓慈善家的行为,只不过为了沽名钓誉,而不是动了恻隐之心。
  • 36、一个企业家的最高境界就是慈善家
  • 37、此次选中宋安东的纽约岛人队是来自纽约州的球队,现隶属于东部大都会分区,球队现任老板是出生于上海的华人企业家、慈善家王嘉廉。
  • 38、因此,如果你的目标是做真正慈善的慈善家,那么赶快花掉你的钱:当你还在世时,能做多少好事就做多少好事,让流芳百世见鬼去吧。
  • 39、而许多对华贸易商业不可避免地成为了慈善家,留下了流芳百世的功德。
  • 40、所以,如果你的目标是一个真正博爱的慈善家,就爽快地捐赠你的钱,在你的有生之年尽所能得做好一切,让子孙后代们自生自灭去吧!
  • 41、这个27岁的小伙子周二告诉法新社记者,陈光标,一个富裕的回收大王及慈善家,已主动提供给他一个职位即在他的公司里做一个健身教练。
  • 42、由此,一个富有的慈善家可能会在听说远方国度发生了不甚了了的疫病后投资于那种疫病的研究,尽管在他所处的社会上事态还不太紧迫。




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