

  • 1、即使做不到很快就热爱工作,但至少把“厌恶工作”这种负面情绪从心中排除。
  • 2、母爱是人类情绪中最美丽的,因为这种情绪没有利禄之心掺杂其间。
  • 3、Standing at the edge of the cliff, I felt a surge of overwhelming emotions as the breathtaking beauty of the sunset stirred a mixture of awe and melancholy in my heart.
  • 4、Asthe orchestra played the hauntingly beautiful melody, tears streamed down my face, carrying with them a plethora of emotions that words could never fully capture.
  • 5、Closing my eyes, I let the gentle breeze brush against my skin, invoking a sense of tranquility and serenity that washed over me like a warm embrace, melting away the worries and anxieties that had plagued my mind.
  • 6、The taste of the warm, comforting soup reminded me of my childhood, when my grandmother would cook it for me with love, filling not only my belly but also my heart with a profound sense of nostalgia and happiness.
  • 7、Inthe midst of a bustling city, the sight of a homeless puppy wagging its tail and looking up at me with hopeful eyes sparked an overwhelming sense of sympathy and compassion, urging me to take action and make a difference.
  • 8、Holding my newborn baby in my arms for the first time, a surge of pure, unconditional love washed over me, filling every fiber of my being with joy and a profound sense of responsibility.
  • 9、Walking hand in hand with my loved one along the beach, I couldn't help but feel an unexplainable connection between us, as if our souls were intertwined, igniting a flame of passion and love that no words could express.
  • 10、The moment I saw the raindrops glistening on the windowpane, I felt an intense longing for the cozy, nostalgic feeling of cuddling up with a book and a cup of hot chocolate, evoking a sense of coziness and contentment.
  • 11、Asthe news of my promotion reached my ears, a mixture of pride, relief, and gratitude flooded my heart, reminding me of the countless hours of hard work and dedication that had led to this moment of triumph.
  • 12、The feeling of betrayal stabbed me like a thousand knives, tearing apart the trust and camaraderie that we had once shared, leaving me shattered and disillusioned.
  • 13、Watching my favorite team score the winning goal in a thrilling match, I ecstatically jumped up and down, feeling an indescribable rush of euphoria and jubilation course through my veins.
  • 14、The memory of my loved one's funeral lingers in my mind, suffocating me with sorrow and grief as I navigate the lonely path of grief, learning to live without their physical presence.
  • 15、The touch of a loved one's hand on my shoulder during a difficult time revealed a spectrum of emotions within me - comfort, reassurance, and an overwhelming sense of not being alone in the face of adversity.
  • 16、The sight of a rainbow emerging after a heavy rainstorm filled me with a renewed sense of hope and optimism, reminding me that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light to hold onto.
  • 17、The sound of laughter echoing through the room infused the atmosphere with infectious joy and merriment, as if every worry and burden had momentarily evaporated, leaving only pure happiness in its wake.
  • 18、The feeling of rejection seeped into my bones, leaving me emotionally bruised and battered, questioning my worth and struggling to regain my self-confidence.
  • 19、Standing in a field of blooming flowers, their vibrant colors and delicate petals evoked a profound sense of beauty and appreciation for the wonders of nature, filling me with awe and reverence.
  • 20、The weight of grief pressed down on my chest like an unrelenting force, the tears cascading down my face a testament to the immense pain and emptiness that enveloped me after losing a loved one.
  • 21、那阳光下淡紫色的温柔,还不如更高处所看到的乌云,层层堆积翻卷着更来得壮观和惊心动魄些。因为,看的人知道,这些黑压压在脚下翻卷的情绪,终会氤氲成风暴雷电,倾注到大地上给生灵带来恐惧或灾难。
  • 22、青春是被摧毁后才显得无懈可击,成长带给我们冗繁的情绪,这些细微的欢喜悲伤如织布机上的经纬单调亦不可断。累积成各自青春的花色。
  • 23、良好的健康状况和由之而来的愉快之情绪,是幸福的最好资金。
  • 24、如果无法控制自己的情绪,就无法控制周围的情境。
  • 25、群众生产,群众利益,群众经验,群众情绪,这些都是领导干部们应当时刻注意的。
  • 26、小刚近日情绪时高时低,就像这早春二月的天气乍暖还寒。
  • 27、母爱是人类情绪中最美丽的,因为这种情绪没有利禄之心掺杂其中间。
  • 28、一路上虽然风餐露宿,但战士们情绪饱满,斗志昂扬。
  • 29、没有敌人能比自己的贪婪,憎恨,妒忌,沮丧,恐惧等负面情绪更能伤害自己的。
  • 30、爱情激荡着活跃的情绪,它可以使死亡的心复活,它可以使沙漠里有人居住,它可以使爱人的幻影重新显现……
  • 31、家,是受委屈后的避风港。如果工作不顺心,世事不如意,在外受了委屈,回到家里,便如船回到避风港里,外界风浪再大,港内终是波轻浪微。你平安地调节好情绪,第二天,再继续奋进继续努力。
  • 32、瀑布约有米高,沿着峭立的岩壁飞泻而下,顿时抛洒万斛珍珠,溅起千朵银花,喷珠飞雪,壮如玉龙飞舞。此时,我的情绪高涨,因为我看到了李白的诗中所描绘的那种“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”的真景象。
  • 33、不说消极话,不落入消极情绪,一旦发生正面处理。
  • 34、恐惧是世上最摧折人心的一种情绪。我与它抗战,并借着帮助情况不及自己的人们,而克服了它。我相信,任何人只要去做他所恐惧的事,并持续地做下去,直到有获得成功的纪录做后盾,他便能克服恐惧。
  • 35、精力充沛和它带来的饱满情绪,既然比任何其它事情在幸福中占较重要的地位,教人保持良好健康和饱满情绪就比什么都重要。
  • 36、忧愁、顾虑和悲观,可以使人得病;积极、愉快和坚强的意志和乐观的情绪,可以战胜疾病,更可以使人强壮和长寿。
  • 37、延缓年老展长青春的第一条规矩,是避免一切情绪上的烦扰。林语堂
  • 38、朋友是小溪,无声无息,却又必不可少。朋友是海,怀纳百川,包容你万般情绪。朋友是山,危难之时,让你有立足之地。
  • 39、音乐,是一种艺术。我认为它是所有艺术中最绚丽的,因为她可以触动我们的灵魂。当高涨的情绪得不到宣泄的时候,听听音乐,一切烦恼就都烟消云散了,而生活又变得美妙起来。
  • 40、一寸相思无著处,甚夜长相度。灯花前、几转寒更,桐叶上、数声秋雨。真个此心终难负,况少年情绪。已交共、春茧缠绵,终不学、钿筝移柱。
  • 41、不要把个人情绪带入任何场合,那样很幼稚。
  • 42、强者控制自己的情绪,弱者让情绪控制自己。
  • 43、哭是最能表白人情绪的一种方法,哭不是软弱更不是差错,没缘由去遮掩去抑制.
  • 44、我无法平息自己,只有一阵阵徘徊不定的脚步,涌动出我难以平静的情绪里快要胀满的一团团热热的气流。
  • 45、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 46、世界上的一切光荣和骄傲,都来自母亲。世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。人生最美的东西之一就是母爱,这是无私的爱,道德与之相形见拙。母爱是人类情绪中最美丽的,因为这种情绪没有利禄之心掺杂其间。
  • 47、由于裁判不公平,影响了运动员的情绪
  • 48、就算你是一穷二白,只要你有足够的创造性,只要你有足够强大的情绪肌肉,金钱也会源源而来。情绪肌肉和身体肌肉都是需要锻炼和训练的。
  • 49、我一直都承认我被自己的情绪所控制。
  • 50、成功的欢乐是一种巨大的情绪力量,它可以促进儿童好好学习的愿望。请你注意无论如何不要使这种内在的力量消失,缺少这种力量,教育上的任何巧妙措施都是无济于事的。


情绪 qíngxù

1、情丝,缠绵的情意 2、泛指感情 3、心情;心境 4、情况;端绪 5、劲头 6、指不正当或不愉快的情感 
情绪 (心理学名词) 情绪,是对一系列主观认知经验的通称,是多种感觉、思想和行为综合产生的心理和生理状态。 情绪 (汉语词语) 情绪是人的内心世界外在表达方式。能够 自我觉察,即当自己某种情绪刚一出现时便能够察觉,它是情绪智力的核心能力。



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