

  • 1、失败培养了你的忍耐力,困难磨出来你的意志力,对手会使你学会乘风破浪而毫无怯意,对手迫使你越来越勇敢地接受暴风雨的洗礼。当“让暴风雨来得更猛烈些吧”成为你的心声时,那时的你是勇敢的,因为你想磨练自己。
  • 2、但是,不可不知道,要当一位出色的谈判专家真是谈何容易,既要有无穷的忍耐力和富有专业精神外,还要不分昼夜随时候命出勤。
  • 3、Inthe face of adversity, my mother's unwavering patience and perseverance taught me the power of resilience and the importance of staying strong.
  • 4、Despite countless setbacks and obstacles, she continues to display an extraordinary level of endurance and fortitude, proving that patience is the ultimate key to success.
  • 5、The young athlete's endurance and patience during grueling training sessions is truly awe-inspiring, motivating those around him to push their limits and achieve greatness.
  • 6、Like the roots of a mighty oak tree, our friendship has weathered countless storms and challenges, strengthened by a shared sense of patience and understanding.
  • 7、Through the ups and downs of life, I have learned that true strength lies not in physical prowess, but in the ability to maintain a calm and patient mindset when faced with adversity.
  • 8、The teacher's patience and unwavering belief in her students' potential has transformed countless lives, proving that education and perseverance can truly change the world.
  • 9、The parent's unconditional love and patience, even in the face of their child's mistakes and flaws, is a testament to the incredible strength and resilience of the human spirit.
  • 10、In a world obsessed with instant gratification, learning to cultivate patience has become a rare and invaluable skill, offering us the ability to fully appreciate life's journey rather than rushing to the destination.
  • 11、Like a delicate flower blooming in the harsh desert, the determined entrepreneur's patience and perseverance in pursuing their dreams is nothing short of remarkable.
  • 12、The wise elder's tales of patience and wisdom have been passed down through generations, reminding us of the timeless virtues that have shaped our society.
  • 13、In the face of societal pressures and unrealistic expectations, the young woman's resilience and patience have allowed her to stay true to herself, refusing to conform to the mold.
  • 14、The therapist's patient and empathetic presence created a safe space for healing and self-discovery, proving that sometimes, healing takes time and patience.
  • 15、The marathon runner's grit and determination were put to the test as they crossed the finish line, showcasing the unimaginable power of patience and endurance.
  • 16、The scientist's groundbreaking discoveries were not achieved overnight, but through years of meticulous research and unwavering patience, redefining our understanding of the world.
  • 17、The project's success was a testament to the team's patience and collaborative efforts, demonstrating that great things can be achieved through collective perseverance.
  • 18、在明亮的白昼要像雄狼一样深沉细心!在黑暗的夜里,要像乌鸦一样,有坚强的忍耐力!成吉思汗
  • 19、可以看得出来,胡杏正在使唤一种坚韧无比的忍耐力承担着这些活的分量,那眼泪像湖水一样淹没了她的赤金色的眼珠子。
  • 20、“光明面”的基因结构可能支持人们对压力事件的更具有忍耐力,同时增加对于焦虑、失望和其他心理健康问题的抵抗力。
  • 21忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。
  • 22、比如,集群的卷尾猴在用芹菜梗和脆饼干棒去蘸罐子里生酱时表现出了很强的忍耐力,而不是立即把美味的棒子吃掉。
  • 23、我从出生以来就是一个忍耐力很强的孩子。不是我坚强,而是我必须要变的坚强。郑允浩
  • 24、任何投资都需具备智慧性的忍耐力
  • 25、创造主赋予男性积极的活动能力。但在男女关系上,结果却适得其反。男人有时会承受极大的负担。创造主给予女性则是消极的很强的忍耐力,看来好像吃了亏,事实上女人玩弄了男人,得到良好的效果。
  • 26、标准雪纳瑞具有极高的智商,聪明、乐于接受训练,勇敢,对气候和疾病有很强的忍耐力和抵御力。
  • 27、刑讯逼供只考察一个人的忍耐力,不能考察事实的真相。蒙田
  • 28、丘亚不紧不慢地走着,从墨维第一次逃跑的紧张到现在的无动於衷,丘亚佩服墨维的精神,也佩服王的忍耐力
  • 29、浩燃忍耐力不比海春候,仅听三五句就怒火横生,大喝一声“我灭了你”。
  • 30忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。如果寒暄只是打个招呼就了事的话,那与猴子的呼叫声有什么不同呢事实上,正确的寒暄必须在短短一句话中明显地表露出你对他的关怀。
  • 31、英才,是忍耐力的别名。
  • 32、股票乃是安全性最高的"赌徒",光凭"赌运"并不一定就能够成功,还有赖于思考力与忍耐力的结合。
  • 33、不是因为是我朋友我才把他塑造得这么高大。冯仑的忍耐力和责任心不是一般人能够比的。
  • 34、与太阳能漫游者所不同的是,太空跳跃者的忍耐力将被所能携带的燃料限制。
  • 35、面临灾难,一个得体的民族表现出非常强的忍耐力:没有趁火打劫,海啸幸存者也少有抱怨。
  • 36、一个有信念者所开发出的力量,大于99个只有兴趣者。忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。
  • 37、阳光就这么直冲冲的奔向每一寸暴露的土地,肆意的张扬着,叫嚣着,挑衅着人们的忍耐力
  • 38、对自我要有约束力,对他人要有亲和力,对处世要有宽容力,对求知要有精进力,对困境要有忍耐力,对成功要有推动力!
  • 39、心思慎密,聰明能幹,有辦事能力,忍耐力強,大方得體,出得廳堂入得廚房。
  • 40、托钵僧印度教的禁欲主义者或托钵僧,尤指具有非凡的技艺和忍耐力的.
  • 41、萨摩耶犬以具有忍耐力与健壮的体格而闻名。
  • 42、摩羯座的星座标识像是一笔划出山羊外形特征的一种古代象形文字,山羊本来就是一种个性非常强韧、克苦耐劳的动物,有这攀登绝壁坚强的意志忍耐力
  • 43、凡成大事者都有超乎常人的意志力忍耐力,也就是说,碰到艰难险阻或陷入困境,常人难以坚持下去而放弃或逃避时,有作为的人往往能够挺住,挺过去就是胜者。
  • 44、尽管很多人解释说,他的作品是在运用人类身体的忍耐力,但是他的作品最有力的一面,恰是他在这个世界上快乐的意动。


忍耐力 rěnnàilì

忍耐力 忍耐力是指忍受疼痛和苦难的能力。生物学中忍耐力是指生物体对污染物的忍受能力。




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