- 1、世界明晚进入南非时间开幕式上演非洲式狂欢。
- 2、可耻的NBC。你糟蹋了一个完美的开幕式。简直就像看一部剪掉所有吻戏亲热戏的电影!
- 3、The opening ceremony of the Olympics was a mesmerizing spectacle that brought together athletes from around the world to celebrate the spirit of competition and unity.
- 4、The grandeur of the opening ceremony left the audience in awe, as the performers and musicians showcased their talents with stunning precision and grace.
- 5、The anticipation in the air was palpable as the audience eagerly awaited the start of the opening ceremony, knowing that it would be a momentous occasion.
- 6、The opening ceremony was a testament to the host country's rich cultural heritage, as traditional dances and music were woven seamlessly into the modern performances.
- 7、The opening ceremony served as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of sports, as athletes from diverse backgrounds came together to inspire and entertain.
- 8、The opening ceremony set the tone for the entire event, igniting a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition among the athletes, and creating an atmosphere of celebration.
- 9、The opening ceremony was a visual feast, with elaborate costumes, stunning visual effects, and breathtaking choreography that left the audience spellbound.
- 10、The opening ceremony captured the essence of the host country's culture and traditions, paying homage to its history while embracing the future.
- 11、The opening ceremony was a magical experience that transcended boundaries, bringing people from different nations and cultures together in a shared moment of joy and celebration.
- 12、The opening ceremony was a reflection of the host country's commitment to excellence, as every aspect of the event was meticulously planned and executed with flawless precision.
- 13、The opening ceremony was a testament to the power of unity, as athletes from rival nations paraded together, setting aside their differences in the spirit of fair play.
- 14、The opening ceremony was an emotional rollercoaster, with touching moments of tribute to past champions and powerful displays of determination and resilience.
- 15、The opening ceremony celebrated the beauty of diversity, as performers from various disciplines and backgrounds showcased their unique talents and contributions.
- 16、The opening ceremony left an indelible mark on the hearts of all those who witnessed it, reminding us of the power of human creativity and the spirit of collaboration.
- 17、The opening ceremony evoked a sense of nostalgia and pride, as the host country paid homage to its cultural icons and historical achievements.
- 18、The opening ceremony symbolized a new chapter in the Olympic Games, marking the beginning of a journey filled with hope, determination, and unforgettable moments.
- 19、The opening ceremony united the world in a shared moment of celebration, reminding us that despite our differences, we are all part of the global human family.
- 20、翻卷着时代的风云,美丽的舞台,会有一个清雅脱俗的开幕式,也常有一个雄奇壮伟的谢幕礼。
- 21、据说卡塔尔方面为打造出一场精彩绝伦的开幕式而专门投入了2.5亿美元的巨资,但面对当天强风夹杂暴雨的恶劣天气,组委会不得不取消了原定的某些特技表演。
- 22、第97届“印度科学大会”3日在喀拉拉邦首府特里凡得琅开幕,印度*理辛格在开幕式发言中呼吁社会各界为把印度建设成“知识之国”而努力。
- 23、伊利亚迪斯,希腊奥运会柔道冠军,将担任北京奥运会开幕式希腊代表团的旗手。
- 24、对于前晚世乒赛的开幕式,沙拉拉也赞叹不已:“这是有史以来最好的一次。
- 25、大连市**向北京残奥会中国代表团转赠了两只导盲犬,它们将服务于残奥会开幕式及颁奖仪式。
- 26、凯文指出:”我们的研究发现,全球约有六亿观众收看了奥运会的开幕式,而大约只有三点二亿人收看了2006年德国世界杯的闭幕式。
- 27、亚艺节开幕式晚会今晚8时上演。
- 28、火树银花奥运开幕式彩排绚丽烟火!
- 29、本产品囊括了中国2010年上海世界博览会的开幕式及开园仪式.
- 30、世界杯开幕式上,身着五彩服饰和人体彩绘的歌手以及舞者带来了精彩演出。
- 31、在开幕式和闭幕式上,有八位旗手护送着奥林匹克旗。
- 32、当日,第七届“江苏省乡村青年文化节”开幕式暨“向百万农村务工青年大拜年文艺演出”在全国文明镇东台市头灶镇举行。
- 33、为了讨好别人我常常为索然无味的笑话大笑,就像家长对待学校恳亲会演出的开幕式一样。
- 34、接下来,他将赶赴中国,希望作为一个体育爱好者,出席北京奥运会的开幕式。
- 35、现年18岁的莫利纳缺席了周五的奥运会开幕式,并且在过去两天里,他一直趟在床上。
- 36、根据会议实施方案安排,研讨会开幕式定于12月28日下午在合浦还珠宾馆举行。
- 37、29届北京奥运会是中国古往今来承办的首次奥运会,开幕式气象万千的境像体现了举办城市特殊的文化奇迹,有诸多环节让人耳目一新。
- 38、而拥有美国独家代理权的NBC至今没有证实会在网上直播开幕式。
- 39、奥运会的开幕式那可谓是八音迭奏,美不胜收。
- 40、本届民歌节一个重要的变化是,从以往庄重的“开幕式晚会”变成了live。
- 41、2008年8月8日,在北京奥运会开幕式上,897块活字印刷字盘变换出不同字体的“和”字,向世界传达了中国浩瀚历史中的和谐文化。
- 42、奥林匹克运动会开幕式通过电视卫星实况转播。
- 43、下面,我宣布秋韵伊人外语系“星源”师生英语文化节开幕式正式开始。
- 44、泰国副*理波钦主持会议开幕式并发表讲话说,随着全球化进程进一步发展,犯罪分子利用先进技术手段和各国法律的漏洞更多地从事跨国犯罪。
- 45、在学习方面只有坚持不懈的努力才能取得好的成绩.校运会开幕式渐渐接近了,我坚持不懈地每天训练着跑步。
- 46、王鹏摄图为阿荣旗首届乡村旅游文化节开幕式演出现场。
- 47、昨日,2002年巴人文化艺术节开幕式上,在古巴人聚居之地———巴中江北新区白云台广场表演中重现了这种已经消失几个世纪的神奇战舞———巴渝舞。
- 48、永久的怀念——在邓*平生平和思想研讨会开幕式上的书面发言。
- 49、这次学校文艺表演的开幕式举办的格外引人注目。
- 50、本届京剧节开幕式京剧数板《优孟衣冠》、北京京评戏曲剧团参赛剧目《大山里》、中国戏曲学院实验剧团祝贺演出《长征组歌》中,都有谈元的身影。