

  • 1、刘岳雷纯碎是想让陈天一去开导一下彭阳的。
  • 2、从此,“同乐社”的玩友们在两位社头的开导下,达成共识,大家毅然解掉了绑在腿上的高跷。
  • 3、When life knocks you down and you feel like giving up, remember that every challenge is an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser. Open your heart to the lessons life is trying to teach you and never lose sight of your inner strength.
  • 4、Intimes of darkness and despair, know that you have the power to rise above it all. Embrace the warmth of hope and let it guide you towards a brighter tomorrow. The light at the end of the tunnel may be closer than you think.
  • 5、When faced with failure, don't let it define you. Instead, use it as a stepping stone towards success. Learn from your mistakes, adapt, and never lose faith in your ability to reach your goals. Your determination will pave the way to victory.
  • 6、Life is a journey filled with ups and downs. Embrace the roller coaster ride and cherish every moment, for it's the challenges that make the victories sweeter. Stay positive, keep moving forward, and remember that the best is yet to come.
  • 7、Inthe face of adversity, don't let fear paralyze you. Take a deep breath, summon your courage, and confront your fears head-on. You are stronger than you think, and victory is waiting on the other side of your bravery.
  • 8、When others try to bring you down, rise above their negativity. Surround yourself with positivity, love, and support. Don't let their words or actions define your worth. Remember that you are enough, and your light will always shine brighter than the darkness around you.
  • 9、Don't dwell on past mistakes and regrets. Use them as stepping stones towards personal growth and self-improvement. Forgive yourself, learn from your past, and embrace the opportunity to create a brighter future. You have the power to change your story.
  • 10、When faced with rejection, don't let it discourage you. Use it as motivation to work harder and strive for excellence. Rejection may be a redirection towards something better suited for you. Keep going, and success will find its way to you.
  • 11、When life throws curveballs your way, don't let them knock you off balance. Adjust your stance, keep an eye on the ball, and swing with unwavering determination. Each swing brings you one step closer to hitting that home run.
  • 12、When overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, take a step back to breathe. Clear your mind, find solace in nature, and reconnect with your inner peace. Remember that you have the strength to overcome any challenge that comes your way. Your calmness will create a ripple effect, spreading tranquility to those around you.
  • 13、When feeling discouraged and defeated, remember that success is not always measured by external achievements. Embrace your personal growth, celebrate your small victories, and cultivate gratitude for the blessings in your life. True success lies in the happiness and contentment you find within yourself.
  • 14、When facing a crossroads in life, dare to choose the path less traveled. Embrace the unknown, seize new opportunities, and step outside your comfort zone. It is in the journey of the unfamiliar that you may discover your true purpose and unlock hidden potentials.
  • 15、In times of heartbreak and loss, remember that wounds may heal, but scars tell a story of resilience. Take your time to grieve, be kind to yourself, and surround yourself with love and support. From the ashes of pain, a stronger and wiser version of yourself will rise.
  • 16、When overwhelmed by negativity, be a beacon of positivity in the world. Spread kindness, compassion, and understanding to all those you encounter. Your actions may inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of love and unity in the world.
  • 17、When faced with adversity, don't let it define your identity. Rise above the challenges, embrace your uniqueness, and let your true self shine. Your strength and authenticity will serve as an inspiration to others, empowering them to embrace their own individuality.
  • 18、周末了,我郑重向你转告:困了要睡觉,累了往沙发上靠,快乐了要微笑,烦恼要忘掉,抑郁找我开导,想我了请我吃甜糕,如果不回短信,出门被蚂蚁绊倒!
  • 19、孙世佳似乎开导一下付康,后者也不过面子上过不去,经过孙世佳开导,就坡下驴,最终四人以孙世佳和付康以百分之十五的利息借贷苏鹏未来的酬金达成协议。
  • 20、赵老师发动同学现身说法地开导后进学生,已经取得了一些效果。
  • 21、四月一号好日子,真心来把祝福递:困了一定要睡觉,累了要把沙发靠,乐了脸上要微笑,烦了尽量快忘掉,抑郁找我来开导,想我请我吃面包,懒了不回我短信,出门就被钱绊倒!呵呵,愚人节快乐哦!
  • 22、经过老师的开导,他为自己的过失感到羞愧万分。
  • 23、朋友的一番“开导”,戴杰峰心领神会,他的思想渐渐开始动摇了,他想用行动改变自己的一副穷酸相。
  • 24、周末了,我郑重向你转告:困了要睡觉,累了往沙发上靠,快乐了要微笑,烦恼要忘掉,抑郁找我开导,想我了请我吃甜糕!
  • 25、董事长,我觉得小海现在这样也是处于青春期感情冲动的缘故,说不定你和沈总两人对他晓以利害、慢慢开导,他会改变心意的。
  • 26、时间好比一位妙手成春的良医,它能帮助我们医治流血的心灵。时间犹如一个万能的慰藉者,它能开导我们忘记人生的伤痛。时间有如一位循循善诱的智者,他能引导求学者构筑知识的大厦。时间好比一位点屏成蝇的画家,他会帮助勤奋者描绘辉煌的明天。
  • 27、起初莎兰还很犹豫,薛宇问明原因之后,花费了九牛二虎之力开导莎兰,最终莎兰才因为薛宇的一句“如果你不想这狂血斗气被埋没的话,你就传给巴洛克!”。
  • 28、这样一来,脱离了行为引导的口头开导,也只能成为令孩子讨厌的空洞说教。
  • 29、经过老师的开导,刘梅与冯丽又握手言欢了。
  • 30、自从有了聊天室,老姐儿们就坐在一起开导张大妈,帮她消除心结。
  • 31、一场恶梦令我的心情陷入极度不安之中,妈妈语重心长地开导让我心中的阴霾顿时烟消云散。
  • 32、于是,从另外一个更加辽阔宽广的视野及角度上来开导和指拨他,说一个国家要兴旺发达,它是须臾也离不开企业家的打拼和努力的。
  • 33、如果疲惫,就用美觉解解乏,如果辛苦,就用美食来解除,如果烦恼,就用远足来开导,如果周末,就用些时间来快乐,祝福周末开心!
  • 34、如果,感到此时的自己很辛苦,那告诉自己:容易走的都是下坡路。坚持住,因为你正在走上坡路,走过去,你就一定会有进步。如果,你正在埋怨命运不眷顾,开导自己:命,是失败者的借口;运,是成功者的谦词。命运从来都是掌握在自己的手中,努力,是人生的态度。早安!
  • 35、当人遇到校园暴力事件时,很遗憾,父母的亲情或老师的开导并没有多大帮助,只有友情才是最好的武器。东野圭吾
  • 36、最近我情绪不太好,进入低谷状态,变得自闭、焦虑。希望朋友们可以请我尝尝冰淇淋、吃吃饭、看看电影、唱唱歌、喝喝咖啡什么的,开导开导我。最好再送我个IPHONE6、手表、包包、金条什么的,用爱与包容帮助我走出低潮,让我知道,人间还是有真情的。
  • 37、三是在同事中当好朋友角色;跟同事交心,了解他们的内心世界,在他们有“满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪”前做好开导工作,鼓励同事保持最佳心理状态。
  • 38、受过教育的人知道怎样将每一官能为一种工具,知道怎样开导它、磨砺它、并且怎样施于实用。
  • 39、今土宇日广,文武并用,卓荦奇伟之才,世岂无之,或隐于山林,或藏于士伍,非在上者开导引拔之,则在下者无以自见。
  • 40、两个娭毑闹情绪,急坏了公寓的管理员,副院长李伟左一声“娘老子”、右一声“娘老子”地开导劝慰,两个娭毑又一脸灿烂了。
  • 41、对失足青少年,要多做思想工作,积极开导
  • 42、带他街头卖唱练胆儿;鼓励宋妍霏保持良好势头,勇夺考试第一名;与张予曦促膝长谈,用职业生涯感悟开导她勇敢直面非议。
  • 43、阿亮笑眯眯的看着肖梦宇开导六郎,心中坚定了信任这两个人的想法。
  • 44、当不幸降临在他人头上时,他们往往都能像智者一样劝慰别人;而当同样的不幸降临自己身上时,人往往很难同样地开导自己。
  • 45、当你感到很累很辛苦的时侯就告诉自己,容易走的都是下坡路。坚持住,因为你正在走上坡路,走过去,你就一定会有进步。如果,你正在埋怨命运不眷顾,开导自己:命,是失败者的借口;运,是成功者的谦词。命运从来都是掌握在自己手中,埋怨,只是一种懦弱的表现;努力,才是人生的态度。
  • 46、我那个儿子是鬼迷心窍了,你来开导开导他吧。
  • 47、幸亏管教勤开导,斗私批修指方向。
  • 48、经过老师耐心的开导,他变得活泼起来。
  • 49、我郑重向你转告:困了要睡觉,累了往沙发上靠,快乐了要微笑,烦恼要忘掉,抑郁找我开导,想我了请我吃甜糕,如果不回短信,出门被蚂蚁绊倒!
  • 50、经过老师一番春风化雨的开导,倔强的明明认识到了自己的错误。


开导 kāidǎo

开导 开导,汉语词汇。 释义:kāi dǎo 指启发劝导。通俗的来讲就是就是让你开始明白,并引导你理解某些东西。心理上的帮人引出困境。




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