

  • 1、自治区刚成立时,新疆只有拖拉机327台,如今,播种机、收割机、除草机等农业机械化装备,早已成了农民种地的“常规武器”。
  • 2、现在激光武器和粒子束武器被认为是超常规武器,本文认为它们是第三代常规武器
  • 3、Inthe face of adversity, love and compassion are our most powerful conventional weapons to conquer hatred and unite humanity.
  • 4、Education is the conventional weapon that empowers individuals to break the chains of ignorance and build a brighter future for themselves and society.
  • 5、Laughter is a conventional weapon that disarms negativity, brings joy to the heart, and connects souls in the language of happiness.
  • 6、Knowledge is the most valuable conventional weapon in the pursuit of truth, enlightenment, and the advancement of civilization.
  • 7、The pen is mightier than the sword, for it is a conventional weapon that has the power to ignite minds, inspire revolutions, and change the course of history.
  • 8、Forgiveness, a conventional weapon of the strong, can break the cycle of hatred, heal wounds, and lead to reconciliation and peace.
  • 9、Empathy is a conventional weapon that bridges gaps between individuals, fostering understanding, and promoting unity in diversity.
  • 10、Hope is a conventional weapon against despair, a flame that burns bright even in the darkest of times, inspiring resilience and the pursuit of dreams.
  • 11、Science and innovation are the conventional weapons of progress, driving humanity forward by unraveling the mysteries of the universe and solving complex problems.
  • 12、Honesty is a conventional weapon that builds trust, strengthens relationships, and creates a foundation of integrity in personal and professional spheres.
  • 13、Courage is the conventional weapon of resilience, enabling individuals to face fears, overcome challenges, and emerge stronger than ever before.
  • 14、Dreams are the conventional weapons of the hopeful, propelling them forward, igniting passion, and transforming visions into reality.
  • 15、Creativity is a conventional weapon of expression, allowing individuals to share their unique perspectives, inspire others, and spark positive change.
  • 16、Optimism is a conventional weapon against adversity, instilling hope, resilience, and a belief in the possibilities of a brighter future.
  • 17、Kindness is a conventional weapon that has the power to heal wounds, mend broken hearts, and create a world filled with compassion and empathy.
  • 18、Friendship is a conventional weapon that strengthens bonds, offers support, and ensures that no one ever feels alone in the journey of life.
  • 19、然而,有一种印象,一些国家依然将*武器的应用作为对常规武器占压倒优势一方的报复。
  • 20、普兰尼赛场的常规武器.各距离上的威力均衡,但射速较慢,需上弹.
  • 21、英国仍须保持*武器和常规武器的生产能力,以应对各种潜在威胁。
  • 22、我国已经拥有了自主开发研制常规武器的能力.
  • 23、叶文智将“兵行诡道”列为教条:旅游不允许用常规武器,越“颠”越好,“干一次要顶5年,让人永远记住的,就是那种*武器的效果。
  • 24、常规战争使用的是用常规武器而不是*武器.
  • 25、越战的时候苏制常规武器比美国的好多了。
  • 26、行程调节:化学武器和常规武器公约无限在两个方向上的旋转调整.
  • 27、今时今日*弯买什么常规武器还能对中国产生影响吗?武器的影响远小于政治上的因素。
  • 28、除煤气炮、驱鸟王、恐怖眼、风动反光驱鸟装置等常规武器外,新装备的集束强声波驱鸟车也第一次派上用场。
  • 29、他们认为有*武器是防止遭常规武器进攻的保障.
  • 30、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,更能学到有用的知识.


常规武器 chángguīwǔqì

常规武器 核武器、化学武器、生物武器等有大规模杀伤破坏性的武器以外的武器,通常称为常规武器。常规武器包括地面常规武器、航空常规武器和海上常规武器。地面常规武器包括地面突击武器、地面压制武器、地面防御武器、防空武器和轻武器。航空常规武器包括各种作战飞机、保障飞机和机载武器系统。海上常规武器包括舰艇和海军飞机以及舰载、机载武器系统和水中兵器。在大规模杀伤破坏武器出现以前,常规武器是武装斗争的主要工具。



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