

  • 1、它能展示人的权力、财富、品味和鉴赏力;能让敌友刮目相看;时常还能体现时代风气。
  • 2、这些特色产品进京参展,充分展示了浓厚的稷王文化和独具特色的枣乡风采。
  • 3、The art exhibition beautifully showcases the unique talent, creativity, and passion of the local artists, capturing the essence of their diverse experiences and emotions.
  • 4、The fashion show was a dazzling display of glamour and elegance, revealing the latest trends and designs that left the audience in awe.
  • 5、Through his heartfelt performance, the musician effortlessly demonstrated his deep love for music, taking the audience on an emotional journey of joy, melancholy, and hope.
  • 6、The documentary vividly portrays the harsh realities of poverty, the resilience of the human spirit, and the urgent need for social change, leaving a lasting impact on its viewers.
  • 7、The historic museum meticulously exhibits artifacts from different eras, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of our past and gain a deeper understanding of our shared heritage.
  • 8、The chef's culinary creations not only tantalized the taste buds but also visually delighted the diners, showing that food can be both a work of art and a source of comfort.
  • 9、The theatrical performance captivated the audience with its compelling storyline, stunning visual effects, and powerful performances, leaving them on the edge of their seats.
  • 10、The photography exhibition skillfully captures the beauty of nature, the raw emotions of everyday life, and the intricacies of human relationships, evoking a sense of wonder and reflection in its viewers.
  • 11、The science fair allowed young aspiring scientists to showcase their innovative inventions and groundbreaking research, inspiring others to pursue their own curiosity and thirst for knowledge.
  • 12、The dance recital mesmerized the audience with its graceful choreography, synchronized movements, and passionate expressions, speaking a universal language that transcends barriers.
  • 13、The trade show displayed the latest technological advancements and groundbreaking products, igniting the imagination and highlighting the boundless possibilities of the future.
  • 14、The sports event brought together athletes from various backgrounds, demonstrating their dedication, skills, and unwavering sportsmanship, inspiring both young and old to pursue their own athletic aspirations.
  • 15、The charity event showcased the compassion and generosity of the community, as people came together to support those in need, reminding us of the power of unity and kindness.
  • 16、The fashion photography exhibition revealed the artistry behind the lens, capturing not only the beauty of the models but also the emotions and stories they embody, challenging societal beauty norms.
  • 17、The dance performance by a group of disabled individuals was a testament to the indomitable human spirit, breaking barriers and dispelling stereotypes about their abilities.
  • 18、The historical reenactment authentically recreated the past, transporting the audience to a different era, providing a valuable educational experience that brought history to life.
  • 19、The film screening shed light on important social issues, shedding tears, laughter, and contemplation, provoking conversations and inspiring action for change.
  • 20、The art installation displayed thought-provoking visuals and symbolism, challenging conventional ideas and inviting viewers to question the status quo and envision a better future.
  • 21、一个人,如果能够出口成章,滔滔不绝,语重心长又能催人奋发,就不仅展示了他深厚的文化功底,更体现了他高尚的品德素养。
  • 22、要想展示才华潜质闪光点十分难,但是要想展示缺点十分容易,不用刻意展示,大家都能看见。
  • 23、海面上白帆点点,与天上朵朵的白云相映成辉,几只飞翔的海鸥迎风飞舞着,展示着它那曼妙的舞姿。游玩的人们,或立、或坐、或卧、或跑,相互说笑着,观赏着“蓝天、碧水、金沙滩”,惬意极了。
  • 24、他给菲利浦展示出来的是下流粗俗的巴黎,但是菲利浦却被这光怪陆离的世界弄得眼花缭乱。
  • 25、心向光明诚信诚实,坦坦荡荡做人光明磊落做事,以良好的精神状态和实际行动,向社会展示公司良好的企业形象。
  • 26、乾隆皇帝的“龙井八咏”怎样展示好。
  • 27、鸟儿们欢快地唱着动听的歌儿,在发了芽的柳树上飞上飞下,用动人的舞姿来展示自己的才华,跳着春天的舞蹈。
  • 28、柳树早已脱去了她如泉如瀑、如伞如盖的绿色,用她的萧条继续感动着人们。原本绿色的稻田也换上了金黄色的盛装,向人们炫耀着自己的成果。金色的桂花傲立枝头,散发着甜香。菊花更是不会放过这个展示自我的机会,争先恐后为秋天的金色画卷添上明丽的几笔。
  • 29、体育的盛会,也是美的盛会,每一个体育项目几乎都是美的展示:举重是拔山盖世之美,花样游泳是出水芙蓉之美,短跑是利箭离弦之美。
  • 30、远远望去,不是很鲜艳,它的色彩犹如天边的朝霞,这就是孕育这新生命的种子。我最喜欢那朵粉红色的山茶花,花瓣里缀满了许多金黄色的小颗粒,柔软而有弹性,像婴儿般甜美的笑脸展示着它的快乐。
  • 31、清晨,当太阳刚刚探出小脑袋,一朵朵牵牛花便舒展着自己的身体,露出了自己的笑脸。它们在一根竹竿上迎风起舞,尽情地展示着自己的舞蹈天赋,快乐无比。
  • 32、我始终相信"天生我才必有用"。我要继续奋斗,展示自己的才能,努力成为新世纪的优秀人才。
  • 33、这种方法在清单4中展示,具有减少屏幕上显示的输出量的好处。
  • 34、他博览群书,潇洒飘逸,可以表现的面真的很多,大家觉得诸葛亮是三面的,那我们要展示五个面给观众。
  • 35、老天折磨人就在于它不怀好意地给你展示了什么是美好的,然后看着你中意垂涎到瞧不起其他所有,再把它收回,告诉你说,别做梦了,其实这都跟你没关系。
  • 36、记得要忘记,好悖逆的话,千年前海国灭亡时你们保持沉默,百年前空桑灭亡时你们也选择了沉默,现在,九天上的神啊!你们要开始展示你们的力量了吗?
  • 37、这个应用通过帮助影片,插图,详细文字向狗主人展示如何对待那些轻微的疾病,如创伤,哽塞,中毒,包扎等。
  • 38、古人称月亮为婵娟,那是一个多么美丽的名字,“但愿人长久,千里共婵娟”。冰清玉洁的婵娟,我多想也用美妙的诗句来形容你,可是我怕自己笨拙地无法展示出你的美丽。
  • 39、在比卡内尔,我们在一处古堡开始一天的参观。展示柜里有一张令敌人心惊胆战的铜鼓,还有一双寺庙里用的象牙制成的拖鞋。
  • 40、来到西湖边,荷花一朵朵,有的还是花骨朵儿,不想露出美丽的笑脸,有的只张开了一两朵花瓣,有的把全部的美丽展示给我们看,美极了。
  • 41、太阳无语,却放射出光辉;高山无语,却体现出巍峨;大地无语,却展示出广博。
  • 42、建一个陈列架,让孩子在上面充分展示自己的作品。
  • 43、在盐城地区第一家以展示厅的形式将宾馆、酒店家具陈列在与真实宾馆客房、酒店1:1比例的展房中,让顾客选购宾馆、酒店家具的时候,有身临其境的真实感。
  • 44、发展企业的历程,我们百感交集,其中的甜酸苦辣,也许今后将成为中国物业管理博物馆的展示内容。
  • 45、平凡的事业,却展示了您伟大的人格;盛开的鲜花,也凝聚了您挚爱的心血。
  • 46、昆士兰人今年在面对特别事件时展示出了它们的坚韧性和适应性。
  • 47、自信是雄鹰凭借展翅凌霄的搏击展示出的豪气,自信是高山凭借傲视群峰的峻拔显示出的巍峨,自信是江河凭借川流不息的奔腾显示出的气魄,自信是当你面对挑战时勇往直前的勇气与精神。
  • 48、绿叶当中,镶嵌着一个黄中带白的花蕊,像一位婷婷玉立的公主坐在莲花台上,散发着淡淡的幽香,似乎会吸引着很多人来观赏它,源自知之小工具好展示自己优美的身姿。这就是美丽的兰花。
  • 49、在科技新产品展示会上,展品众多,使他看得眼花缭乱。
  • 50、竖一个陈列架,让孩子在上面充分展示自己的作品。


展示 zhǎnshì

展示 “展”:意思为舒展,展开,也指阐明,叙述、大规模地进行等多个含义。“示”:把事物拿出来或指出来使别人知道,是“示”作偏旁的变形。凡用礻(示)做偏旁部首的字均与祭祀有关,如宗、神、祀、祈、福、祷、禨、祭、祥、祝。指示、示意的示是后起引申用法。)(包括对神的崇拜活动和心理)“展示”:展开其内容,通过知觉感受,实现预期效果的过程。自然界中的现象如:植物开花,孔雀开屏,狼嚎等;人类社会中多用于信息传达,如表演、化妆、婚礼、展览、庆典、人际交往等。



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