- 1、成都城区,长街短巷,屋顶花园触目皆是。
- 2、首先屋顶花园的设计应服从于建筑设计,砖木、钢结构屋面是不允许建屋顶花园的,只有混合结构的平屋面、混凝土结构的平屋面和坡屋面才允许建造屋顶花园。
- 3、The rooftop garden is a peaceful oasis in the midst of the bustling city, providing a serene escape from the noise and chaos below.
- 4、With blooming flowers, lush greenery, and a panoramic view of the city skyline, the rooftop garden is a picturesque paradise.
- 5、The rooftop garden is a testament to the harmonious coexistence of nature and architecture, showcasing the beauty that can be created when humans and plants come together.
- 6、AsI stroll through the rooftop garden, the sweet scent of flowers fills the air, evoking a sense of tranquility and serenity.
- 7、The rooftop garden is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also serves as a reminder of the importance of environmental sustainability and green living.
- 8、From the rooftop garden, I can see the world from a different perspective, gaining a new appreciation for the beauty and diversity that surrounds us.
- 9、Surrounded by the vibrant colors of blooming flowers, I feel a surge of inspiration and creativity in the rooftop garden.
- 10、The rooftop garden is a symbol of hope and resilience, showing how even in the most unexpected places, life can flourish.
- 11、Walking along the rooftop garden's winding path, I feel a sense of peace and tranquility wash over me, as if the worries of the world have been left behind.
- 12、The rooftop garden is a living testament to the power of green spaces in improving mental health and promoting overall well-being.
- 13、From the rooftop garden, I can escape the concrete jungle below and immerse myself in the beauty and serenity of nature.
- 14、The rooftop garden is a popular gathering spot for friends and family, where they can reconnect with each other and with the natural world around them.
- 15、As I sit in the rooftop garden, I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the beauty of nature and the opportunity to be surrounded by it.
- 16、With its lush plants and comfortable seating areas, the rooftop garden is the perfect place to unwind and relax after a long day.
- 17、The rooftop garden is a testament to the power of human ingenuity and creativity in transforming unused spaces into something beautiful and meaningful.
- 18、From the rooftop garden, I can watch the changing seasons unfold, witnessing the cycle of life and growth in the midst of the concrete jungle.
- 19、屋顶花园是一种重要的园林绿化形式,在城市绿地面积逐步减少的当今社会,尤其显得颇为重要。
- 20、这些笼中鸟有一个屋顶花园。
- 21、小寒高高坐在白宫公寓屋顶花园的水泥阑干上,五个女孩子簇拥在她下面,一个小些的伏在她腿上,其余的都倚着阑干。
- 22、所有办公室也都设在一楼,其上部有一个屋顶花园,用作户外放映、儿童活动区和大客厅。
- 23、在这之后,东京屋顶绿化率逐步提高。同时,屋顶花园还能降低室内温度,减少空调成本,从而保护环境。
- 24、这是在大都会博物馆的屋顶花园上举行的第十一个艺术家个展。
- 25、酒店占地约43亩,总建筑面积3万余平方米,拥有风格各异舒适典雅的湖景海景客房248间套有轻松优雅的中西餐厅花团锦簇的屋顶花园和面积达1200平方米的花园泳池还有康体中心山地车沙滩运动项目湖畔垂钓儿童娱乐室中国银行atm提款机等配套设施。
- 26、笪铃君在屋顶花园内漫步,赵卫东看着眼前熟悉的花草树木、弯弯曲曲的小径、音乐喷泉、小亭、一个又一个的草坪,由于小径设计独到,在小径中漫步不仅悠闲自在,怡然自乐。
- 27、玛勃罗屋顶花园用镜子与花钵来构成。
- 28、称之谓感性城市,展馆罩在一个格子状结构中,内部体现花园功能,墙上长满植物,还有一个屋顶花园和许多水池。
- 29、云端学院给云昊分配了一套联排别墅,有屋顶花园,藤蔓缠绕的凉棚,夕阳西下,满目青山,云昊与凤凰小队的几位美女讨论学习。
- 30、吴少伯四处找土,地质勘探,发掘了泥炭土、菜园土、草煤土等适宜屋顶花园的土壤品种。
- 31、日本的枫树和铜山树在屋顶花园车库和草坪车道附近,宽的鹅卵石看起来像风景的一部分。
- 32、令人印象深刻的是屋顶花园,在这片绿油油的天地中,有新西兰所特有的微缩版高山、大海、Korokoro热湖、银蕨、牧场和农业,漫步其中,恍如来到了南太平洋。
- 33、提供更便捷舒适的环境场所,其中包括架空空间及屋顶花园.