

  • 1、斯普林认为这本书对于还原赛珍珠早年生活是非常重要的,也是男性霸权和女性沉默的社会寓言
  • 2寓言和童话大都采用拟人的手法。
  • 3、Once upon a time, in a forest filled with vibrant colors and mellifluous melodies, a wise old owl perched upon a towering oak tree and spoke, "In the journey of life, remember the tale of the tortoise and the hare, for it teaches us that perseverance and consistency triumph over arrogance and haste."
  • 4、Deep within a lush meadow, a fox with sleek red fur and piercing eyes approached a group of deceptively innocent-looking grapes. As the fox attempted to reach the tantalizing fruits, he despaired, realizing that the moral of Aesop's fable of "The Fox and the Grapes" warns against coveting what is unattainable.
  • 5、Inthe heart of a bustling city, a wise elephant spoke to a young calf, recounting the ancient fable of "The Lion and the Mouse." The story serves as a poignant reminder that small acts of kindness, no matter how insignificant they may seem, can be life-changing to those in need.
  • 6、Slithering through the depths of a murky pond, a sly snake encountered a confident frog. The fable of "The Snake and the Frog" cautions against blindly trusting those who have proven to be untrustworthy, emphasizing the importance of learning from past experiences.
  • 7、Ina kingdom where differences were celebrated, a curious rabbit stumbled upon a group of animals engaging in a friendly contest. The moral of the fable "The Elephant and the Blind Men" lies in the notion that perspective and understanding are subjective, urging empathy and open-mindedness.
  • 8、Roaming the vast plains, a cunning wolf met a flock of oblivious sheep. Through the fable of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," children were taught to be honest and think about the consequences of their actions, ensuring credibility and trust within their communities.
  • 9、In a bustling village, a charismatic rooster shared the fable of "The Dog and the Bone" with the townsfolk, highlighting the perils of desiring what is unattainable while neglecting the blessings within one's grasp.
  • 10、Amidst a blooming garden, a persevering spider wove intricate webs day and night. The fable of "The Spider and the Bee" showcases the power of determination and hard work, reminding us to never give up on our dreams, no matter how challenging they may seem.
  • 11、In a peaceful meadow, a wise owl retold the fable of "The Elephant and the Ant" to a curious squirrel, emphasizing that no matter how small or insignificant one might feel, everyone possesses unique strengths that contribute to the collective welfare.
  • 12、Deep within the dense forest, a wise tortoise slowly made its way through the underbrush, sharing the fable of "The Lion and the Three Bulls" with a young deer. The story serves as a reminder that unity and cooperation can overcome even the greatest of challenges.
  • 13、On a moonlit night, a wise old turtle gathered the young ones around a crackling fire and regaled them with the fable of "The Dove and the Ant." The tale teaches us the importance of showing gratitude and lending a helping hand to those in need.
  • 14、Floating on a serene pond, a graceful swan imparted the fable of "The Peacock and the Crane" to admiring ducklings. The story emphasizes the beauty of being true to oneself, rather than seeking validation and admiration from others.
  • 15、At the edge of a tranquil river, a group of curious fish listened attentively as an ancient salmon shared the fable of "The Fox and the Stork." The story encourages individuals to treat others as they themselves would like to be treated, highlighting the importance of empathy and fairness.
  • 16、In a bustling market, a wise monkey watched as a merchant sold crates of apples. The fable of "The Monkey and the Cat" warns against greed and teaches the value of teamwork in accomplishing shared goals.
  • 17、“是书名姓,无大无小,无巨无细,皆有寓言
  • 18、文学的领域是孤峰的森林,里面没有巨人的肩膀,只有或大或小永远并存的孤峰。哪怕只是一首诗,一则寓言,一篇散文,作者佚名。只要真好,且与众不同,都可不朽,成为永远的孤峰。高尔泰
  • 19、大卖场林立的城市边缘,一个卖场员工与购物车发展出奇妙感情。后工业社会寓言,旁白与影像最后交织出意想不到的结局。
  • 20寓言像一把钥匙,这把钥匙可以打开心灵之门,启发智慧,让思想活跃。
  • 21、马格德堡:市场地点:奥托一骑马雕像,有两个妇女,两侧一寓言数字。
  • 22、山东大学哲学与社会发展学院教授何中华说,乌鸦喝水故事本身,只是一个寓言而已,意在告诫人们遇到困难要善于思考、勤于动脑。
  • 23、原来那个困扰我们的怪圈,一如骑驴找驴的寓言
  • 24寓言是我们半公开的信仰。莱辛
  • 25、有些人,就连儿童文学都能使他们腐化,他们带着特殊的乐趣阅读《诗篇》和《索洛门寓言》里那些挑动人心的章节。政论家律师医生等,摸透人类罪恶的全部秘密,却并不以不道德出名;现实主义作家常常比寺院方丈更有道德。契诃夫
  • 26、巴罗克悲悼剧在题材、情节、人物、冲突、结构、风格、语言方面的特色,突显出它与寓言这一艺术形式的联系。
  • 27、《伊索寓言》中的一则“狼来了”的寓言故事,我们都耳熟能详;地产大鳄任志强大喊“狼来了”,我们也曾经见识过。
  • 28、黄沙曼舞你气概滔天,**纷纷你笑得坦然。岁月峥嵘你说倾尽流年,步步惊鸿是你的寓言,剑舞翩然,你说最喜渔歌唱晚。章珈琪
  • 29、庄子的寓言故事蕴藏着许多颠扑不破的人生哲理。
  • 30、然后按正确顺序排列寓言的各段.
  • 31、中国古代寓言“买椟还珠”,嘲笑不识珠宝的人,说有个人非常欣赏盛珍珠的盒子,交钱之后不要珍珠,只把盒子拿走了。其实还珠的人是个至情至性的鉴赏家。阿城
  • 32、有的时候,蝉与蚁也确实打一些交道,但是它们与前面寓言中所说的刚刚相反。蝉并不靠别人生活。它从不到蚂蚁门前去求食,相反的倒是蚂蚁为饥饿所驱乞求哀恳这位歌唱家。
  • 33、你怎么都没发觉,这世界像个黑色的寓言。李玖哲
  • 34、群氓精英、蚍蜉和**,他们还想干什么?脑力的应用遭遇奇诡、充满悖论,寓言后面人言人殊,终无定论。
  • 35、这个寓言告诉我们,当我们面对很多选择或者是很复杂的事情的时候,没有用正确的方法去寻找真理就有可能迷路或误入岐途。
  • 36、记得有人说过,人生是童话,是故事,甚至是历险,是噩梦……而我现在觉得,我们的生命,不过是则寓言。一则关于爱的寓言
  • 37、同样,把魏言的作品放在这个展览也不尽合适,画面虽然有烂乎乎的感觉,但似有一点恐惧式的寓言感觉。
  • 38、这是一部寓言式的集锦片,讲述了西西里地区的若干民间故事.
  • 39、她的故事还以童话居多,诸如“狼外婆”型、“灰姑娘”型,竟与西方寓言、童话不谋而合。
  • 40、这一超现实寓言改编自亚当和夏娃的故事.
  • 41、这个调查结果让人想起了《庄子》中关于屠龙之技的寓言,“朱泙漫学屠龙于支离益,殚千金之家,三年技成,而无所用其巧。
  • 42、庄子“寓言十九重言十七”的思想,对于“05新方案”的思想政治理论课教学具有重要启示。
  • 43寓言故事:犯了天条的小白龙只能在六月六这天探母,见母心切的它孝心满载,昼夜兼程,不辞劳苦!寓意:好孩子要学习小白龙,小暑记得常回家看看!
  • 44、真理,是人人都同意的寓言
  • 45、记得再龟兔赛跑这则伊索寓言吗?
  • 46、鞠萍姐姐本月来郑“讲寓言”。
  • 47、苦难是一笔财富,是对人生的一种考验。有人能善待苦难,于是可以忍受苦难,逾越苦难,最终把苦难漂泊成寓言!
  • 48、当小草冒出嫩芽时,那是春的呼唤,细密的雨永远是青春的寓言;当太阳直射大地是,那是夏的照耀,池塘的莲永远是热情的写照;当树叶静静飘落时,那是秋的气息,凉爽。
  • 49、从作者传达人生观的艺术方式上来看,许地山的文学创作形成了一种寓言性的故事模式。
  • 50、汉代的杂赋包括民间流传的寓言故事赋,也包括箴言类的杂记作品以及描写日常动植物而无关讽谏的小赋。


寓言 yùyán

寓言 (文学作品体裁) 寓言是用比喻性的故事来寄托意味深长的道理,给人以启示的文学体裁,字数不多,但言简意赅。故事的主人公可以是人,也可以是拟人化的动植物或其它事物。该词最早见于《庄子》,在春秋战国时代兴起,后来成为文学作品的一种体裁。 寓言 (汉语词语) 用假托的故事或者自然物的拟人手法,来说明某个道理或教训的文学作品,常带有讽刺和劝诫的作用。(《现代汉语词典》第1544页) 我国古代的寓言,起源于劳动人民的口头创作。“寓言”一词最早见于《庄子》,具有用故事来帮助说理文体元素。《揠苗助长》、《自相矛盾》、《守株待兔》、《刻舟求剑》等都是出自先秦散文。 《伊索寓言》是外国文学中早期寓言的代表作,大部分是拟人化的动物寓言,少部分是以普通人或神为主人公。



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