

  • 1、在一个房间的门上有“密电码发送室”的标牌。
  • 2、美日对抗一开始,日军总能用各种方法破译美军的密电码,这令美军在战场上吃尽了苦头。
  • 3、The secrets whispered in the encrypted messages, a symphony of trust and mystery, dance between soulmates separated by distance.
  • 4、Like a hidden treasure map etched in invisible ink, the encrypted messages led them on an exhilarating journey of love and adventure.
  • 5、Inthe world of spies and espionage, the encrypted codes held the power to unlock secrets capable of changing the fate of nations.
  • 6、Asthe resistance fighters transmitted their encoded messages, hope pulsated through their veins, reminding them of the importance of their mission.
  • 7、The encrypted messages became their lifeline, their only means of communication in a world consumed by chaos and fear.
  • 8、Ina digital age where privacy is scarce, the encrypted messages provided a sense of security, a sanctuary for their deepest thoughts and desires.
  • 9、With every encoded letter, their hearts spoke a language only they understood, intertwining their souls in an invisible web of love.
  • 10、The encrypted messages held a symphony of emotions, from the sweet caress of longing to the fiery passion of desire.
  • 11、In the battlefield of love, the encrypted messages were their battle cry, a testament to their unwavering commitment.
  • 12、As they deciphered the hidden meanings within the encrypted messages, their bond grew stronger, fortified by the unbreakable trust they shared.
  • 13、The encrypted codes, like a secret language of the heart, conveyed emotions that mere words failed to capture.
  • 14、In the depths of solitude, the encrypted messages offered a comforting embrace, reminding them they were never truly alone.
  • 15、As they exchanged encrypted messages under the starry night sky, the world faded away, leaving only their love and devotion.
  • 16、The encrypted messages, like a delicate dance of words, carried the weight of their unspoken love, filling the silence with longing.
  • 17、In a world where words can be twisted and used against you, the encrypted messages were their shield, protecting their secrets from prying eyes.
  • 18、As the night fell and the moon illuminated the sky, they crafted encrypted messages, entwining their souls in a cosmic dance of love.
  • 19、The encrypted messages, like a secret pact between kindred spirits, sealed their bond, reminding them that love knows no boundaries.
  • 20、现日本外务省又同样密电饬令日本驻美大使馆立即烧毁各种密电码本子,可以判明日本已经快要对美发动战争了。
  • 21、他们把密电码藏在一棵树下。
  • 22、王新衡赴台未几,旋又返港,他带来一份最高当局发给杜月笙的密电码本,同时告诉杜月笙他晋谒最高当局的经过。
  • 23、匪徒们威胁说,要是他不说出密电码儿,就要把他干掉.
  • 24、他们让他把一份密电码送给游击队。
  • 25、很快,波波夫发现存放密电码本的保险柜就放在译电室里,而钥匙则锁在值班员的桌子里。
  • 26、他们翻看了一本又一本密电码本,就是翻不出它的原文来。
  • 27、但机要培训对于几个20多岁的年轻小伙子来说,毕竟是一件很枯燥的事,尤其每天要和电台和密电码本打交道。




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