

  • 1、今天晚上,我女儿在做完家庭作业之后复习了第七十二课。
  • 2、老师用括弧标出了我家庭作业中的错误.
  • 3、Although I often grumble about the pile of homework waiting for me every evening, completing my family's assignments together strengthens our bond and fosters a sense of teamwork.
  • 4、AsI sit at my desk, surrounded by textbooks and worksheets, the weight of responsibility settles on my shoulders, reminding me that education is not just an individual pursuit but a shared commitment to my family's success.
  • 5、The sound of my family's laughter fills the air as we gather around the dining table, exchanging ideas and discussing our homework, transforming mundane tasks into joyful moments of learning and growth.
  • 6、Amidst the chaos of daily life, homework provides an opportunity for my family to come together, setting aside distractions and focusing on our goals, creating a tranquil haven filled with creativity and intellectual curiosity.
  • 7、Our living room becomes a hub of intellectual stimulation as my parents and siblings engage in spirited discussions, challenging one another's perspectives and broadening our understanding through homework assignments.
  • 8、The hallmark of a loving family is not the absence of challenges but the unwavering support we offer one another, as we sit side by side, tackling tough assignments and celebrating each small victory.
  • 9、Homework acts as a catalyst for personal growth within my family, pushing us beyond our comfort zones, igniting our passion for knowledge, and instilling in us the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.
  • 10、The nights when our dining table becomes an impromptu classroom, my family transforms into collaborative learners, sharing insights, brainstorming ideas, and fostering an environment of intellectual curiosity that spills into every aspect of our lives.
  • 11、Homework serves as a bridge between the classroom and our home, allowing my family to actively participate in my education, to witness my growth, and to be a pillar of support as I navigate academic challenges.
  • 12、Homework not only challenges us intellectually but also cultivates essential life skills such as time management, discipline, and resilience, equipping my family with the tools necessary to thrive in a fast-paced world.
  • 13、In our household, homework is not just a mundane task but a platform for exploration, where discussions on literature, scientific experiments, and historical events shape our understanding and leave an indelible mark on our collective knowledge.
  • 14、The valuable lessons I learn from completing homework alongside my family extend far beyond the classroom, preparing me to face challenges and embrace the pursuit of knowledge in the wider world.
  • 15、The joy that fills my heart when my parents praise my efforts and assist me in my homework is an invaluable reminder that my family's love and support are unwavering, instilling in me a sense of confidence and belief in my own abilities.
  • 16、Homework not only enhances our academic abilities but also instills in my family a strong work ethic, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to personal growth that shapes our character and prepares us for future endeavors.
  • 17、The journey of completing homework together is not always smooth sailing, filled with moments of frustration and self-doubt, but it is through these challenges that my family learns to persevere, to ask for help, and to embrace the learning process wholeheartedly.
  • 18、Homework serves as a powerful reminder that education is not confined to the walls of a classroom but is a lifelong pursuit that my family approaches with passion, dedication, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
  • 19、该电脑配有两个杀手应用:各年级家庭作业教学软件;无线版儿童传纸条软件。
  • 20、在许多地方特别是偏远的县城,校讯通只不过是老师给学生布置家庭作业的转播器而已,除此,似乎也再无别的什么特别功用。
  • 21、休息一下:就像在学校一样,当孩子们正在努力完成家庭作业或准备复习考试的时候,他们需要休息的时间。
  • 22、让我们看看瑞典队的家庭作业是否做好了,是否也期望碰到一些骗着。
  • 23、当我女儿做完家庭作业之后,她就开始做教材上的第八十八课的练习题了。
  • 24、作为一名幼儿园的班主任,马迪根说除了孩子的家庭作业外,她常常还要额外布置任务来考验他们。
  • 25、那要归功于我的“家庭作业小助手”。
  • 26、许多老师用一定的课堂环境结构来平衡孩子们在课堂上大的混乱,每星期五的测验,每周二周四的家庭作业等等。
  • 27、所有的父母都明白孩子是老天的恩赐,当然这不包括那些噩梦般的尖叫、尿布、鼻涕和关于就寝时间、家庭作业和衣服的争吵。
  • 28、他在伦敦那所广播、电视与函授大学时,常常认真做家庭作业,甚至连自由选作题也作了。
  • 29、所有的成绩都必须在星期五交到办公室去,所以你必须今天把家庭作业交上来,这是学校的规定,我也不能做什么,我鞭长莫及啊。
  • 30家庭作业是上学的一个主要部分:老师们用家庭作业衡量你对课堂上所学知识的掌握程度,家庭作业也能帮助你巩固重要的概念。
  • 31、七年级时,好朋友是在你需要交社会学科家庭作业的前一天晚上,帮你补习功课的人。
  • 32、泰勒教授有时会进行家庭作业式的考试开卷考试。
  • 33、你们也有参考答案,在周二的背诵课上会有个测试,就是14号,基于你们的家庭作业
  • 34、坚持写你们的家庭作业,这样你们就不会在学习里掉队.
  • 35、今天晚上,我女儿在完成了所有的家庭作业之后,又做出了一些2003育苗杯小学数学竞赛题。
  • 36、Blaney建议,可以创办一个多个家庭组成的互助组,轮流合伙使用汽车、监督家庭作业以及保证孩子们安全、快乐。
  • 37、为今晚本人们的家庭作业,本人们必需写本人们寓居街道的描绘.
  • 38、汤姆总是在星期天早晨赶做他的家庭作业
  • 39、做完家庭作业之后,她复习了第九十八课中与六幅图片有关的对话。
  • 40、近些年里,老师带养学生,查看家庭作业,与老师关系好的,老师也会拿“三好学生”送人情的。
  • 41、今天晚上做完了家庭作业之后,我女儿学习了第七十九课的七个新单词…
  • 42、学生家庭作业负担过重。
  • 43、凌光目光呆滞,如丧考妣,倒在沙发上喃喃地说:“会不会有家庭作业呀……”。
  • 44、上课前,学生最好做完教授给的家庭作业。这样,每次上课时才能积极参与所有课堂或分组活动。
  • 45、今天晚上,我女儿把第七十七课的全部内容给我背诵了一遍。她在做完家庭作业之后就学习了第七十七课的后半部分内容。
  • 46、电视与函授大学学习时,常常认真做家庭作业,甚至连自由选作题也作了。
  • 47、我必须在一个有课桌椅的地方做家庭作业
  • 48、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 49、她真是只老螃蟹,老骂我们不安静、吃口香糖、不做家庭作业
  • 50、做作业的确是巩固学习效果的重要环节,家长应该拿出一定的时间来检查家庭作业完成情况,配合老师的工作,培养孩子的学习习惯和兴趣。作为孩子的第一任老师,家长责无旁贷。


家庭作业 jiātíngzuòyè

家庭作业 电影以采访的形式调查了人们对新实施的有关家庭作业的措施的看法,受访者有学生也有家长。在他们描绘的教育体制里,家庭作业不是教学手段,更像是枷锁,老师、家长和学生都处在一个痛苦、被迫与憎恨的恶性循环中。一位从事教育体制研究的家长警告说,这种惩罚学生而不是开发孩子们的创造力的倾向会产生愤怒和阴暗的一代人,他们会对任何精神问题都非常敏感。 家庭作业 (心理学名词) 在心理学中,家庭作业(homework assignment)是家庭治疗中非言语性干预技术的其中一种。



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