- 1、教室里安静的像深夜的森林一样。
- 2、这就是蟋蟀的平台。当四周很安静的时候,蟋蟀就在这平台上弹琴。
- 3、The peaceful garden was immersed in a calm silence, allowing me to escape the chaos of the world and find solace in the tranquility.
- 4、AsI sat in the library, the hushed whispers and soft turning of pages created an atmosphere of serenity, allowing me to fully immerse myself in the world of books.
- 5、The quietude of the room hung in the air, creating an air of anticipation before the pianist began playing a hauntingly beautiful melody that resonated with my soul.
- 6、Inthe early morning hours, the peacefulness of the countryside was interrupted only by the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds, reminding me of the beauty of nature.
- 7、AsI gazed out at the stillness of the lake, the reflection of the mountains mirrored perfectly, creating a breathtaking scene that calmed my restless mind.
- 8、Inthe solitude of my bedroom, surrounded by the soft glow of candlelight, I found comfort and quietude as I delved into the pages of a beloved novel.
- 9、The calmness of the ocean at dusk was overwhelming, allowing me to lose myself in the vastness of the horizon and reflect on the beauty of life.
- 10、The empty streets at midnight were a testament to the fact that even in the hustle and bustle of city life, there exists a moment of tranquility when the world seems to pause.
- 11、Asthe sun set over the horizon, casting a warm golden light over the meadow, I couldn't help but be in awe of the serene beauty that surrounded me.
- 12、The harmonious silence that filled the chapel during the choir's performance was both captivating and ethereal, transporting me to a place beyond words.
- 13、In the stillness of the forest, away from the noise of civilization, I could hear the delicate flutter of a butterfly's wings and the gentle rustling of leaves under my feet.
- 14、In the embrace of my lover's arms, the world faded away, leaving us in a bubble of tranquility, where only our whispered words and gentle touches existed.
- 15、The serenity of the mountains at dawn washed over me, filling me with a sense of peace and awe at the beauty of nature's creation.
- 16、As I closed my eyes and listened to the raindrops patter against the windowpane, I felt a profound stillness within me, as if the world outside had momentarily ceased to exist.
- 17、The tranquility of the meditation retreat allowed me to reconnect with my inner self, finding a sense of calm and clarity that had eluded me for so long.
- 18、In the silence of the art studio, the stroke of the brush against canvas became a symphony of colors, expressing emotions too deep for words.
- 19、The quietness of the movie theater heightened the suspense in the air, as the audience collectively held their breath, waiting for the climax of the film to unfold.
- 20、The hushed tones of the poets at the poetry reading created an intimate atmosphere, where every word carried weight and every pause held a profound meaning.
- 21、人类不快乐的唯一原因是他不知道如何安静地呆在他的房间里。
- 22、好想来一次安静的认真的努力的唐吉坷德式的单恋。
- 23、人,就是一条河,河里的水流到哪里都还是水,这是无异议的。但是,河有窄、有宽、有安静、有明澈、有冰凉、有浑浊、有暖和等景象,而人也一样。
- 24、如果他们是腼腆安静的话,我是不能忍受的。
- 25、青春里,一直都习惯着去做个安静的孩子,一个人微笑,哭泣,睡觉,失落,时光总是漫长的,那些相见无言的日子,我用所有的沉默去弥补那一段时间的空白。
- 26、漂亮是一般的,一般得让你感受不到她的存在;漂亮是平淡的,平淡得只剩下温馨的回想;漂亮又是安静的,安静得只需你费尽心思才干激起她的涟漪。
- 27、这条街道人来人往,人声鼎沸,不是安静的地方。
- 28、感动,如沁人心脾的甘泉。畅饮甘泉,我们的内心变得澄澈而又明亮;感动,如熏人欲醉的海风。感受海风,我们的内心变得纯净而又宽敞;感动,如令人心折的白雪。领略白雪,我们的内心变得安静而又平和。
- 29、安静的夜晚,只要那天上的星星在交头接耳。
- 30、他想得脑袋快要炸了,想安静一会儿,但无论如何平静不下来。
- 31、在无数个失眠的晚上,相信会有很多人,习惯性的闭上眼睛,安静的想念一个人,想念一张脸。
- 32、喧闹的马路,也为此安静下来。湿漉漉的马路上只剩下放学的学生撑着雨伞在雨中行走,就像一朵朵小花瓣开放在雨中。偶尔也有几辆车在马路上穿梭来回。此时,门外又是另一番景色。
- 33、中秋节的月在新江桥显得格外宁静。没有汽车的桥上安静极了,桥下江水滔滔,游船往来,月光照在水面,洒下一片银辉。对面繁华的街道上传来时隐时现的越剧声。月亮是那么亮,使五彩的霓虹都黯然失色。
- 34、五泉山,以自己的泉水,养育了山上山下的儿女,她就像一枚定海神针一样,屹立在兰州的南方,看到了它,就好像有一种安全感,就好像爸爸那有力的手掌抱住了我,让我在他的怀里放心的安静的生活。
- 35、湖面没有一缕风,湖光就像没磨过的玉盘一样干净,天上有一轮明亮的月亮,散发出淡淡的光芒,周围的一切都是安安静静的。
- 36、梨花不同于桃杏之花灿烂,抚昧。给我一种安静感,亦或寂寞感。然若仔细品味,颇为不俗。仿若纯洁少女,亭亭玉立,羞涩可爱,它是那麽的洁白,那麽的芳香。
- 37、别刺激她了,她现在方寸已乱,需要安静一会儿。
- 38、闭上眼我似乎看到晴朗的日子里孩子们喜欢的卖糖葫芦的小贩哼着小曲儿优哉游哉地走来,似乎听见“青菜萝卜卷心菜”的叫卖声,大人训小孩的声音……只有这里才会有这么多实实在在的生活气息,只要安静地听着,一个人也不会觉得寂寞。
- 39、如此安静,那就容许自己把所有的小悲伤、小烦恼暂时抛开吧;至少在当下这一刻试著去遗忘。有时候,人只有放下才能面对。
- 40、裁判老师举起了乌黑的发令枪,运动员场上突然安静了下来,六名运动员各占一条跑道,他们屏住了呼吸,全神贯注,像战士正在等待着冲锋的号令。
- 41、人生如梦,梦如人生,我们何不活得简单一点呢?我们何不活得快乐一点呢?岁月冲刷的所有现实河床,最终还是会安静的在生命里出现着。
- 42、它们只是听天由命的安静晚年的特写,是上个世纪他经历过的一切的反映。
- 43、我喜欢这个名字,安静而飘渺,只开在彼岸之处的花。而她的另一个名字曼珠沙华则太过艳丽,绝望而妖娆,多了一分尘世的俗气,少了几分彼岸的虚无。
- 44、每天安静地坐十五分钟.倾听你的气息,感觉它,感觉你自己,并且试着什么都不想。
- 45、千万年的风霜,将最初柔和美丽的光滑,缓缓雕刻成了粗糙,沧海桑田变幻的光阴中,又有多少眼眸,曾这般淡淡安静的凝视你的容颜。萧鼎
- 46、夕阳逐渐消失,黑夜来临,夜雾笼罩着大地。满天的星星映在小溪里,如千万点萤火闪闪烁烁。一切都变得安静了。
- 47、音乐是上天给人类最伟大的礼物,只有音乐能够说明安静和静穆。
- 48、秋天,充满希望,但比春天更富有灿烂绚丽的色彩;秋天,没有夏天那样热烈,但比夏天更富有情趣;秋天,没有冬天那样安静,但比冬天更惬意。秋天,秋姑娘秀出了她那独特的风格,让人陶醉……
- 49、雪积得不厚。草坪间,楼前,冬青旁以及那疏桐下的小路,被这薄薄疏疏的白色盖着,流露出比阳光明媚时更加安然的意态来。像这纯白的天色,素净平滑如木格间的窗纸,透着眉眼间流动的安静。
- 50、到了半夜,强盗们从远处看见房子没了灯光,一切都显得很安静,想到自己在惊慌中是否逃得太匆忙了。