

  • 1、新厂长上任后,工厂的生产大有起色
  • 2、第二天似乎平静了许多,毕宽等人便呆在后山,何米的伤势大有起色,估计再有半个月左右便可痊愈了。
  • 3、Inthe past decade, the small town of Springdale has undergone a remarkable transformation, with new businesses, improved infrastructure, and a vibrant community spirit. The local economy has flourished, and residents now enjoy an array of recreational activities and cultural events, truly demonstrating that the town has "大有起色".
  • 4、The once dilapidated neighborhood has experienced a renaissance, with beautifully renovated houses, lush green parks, and a tight-knit community where neighbors support and uplift each other. The area now radiates a sense of pride and possibility that is evident to all who visit - it is a true example of "大有起色".
  • 5、Inthe realm of medical research, the groundbreaking discoveries made in recent years have propelled the field forward, offering hope to millions of patients. From innovative treatments for previously incurable diseases to advancements in personalized medicine, the pace of progress in medicine has accelerated, reassuring both patients and doctors that there is "大有起色".
  • 6、The once desolate downtown area has become a cultural hub, attracting artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs. The streets are now lined with boutique shops, art galleries, and cozy cafes, creating a vibrant atmosphere that draws visitors from near and far. The transformation has injected new energy into the town and demonstrated that even in the face of economic challenges, there is always "大有起色".
  • 7、Women's rights, long marginalized and disregarded, have recently taken a leap forward. With increased awareness and advocacy, society is beginning to recognize and address gender inequality, empowering women to speak up, pursue their dreams, and shatter the glass ceiling. The progress may be slow, but it is undeniable that there is "大有起色".
  • 8、The field of renewable energy has witnessed tremendous growth and innovation, with breakthroughs in solar, wind, and hydro power. As a result, clean and sustainable energy sources are increasingly replacing fossil fuels, leading to a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come. The advancements in renewable energy offer a glimmer of hope, showing that there is "大有起色" in our battle against climate change.
  • 9、The once divisive issue of racial equality is now slowly evolving towards a more inclusive and equal society. Through education, dialogue, and legal reforms, steps have been taken to challenge institutionalized racism, promote diversity, and ensure equal opportunities for all. While there is still much work to be done, the progress made so far shows that society is moving in the right direction and there is "大有起色".
  • 10、In the realm of sports, the underdog team has risen through the ranks, surprising fans and experts alike. With determination, teamwork, and a never-give-up attitude, they have overcome numerous challenges, winning against formidable opponents and capturing the hearts of millions. Their incredible journey is a reminder that in the world of sports, there is always the potential for "大有起色".
  • 11、The fashion industry, once criticized for its lack of diversity and narrow beauty standards, is now embracing inclusivity and celebrating individuality. Models of all sizes, ethnicities, and backgrounds are now gracing the runways, challenging conventional norms and inspiring a new generation of fashion enthusiasts. The industry's embrace of diversity is evidence that there is "大有起色" in our pursuit of true beauty.
  • 12、马家也因此大有起色,至少多了不少丫鬟仆人,还有数十个护院。
  • 13、这几个月来山寨的建设倒是大有起色,但是更重要的义军作战队伍整合及头领人员的调整也没见什么大的动作。
  • 14、财运方面大有起色,可考虑自己投资创业,购置物业亦有利可图;偏财虽有所获,但需防先盛后衰,反而被套,存有财库本月容易积蓄财富。
  • 15、王肥点了点头,挽起袖子对病人作了一番诊断,经过三天前的针灸之后,病者精神大有起色,双眸闪闪有神的望着王肥。
  • 16、经过一段时间的治疗,他的病大有起色
  • 17、在国外,有个医生曾要求这类病人,在一个月之内对凡是帮助自己忙的人都道声谢谢,并以笑容来表明自己的诚意,结果这类病人的人际关系大有起色
  • 18、新班子上来以后各项工作大有起色
  • 19、经过素娟几日的悉心照料,何云锐的身体已经大有起色,双目渐渐的能够视物了;脸上也渐渐的红润起来。
  • 20、刘伯的身子骨比前段时间大有起色,特别丫头没事就在他跟前,爷爷长爷爷短的叫着,一会捏腿,一会又要给爷爷捶背,搞得老爷子满脸的褶子都乐开了。
  • 21、他接受了同志们的批评,从此改弦易辙,深入实际,避免主观,半年来工作大有起色


大有起色 dà yǒu qǐ sè




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