- 1、当我地去到圣巴巴拉大教堂时佢地午休,咁我地就四围行去左意大利会堂,石屋,黑死病纪念柱同石泉。
- 2、在巴塞罗那的教堂和大教堂中,有许多都有着装要求。不准穿着短裤或短袖衫。
- 3、AsI stepped into the grand cathedral, the majestic columns seemed to reach for the sky, filling me with awe and a sense of the divine.
- 4、The stained glass windows of the cathedral, with their vivid colors and intricate designs, created a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of light that filled the sacred space with warmth and serenity.
- 5、The sound of the choir echoing through the cathedral's nave was like celestial music, lifting my spirits and filling my heart with a sense of peace and tranquility.
- 6、The cathedral's towering spires, reaching towards the heavens, symbolized human aspiration and the pursuit of something greater than ourselves, reminding me of the endless possibilities that lie within each of us.
- 7、The hushed whispers and reverent silence within the cathedral made it feel like a sacred sanctuary, a place where one could find solace and contemplation amidst the chaos of the outside world.
- 8、The cathedral's history, with its tales of triumphs and tragedies, offered a glimpse into the rich tapestry of human experience, reminding me of our collective journey through time.
- 9、The cathedral's stone walls, weathered by centuries of wind and rain, stood as a testament to the resilience and endurance of human spirit, reminding me of our capacity to overcome challenges and triumph over adversity.
- 10、Inthe presence of the cathedral's grandeur, I couldn't help but feel a sense of humility and insignificance, as if the vastness of the universe had been condensed into a single space.
- 11、The cathedral's bell tower, with its melodious chimes that echoed throughout the city, felt like a gentle reminder of the passage of time and the preciousness of each moment.
- 12、The cathedral's doors, adorned with intricate carvings and adorned with ancient symbols, invited all who entered to leave their worldly troubles behind and embark on a spiritual journey.
- 13、Standing in the cathedral's nave, surrounded by the prayers and devotion of countless generations, I felt a sense of belonging and connection to something larger than myself.
- 14、The cathedral's vaulted ceilings, seeming to touch the heavens themselves, created a sense of expansiveness and possibility, reminding me that there is no limit to what we can achieve.
- 15、The cathedral's sacred rituals and ceremonies, steeped in tradition and symbolism, offered a glimpse into the collective wisdom and spiritual heritage of humanity.
- 16、The cathedral's silence, broken only by the soft footsteps of worshippers, created a space for introspection and self-reflection, allowing me to reconnect with my innermost thoughts and emotions.
- 17、The cathedral's solemn atmosphere, with its flickering candlelight and the scent of incense in the air, evoked a sense of reverence and devotion, reminding me of the sacredness of life itself.
- 18、The cathedral's intricate mosaics, depicting scenes from religious texts and legends, were like windows into a different world, igniting my imagination and filling me with wonder.
- 19、The grandeur of the cathedral, with its soaring architecture and intricate details, served as a reminder of the heights that human creativity and ingenuity can reach.
- 20、The cathedral's courtyard, with its peaceful gardens and tranquil fountains, offered a sanctuary of beauty and serenity amidst the bustling city, a place to find respite and rejuvenation.
- 21、第三个问题是,卡廷斯基是否应该安葬在克拉科夫的瓦维尔大教堂.
- 22、林肯大教堂是林肯郡周围最显眼的一个路标,是欧洲最优美的哥德式建筑之一。
- 23、布什总统明天将在华圣顿国家大教堂发表一篇悼词.
- 24、奥特朗托大教堂里的双尾人鱼镶嵌图。
- 25、瓦维尔大教堂又被称为圣旺斯拉斯和圣斯坦尼斯洛斯大教堂,是波兰皇帝的传统加冕礼举行地。
- 26、人们徜徉街头,随处可见到一座座古老的大教堂、各式各样的博物馆和巍然挺立的连云高楼。
- 27、广州直飞悉尼,游览皇家植物园、圣玛丽大教堂、悉尼渔市场等,乘游轮畅游悉尼港,前往岩石区DFS名店街血拼。
- 28、此外,阿布在阿纳德尔新建了旅馆、饭店、超市、医院、食品加工厂,甚至还有一座大教堂。
- 29、前大教堂在乌得勒支是其中一个第一个哥特式教会在荷兰,1254年建筑它开始。
- 30、破旧的楼梯被若明若暗的灯光照着,就像大教堂幽暗的角落,壁龛空空洞洞,有的梯级已经朽坏,活像是一座座祭坛。
- 31、9月23日,在丹麦哥本哈根附近的罗斯基勒大教堂,丹麦王室成员出席前俄罗斯沙皇皇后玛丽亚·费奥多罗芙娜的追悼典礼。
- 32、1501年,米开朗琪罗在接受400弗罗林当时的货币单位后开始为佛罗伦萨大教堂创作《大卫》。
- 33、目前一项耗资几千万英镑的圣保罗大教堂翻修工程已完工.
- 34、圣保罗大教堂建造在伦敦城西部的漫坡小山上.
- 35、这里有太多的地方等着你去发掘和探索,圣多明各的圣玛丽娅大教堂就是其中之一,而聚集各种海洋生物的水族馆也是不容错过。
- 36、第二天一清早,翡冷迪坐上马车,由詹姆斯中士驾驶,来到圣达菲大教堂。
- 37、它也不象布尔日大教堂,不是那种华丽而轻浮、杂乱而多样的高耸入云的尖拱化建筑。
- 38、中山国旅“欧洲六国罗浮宫、巴黎圣诞集市、科隆大教堂9天”带您寻找欧洲圣诞童话集市,一场关于怀旧的穿越旅行。
- 39、数十顶帐篷盘踞圣保罗大教堂广场。
- 40、圣索非亚大教堂是拜占庭式建筑的代表作,创造了以帆拱上的穹顶为中心的复杂拱券结构平衡体系。
- 41、今年3月26日,理查三世遗骸的改葬仪式将在莱斯特大教堂举行,理查三世协会*席称,隆重的改葬仪式将有助澄清人们对理查三世的误解。
- 42、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
- 43、那栋古老的大教堂使环绕它的摩天大楼相形见绌。
- 44、每一个重要城市与乡镇都拥有一座哥德式大教堂。
- 45、下面,悬崖直线跌落至谷底。我们摇摇晃晃行进在桥上时,我神经紧张地想起有人告诉我,这桥可是比基督城大教堂还要高。
- 46、被称为种子大教堂的场馆外部插满了6万根纤细透明的亚克力杆,每根杆子里都装有植物种子,这些种子都来自于一个保护生物多样性的项目。
- 47、图为位于亚利桑那州图森市的全白色的三藩泽维尔北团大教堂,其缺少了右边的圆顶.
- 48、英国君主在威斯敏斯特大教堂举行加冕典礼的历史几乎可追溯到一千年以前,典礼的盛况在全世界都可谓是无可比拟的。
- 49、建筑艺术方面,如圣索菲亚大教堂,尤以雄伟庄严著称;还有皇帝圣宫和竞马场驰名于当时。
- 50、它被指定是西方大教堂而要和东方大教堂即“保罗大教堂”相区别,维斯敏斯特修道院已经是用于皇家的加冕典礼以及葬礼。