- 1、但分手后梦到最多的,却是分手前和他在一起的最普通的生活场景,在那梦里,我们两个人只是默默坐着,但眉目却很懒散很默契,不是最甜蜜的绮梦,但因为知道它再不可能于现实中发生,所以梦里的我怎么也不愿醒。
- 2、现在想象饿殍遍野的场景,仍让人感到害怕。
- 3、Standing on the edge of a cliff, feeling the wind rushing against my face, I couldn't help but be in awe of the breathtaking scene below me, with the vast ocean stretching out towards the horizon and the golden sun painting the sky in vibrant hues.
- 4、Inthe dimly-lit room, surrounded by flickering candles, their warm glow creating a peaceful ambiance, two lovers sat across from each other, their eyes locked in a tender gaze, immersed in a scene of pure love and affection.
- 5、Ina quaint little cafe nestled in a small alley, the sound of soft jazz music filled the air, mingling with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee, creating a cozy and intimate scene where strangers became friends, sharing whispered conversations and heartfelt laughter.
- 6、The sun slowly set on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the idyllic countryside scene before me, with rolling green hills, blooming wildflowers, and cows lazily grazing in the distance, creating a picture-perfect moment that filled my heart with tranquility.
- 7、In a serene forest, with rays of sunlight filtering through the dense canopy above, the tranquil scene was interrupted by the gentle rustling of leaves and the melodic chirping of birds, creating a peaceful oasis away from the noise of the outside world.
- 8、As I entered the busy restaurant, the aroma of sizzling butter and garlic wafted through the air, the clinking of wine glasses and animated conversations filled the room, while the savory dishes being served created an irresistible scene of culinary delight.
- 9、Standing on the crowded subway platform, surrounded by hurried commuters, the sound of screeching brakes and the muffled announcements echoed through the station, while the scene of strangers immersed in their own thoughts created a sense of anonymity and solitude.
- 10、The sound of crashing waves and the feeling of sand beneath my toes created a scene of pure bliss as I stood on the pristine beach, marveling at the vastness of the ocean and the beauty of nature, a moment of serenity and awe.
- 11、In a bustling city square, street performers showcased their talents, filling the air with the sound of music and applause, drawing a crowd who became captivated by their captivating show, creating a vibrant and lively scene of shared joy and entertainment.
- 12、The setting sun cast a warm golden glow over the old castle ruins, their ancient stones telling tales of a forgotten era, while the sound of wind rustling through the grass and the distant hum of cicadas created a nostalgic and surreal scene that sparked my imagination.
- 13、As I wandered through a bustling night market, the aroma of sizzling street food filled the air, vibrant colors and neon lights lit up the scene, and the lively chatter of both locals and tourists contributed to a vibrant and energetic environment that awakened my senses.
- 14、Surrounded by towering mountains and lush green forests, the breathtaking scene before me evoked a sense of awe and humility, as I realized how small we are in the grand scheme of nature, reminding me of the importance of preserving our planet.
- 15、In a crowded concert venue, the pulsating beat of the music reverberated through my body, the cheering crowd created a united energy, and the electrifying stage lights illuminated the scene, creating a moment of pure euphoria and escapism.
- 16、导演大刀阔斧地删去许多不必要的场景,以降低成本。
- 17、我省“861”计划重要项目之一的淮南平圩电厂二期建设工地上,节假日期间,呈现出的是一派紧张、繁忙的劳动场景。
- 18、在本场景中,服务器端动作可以使用已访问页面的服务器端导航历史帮助用户返回到正确的前页。
- 19、格拉茨科技大学的机器人技术专家斯坦鲍尔说:“机器人足球不仅是一种娱乐,它是在动态环境中研发可移动机器人的最理想场景。”。
- 20、全国人民齐心协力抗灾舟曲的场景至今仍历历在目。
- 21、种鸡更多的钱才卖的小狗,和他的秸秆澳大利亚出口了螺柱场景到一个新水平,麦克唐纳说。
- 22、昨日本报报道了黄山呈坎环秀桥被洪水冲垮的事件,记者昨日联系当地村民,他们讲述了古桥被冲垮时的惊心动魄的场景。
- 23、她还补充说,象战重现古代战争场景有助于改善象夫在泰国社会中的地位。
- 24、电视中的许多场景决不是真实的生活。在现实生活中,人们必须埋头做自己的工作,而非像电视里演的那样天天泡在咖啡馆里。
- 25、十年前的场景历历在目。
- 26、天方夜谈?当然,以前一直是在想象中的场景.但是,在动荡不安的时局下,有时想象也能成为现实.
- 27、如果这样的事情再次发生,即使站在超市门口的安全通道上,见到如次恐怖的场景,我们也可能只会感到束手无策。
- 28、每当我看一遍夺宝奇兵的时候,我都能注意到以前没有看到的东西。比如你以为是剪辑过的场景其实只是一个镜头移动拍摄而成。
- 29、偶尔捕捉到小孩子在屋顶上玩耍的场景时,他的心便会由于满怀憧憬而疼痛不已。
- 30、天空光能够给在户外的场景非常好的效果,但也显着增加烘焙时间。值为0将禁用天空光。
- 31、这是我最喜欢的电影场景,*裁者的色厉内荏,一览无遗。
- 32、我在看4D恐怖电影时,场景十分惊心动魄,仿佛真的一样,我吓得屁滚尿流。
- 33、在同一个场景里发生的奇迹,注定只能有一次。
- 34、在这个镇和附近其它镇里,海啸重创的场景几晚世界末日般的毁灭。
- 35、只要孩子们不吵不闹,他们是看“垃圾”商业广告还是施虐和暴力场景,那都无关紧要了。
- 36、场景剧本既具体又粗糙,既切实又灵活。
- 37、人们呼天抢地,但还没有表现出他们所说的一半悲痛。在喜怒无常的心境中我们在招致灾祸,同时怀着这样一种希望:在这儿我们至少能发现实在,真理的剑锋利刃。但结果表明它只是绘制的一个场景,一个假象。悲伤给我的唯一启迪就是知道了它有多么肤浅。
- 38、经常幻想一个场景:我妈像电视剧里一样酷酷的掏出十几万甩给我女朋友说“钱给你,离开他,不准再联系他了”我一定会冲上去把钱都抢回来说:“妈,为什么要便宜外人?我绝对不会再联系她了!这些钱给我啊!”。
- 39、在这个场景中,Web应用程序允许用户实现摄氏温度与华氏温度之间的转换。
- 40、法律问题放一边。这些加密文件令人想到这样的场景:神秘的电脑高手趴在手提电脑上、轻松地敲击几下键盘、几秒钟内就令这些秘密的、保护得严严密密的文件大门洞开。
- 41、现在,一些带有黑色面孔的场景在后期制作中被删掉了,两只鞋太太一角已经完成了大变身,被换成了一位白人女性。
- 42、电影发生于一个架步处处的嫖赌热点,李氏又以其灵活的空间感及顺畅的场景运用,泡制出一个光怪陆离滚红滚绿乌烟瘴气的花花世界。
- 43、这世间有很多相似的场景,熟悉到让人心中一惊,仿佛前世今生。天下归元
- 44、大门,生鲜到位的开路先锋,在第三局和第六局展开得分场景.
- 45、LED大功率投光灯可用遥控或DMX控制,按钮开光,通过使用MDX3通道可达到色彩追逐效果,且场景也可由灯光设计师进行调控。
- 46、上了车,我还依然望着后面,望着那孤单的墓碑,明年的这时,我再来看望您,我的祖先,到了家,我还是非常的伤感,老是情不自禁的回想起刚刚的场景,随着阿婆喊了开饭,我的眼泪也总算擦干了。
- 47、这些明亮和暗淡的点,也就是在荧光屏上形成正在播送的场景的画面。
- 48、在这个场景中,我没有使用任何网上的素材或是材质库来制作纹理。
- 49、场景:摩尼卡和瑞秋,罗斯还有他们的一帮朋友在看电视.
- 50、时而深沉时而明亮的音乐,配合引人遐思的画面,逼真地还原了历史场景,引领观众情不自禁地走进那个革命风云跌宕起伏的年代。