

  • 1、应该提交其相关系数、Y轴截距、回归线斜率、残差平方和。
  • 2、本文根据彩色电视机的电路结构和工作原理,分析了更换高压包引起场逆程回扫线干扰的原因及消除该逆程回归线的方法。
  • 3、Asthe regression line slopes downwards, indicating a negative correlation between hours of study and test scores, students feel a sense of urgency to revise their study habits and strive for improvement.
  • 4、The regression line drawn on the graph reveals a strong and significant association between smoking and lung cancer, evoking a sense of fear and urgency to quit smoking and protect our health.
  • 5、The regression line plotted for the survey data clearly demonstrates the impact of income inequality on social unrest, arousing a sense of social responsibility to address this issue and strive for a more equitable society.
  • 6、The regression line on the graph, showing the decreasing crime rate over the years, instills a sense of optimism and reassurance in the community, encouraging efforts to maintain a safe and harmonious environment.
  • 7、When the regression line indicates a positive correlation between exercise duration and mental well-being, individuals are motivated to prioritize daily exercise and enhance their overall happiness and emotional resilience.
  • 8、The regression line in the study of environmental pollution and public health outcomes reveals a distressing association, urging policymakers to implement stricter regulations and initiatives for a cleaner and healthier environment.
  • 9、The regression line plotted for age and memory retention highlights the negative correlation, prompting individuals to actively engage in cognitive exercises and seek strategies to maintain mental sharpness as they age.
  • 10、The regression line of happiness scores and social support levels confirms the significant role of healthy relationships in personal well-being, inspiring individuals to cultivate meaningful connections and invest in their social networks.
  • 11、When the regression line depicts a strong relationship between air pollution levels and respiratory illnesses, communities are motivated to advocate for cleaner air and support initiatives to combat pollution for the sake of public health.
  • 12、The regression line drawn on the graph indicates a steady increase in employee productivity with flexible working arrangements, fostering a sense of productivity and work-life balance in the workforce.
  • 13、The regression line showing the declining trend of deforestation in recent years brings a glimmer of hope for the preservation of biodiversity and urges collective efforts to protect our planet's precious resources.
  • 14、With the regression line reflecting a direct correlation between access to education and poverty rates, governments and organizations are spurred to prioritize education as a means to alleviate poverty and promote social equality.
  • 15、The regression line capturing the positive relationship between volunteerism and life satisfaction encourages individuals to engage in acts of kindness and contribute to their communities, leading to personal fulfillment and happiness.
  • 16、The regression line in the research on gender diversity in leadership roles highlights the need for equal opportunities and representation, inspiring organizations to promote inclusivity and address gender imbalances in the workplace.
  • 17、高雄市位于北回归线地带,有着漫长的炎热天气,并伴随着强烈的季风和季雨气候。
  • 18、在地球南北两半球上纬度等于黄赤交角值的两条等纬线称“回归线”,在北半球上的叫北回归线,在南半球上的叫南回归线
  • 19、北纬25度临近于北回归线,具有明显的回归带特征。
  • 20、我们在地图上找到了回归线的位置.
  • 21、夏威夷州位于北回归线以内,属热带气候。
  • 22、他的家乡在北回归线的北面。
  • 23、从春到夏,爱情升温,我坚守在爱情回归线,等候你目光温柔地投射。雨露滋润,玫瑰盛开,我用玫瑰酝酿流动的相思,等你品尝爱的甜蜜。玫瑰情人节快乐!
  • 24、在冬至,太阳位于南回归线的正上方,阳光更多地洒在南半球上。
  • 25、月亮也将进行合作,在南回归线,是一个像你同胞地球的迹象。
  • 26、2012年12月21日太阳直射南回归线那天,世界标准时间格林尼治时间上午11点11分整,标志着古代玛雅人长历法中长约5125年的一个大周期的结束。
  • 27、昆士兰州横跨南回归线两侧,这里的乡村地产可以和美国、加拿大两国的很多大块地产相媲美。
  • 28、大明山位于北回归线上,具有其独特的区位特征。
  • 29、位于北极圈和北回归线之间。
  • 30、世界上大多数咖啡种植之间北回归线和南回归线上种植在非洲,东南亚和美洲。
  • 31、临沧地处北回归线附近,茶树大都生长在澜沧江、怒江中下游云雾缭绕、森林茂密的高山生态环境中。
  • 32、相比之下,位于太平洋附近、南北回归线之间,且位于无风带的海岛,一般都是岛主争抢的目标。
  • 33、南澳岛位于我国广东省东缘闽粤交界处,北回归线横贯全岛。
  • 34、汕头是北回归线上的一颗“绿宝石”,山明水秀,气候宜人,空气清新,使最适合人类居住、度假和旅游的地方。
  • 35、可能包括西沙潜水水下传递、探访五指山黎族村寨传递、北回归线传递等方式,甚至考虑横渡琼州海峡传递。
  • 36、位于南极圈和南回归线之间。
  • 37、下列哪个选项中的三个国家,都有北回归线通过?
  • 38、夏至,太阳位于北回归线的正上方,北半球扭亏为盈获得更多的阳光。
  • 39、夏天农历六月初一太阳的日出最远的位置是偏东北45度左右,而冬天是偏东南24度左右!如果是由于地球的倾角形成南北回归线的,那为什么左右角度不等??
  • 40、万物葱绿的春天过去了,弹指一挥间。6月22日到了,太阳直射立于北回归线,夏天这个流火的季节又来到了。
  • 41、鼎湖山被誉为“北回归线上的绿宝石”,是当今世界上距城市最近的原始次森林,山幽林茂、水净气清。
  • 42、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,上万词语的造句供您参考!
  • 43、样本回归线是根据一个样本而不是根据完全总体推导出来的.
  • 44、天蝎座喜欢摩羯座的稳定和实用性,同时南回归线将能够开放天蝎座的热情。
  • 45、那么,放眼世界,整个环球北回归线穿越地区都可能有该系列陨石群散落的痕迹。
  • 46、傣味拼盘北纬21度10分—22度40分,东经99度55分—101度50分,西双版纳是地球上北回归线沙漠地带上唯一的一片绿洲。
  • 47、若它成功的飞越大西洋,之后它将会飞绕地球,沿着北回归线并在每个大洲着陆。
  • 48、欧阳桐语2001年的夏天来到我们家,那一年太阳似乎偏离轨迹,越过了北回归线,傍晚总是格外悠长。王总那年把电视搬到阁楼上,他喜欢这种感觉,晚饭以后开着电视,全家人捧着西瓜目送夕阳离去。蒋峰
  • 49、属于或标明由北回归线向南沿伸的生物地理区,包括墨西哥南部、美国中部和南部,西印度群岛。
  • 50、为制图员,热带定义很简单,由热带地区的癌症和南回归线,在北纬23.5度,北部和南部的赤道。


回归线 huíguīxiàn

回归线 (地理名词) 回归线指的是地球上南、北纬23°26′的两条纬度圈。北纬23°26′称为北回归线,是阳光在地球上直射点的最北界线。南纬23°26′称为南回归线,是阳光在地球上直射点的最南界线。 回归线,是太阳每年在地球上直射来回移动的分界线。



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