

  • 1、基于一维波动方程反问题的数学模型,应用奇异值分解分析算子方程的不适定性。
  • 2、从早晨到傍晚,你反问自己一天究竟做了什么?或许对第二天有更多的触动。
  • 3、Oh so you believe that spending all your money on material possessions is the secret to everlasting joy?
  • 4、Isit possible that constantly seeking approval from others is actually hindering your self-confidence?
  • 5、Can you honestly say that ignoring your own needs and prioritizing others will lead to a life of contentment?
  • 6、Have you ever considered that constantly comparing yourself to others only brings feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness?
  • 7、Doyou truly believe that success and happiness are only measured by the number of zeros in your bank account?
  • 8、Can you honestly say that conforming to society's expectations will bring you the authentic and meaningful life you desire?
  • 9、Isit really worth sacrificing your personal passions and dreams to pursue a career solely for financial stability?
  • 10、Have you ever wondered if constantly seeking external validation is preventing you from finding true inner peace?
  • 11、Can you honestly say that filling your schedule with endless tasks and obligations is the key to a fulfilled life?
  • 12、Do you truly believe that constantly seeking temporary pleasures will lead to long-term happiness?
  • 13、Is it possible that living your life solely through a filtered and curated social media presence is robbing you of genuine connections and experiences?
  • 14、Have you ever considered if constantly seeking perfection is actually preventing you from celebrating progress and embracing imperfections?
  • 15、Can you honestly say that living a life solely focused on accumulation and materialism will bring you lasting joy and fulfillment?
  • 16、Is it really worth sacrificing your mental and physical well-being for the sake of societal expectations and external pressures?
  • 17、Do you truly believe that constantly seeking external validation will lead to a genuine sense of self-worth and happiness?
  • 18、Have you ever wondered if constantly seeking control and certainty is preventing you from embracing the beauty of uncertainty and spontaneity in life?
  • 19、Can you honestly say that pursuing a career solely for prestige and status will bring you true fulfillment and satisfaction?
  • 20、Is it possible that constantly seeking happiness in the future is preventing you from living in the present moment and finding joy in the here and now?
  • 21、“食死徒要我这把不中用的老骨头有什么用?”斯拉格霍恩反问道。
  • 22、赫尔岑反问道:“流行的乐曲就一定高尚吗?”。知之小工具
  • 23、聂科拜一句句短促的反问,像是不断地自我鞭鞑,要控诉世道的无奈。
  • 24、水手孤傲而冷峻的反问,好像一声霹雳,让我们许许多多的生命遽然受惊。
  • 25、“你能忍受让你的家人对你失望吗?”她反问我,是躲开问题的高招。邱妙津
  • 26、阿飞反问为何还要再出示,还过去和保安争吵了几句。
  • 27、那人似乎没料到他会这么反问,偏了偏脖子看他,露出一双漆黑的眼。令梁上君意外的是,那双眼里没有寻常军人应有的锐利,倒像是一面不会反光的深潭,看着你,却没有把你放进去。河汉
  • 28、所以说反问句是世界上最违心的句式,明明是强硬肯定,偏装出一副唯诺询问样子。梧桐私语
  • 29、智商捉鸡的李明远果然没有理解刘信的意思,大大咧咧地反问
  • 30、被问到这段谈话是不是代表倦勤时,江丙坤否认,还反问:“你们觉得我身体不好吗?”。
  • 31、让凤狸月窝到自己的怀里,冷溪颜摸了摸她的脑袋,反问她。
  • 32、国家跳水队领队周继红反问记者:"你是哪个单位的?"。
  • 33、那人沉默有顷,不答反问道“你想杀我灭口?”。
  • 34、黑根针锋相对地反问道:你是怎么搞的,就那么相信乌尔茨能够瞒天过海而你教父就不能?
  • 35、从事捕鲸业的港口小城太地的市长反问我们,为什么日本捕鲸船不得不冒着全世界的愤怒远涉重洋呢?
  • 36、对于有些人的担心,一些胆大心粗的家伙不服气地反问道。
  • 37、论辩中,用反问句直接进行驳诘,很有力量。
  • 38、有人吹胡子瞪眼睛的大喝,也有人默默地喝着酒,目光闪烁,袁术先是气恼,随即又对李凯的反问感到好奇,回答:“聪明秀出,谓之英;胆力过人,谓之雄;如何?”。
  • 39、父亲没有直接回石皮匠的话,一面弓腰放下担子,一面反问道。
  • 40、她不接腔,反问道,刚才下车的时候,那个小焦小声跟你嘀咕什么?两人出了电梯,聂于川微笑不答,点上一支烟。
  • 41、我把祝福放在阳光下晒一晒,吸收暖暖的热度,送你温温的幸福,我反问候放在暖气上热一热,吸收温温的情谊,送你暖暖的快乐,冬季到了,朋友愿你一切都好,万事皆顺。
  • 42、本文研究一类正规矩阵反问题,给出有解的充要条件及通解表达式.
  • 43、图希反问道:“那么为了能够真正富有,一个人不就应该收集灵魂吗?”。
  • 44、至于祁*记是否反问管彤“我是不是男人”,马华权称自己并不清楚。
  • 45、她应聘时反问考官,最后被录取了。
  • 46、杨开故作惊讶,反问,方才自卓力似笑非笑的眼神中,杨开就怀疑看管药园定不是什么好差事。
  • 47、“你跟在导游背后怎么能买到真茶呢?”杭州当地的一名茶叶店老板则这么反问记者。
  • 48、自然看不得自家的小老板受窘,官威一震,连续三个反问句脱口而出。
  • 49、“你说呢,”山泉故意用一口外地口音反问道。
  • 50、对桑弘羊参与燕王谋反问题,学术界迄今尚无定论。


反问 fǎnwèn

1、反过来问提问的人 2、用疑问语气表达与字面相反的意思 
反问 反问是借助疑问句来传递确定信息,以加强肯定或否定语气的一种修辞方式。换句话说,它是用肯定或否定疑问句的形式来表达否定或肯定的含义。反问是无疑而问,把要表达的确定意思包含在问句里,因此,反问句不同于一般问句。反问的语气要比直陈句强劲有力,有利于表达鲜明的爱憎态度,是政论体中常用的辞格。运用时一-定要切合情境,分清场合和对象。



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