

  • 1、2006年,她是《幸福像花儿一样》中飞扬浮躁的大梅,专门反衬孙俪的纯真无邪。
  • 2、因为这样的文化周刊才能像一个能生成热能的发光体,照彻世界的边际和人性的背面,既反衬世道的景象,又引导人生的归趣。
  • 3、Inthe vast wilderness, a fragile flower bloomed, its delicate petals contrasting beautifully against the harshness of the surroundings, reminding us of the resilience and beauty that can emerge from adversity.
  • 4、The old man's weathered face told the story of a lifetime of hardships, yet his eyes sparkled with a youthful energy, a contrasting blend of wisdom and innocence.
  • 5、Inthe bustling city streets, a homeless child held onto a tattered doll, her radiant smile contrasting sharply with the bleakness of her situation, revealing the strength and resilience of the human spirit.
  • 6、The majestic eagle soared high above the rugged mountain peaks, its graceful movements contrasting with the untamed grandeur of nature, reminding us of the delicate balance between power and grace.
  • 7、Against the backdrop of a gray, rainy day, a vibrant rainbow appeared, arching across the sky, a vivid reminder of hope and beauty in the midst of darkness.
  • 8、The couple danced under the dimly lit chandelier, their elegant movements contrasting with the faded grandeur of the ballroom, evoking a sense of timeless romance and nostalgia.
  • 9、Amidst the chaos and noise of a crowded market, a young musician played a hauntingly beautiful melody on his violin, the ethereal notes contrasting with the hustle and bustle, providing a moment of tranquility and escape.
  • 10、The old book sat on the dusty shelf, its worn pages and faded cover contrasting with the wisdom and knowledge contained within, a silent testament to the passage of time.
  • 11、Against the backdrop of a barren desert, a lone cactus stood tall, its prickly exterior contrasting with the arid landscape, a symbol of resilience and adaptability.
  • 12、In the midst of a concrete jungle, a small community garden flourished, its lush greenery and fragrant flowers contrasting with the cold, grey surroundings, providing a sanctuary of peace and beauty.
  • 13、From the dilapidated buildings emerged a group of children, their laughter and playful antics contrasting with the desolation of their surroundings, a powerful reminder of the innocence and resilience of youth.
  • 14、Against the backdrop of a stormy sky, a ray of golden sunlight broke through the clouds, its warm glow contrasting with the dark and gloomy atmosphere, bringing a ray of hope and optimism.
  • 15、In the midst of a war-torn country, a group of volunteers tirelessly worked to rebuild homes and lives, their selflessness and determination contrasting with the destruction and despair, restoring faith in humanity.
  • 16、The chef skillfully combined sweet and savory flavors in his dish, the contrasting tastes creating a symphony of flavors that delighted the taste buds and awakened the senses.
  • 17、The artist's painting depicted a serene countryside scene, with rolling green hills and a calm river, the tranquility and beauty contrasting with the chaos and noise of the city outside the gallery walls.
  • 18、The old mansion stood tall amidst a bustling city, its grand architecture and intricate details contrasting with the modern skyscrapers, a symbol of a bygone era and a reminder of the city's rich history.
  • 19、The actress seamlessly transitioned between comedy and tragedy in her performance, her ability to evoke laughter and tears contrasting and highlighting the complexity of human emotions.
  • 20、对实时全息图的记录和处理采用了一种可获得高反衬度的新技术。拍摄的成功率高,干涉条纹的反衬度好。
  • 21、外部世界的哄乱反衬出王一生处世不惊、怡然自得的内心宁静。
  • 22、大多数星系协是小的,密度反衬低.
  • 23、一个人的工作表现其实并不是跟个人能力成正比的,而是跟老板的期望值成反比。从这个意义上说,一个过于优秀的老板是一把双刃剑:在给你树立最佳榜样的同时,他也像一个难以企及的高度,把你反衬得极为无能。秦与希
  • 24、两次,可谓损失惨重,实在不是明智之举,当然这也从侧面反衬出对方有多么颖悟绝伦。
  • 25、他的凶恶反衬出她的善良。
  • 26、另外,为了达到设计上的分辨距离还要有良好的照明和反衬度。
  • 27、几位老师师视眈眈地发言扼腕,摇头叹气,谁也不去跟别人抢戏,用谦让互敬的优雅举止反衬沈君浩的行为之恶劣。
  • 28、这张极好的照片显示了反衬在橙红色天空里的钙华塔,背景是内华达山脉里玫瑰色的薄雾。
  • 29、撑开伞的彩色反衬着乌蒙蒙的天空。
  • 30、对于一个扩展的图象,球差会减少反衬度并使图象的细节模糊。
  • 31、80年代以狂躁,完美主义和贴地击球著称的网球名将麦肯罗,他打出的经典比赛也是由他的对手安静多思的博格反衬出来的。
  • 32、你们需要我作为反衬来取得平衡,需要把我作为祈祷文来求得内心的安宁。
  • 33、有些人必须死,这样残存者才会更加珍惜生命。这是反衬
  • 34、尤其最末以“低头”的轻盈来反衬露珠消泯所勾惹的刹那心伤有多沉重,技法上完全承继了中国古典诗词的传统。
  • 35反衬的改善和炫光的减少是很明显的.
  • 36、抹抹蓝天反衬着太阳,波光粼粼,小小的光束穿过绿色的重围,点点射出,五光十色。别光顾脚下,望上望去,云轻拂过身体,像被神仙水净化了一遍,鹰在天空盘旋,真让人羡慕;鹰在天空自在飞翔……
  • 37、加入一点鲜艳的色彩来反衬深灰色,就像这个莫斯奇诺男模:他戴着一顶紫红色圆顶高礼帽,搭配与之相衬的手套和手帕。
  • 38、在万星璀璨的银河系,做一颗不太引人注目的星星,点缀着夜空把世间的永恒尽收眼底!也许只有夜的黑静,才能反衬星光的明亮,就算只能做一颗渺小的星星,我也要把灿烂的星光与光明的温暖传递给您!
  • 39、如今走在回家的路上,心里是高兴的,却用大雪纷飞这样的严寒景象来反衬
  • 40、她眼睛并不顶大,可是灵活温柔,反衬得许多女人的大眼睛只像政治家讲的大话,大而无当。
  • 41、考虑到标志会大量应用到红色背景和红酒包装上,蓝色会是一个很好的对比色和反衬色。
  • 42、实际上,诗人写辽阔的平野、浩荡的大江、灿烂的星月,正是为了反衬出他孤苦伶仃的形象和颠连无靠的凄怆心情。
  • 43、湖面明澈如镜,霞光投射在湖面上,反衬着叠叠波光,就像展开的一卷斑斓的彩墨画。
  • 44、对于频率为几十赫兹的液体表面波,实验上观察到稳定、清晰、反衬度非常高的衍射图样,并发现了零级缺级现象。
  • 45、选这张照片的原因,是石头的丑反衬了我的形象,让我丑中终于露出一点美态。


反衬 fǎnchèn

反衬 反衬,指利用与主要形象相反、相异的次要形象,从反面衬托主要形象。主要事物(本体)与陪衬事物(衬体)有相反的特点或不同的情况,用衬体从反面衬托本体。作用:通过对比更加鲜明地表现主题。




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