

  • 1、刚开始的轻如鸿毛,甚至连重量都微乎其微,到最后突然爆出不符合体型巨大的力道,两种极端的反差
  • 2、天山网讯通讯员张燕兵报道“看!王雪琴冬灌过的小麦和翁新合没冬灌的小麦,反差多大。
  • 3、Inthe bustling city, I was surprised to find a tranquil park, a stark contrast to the noisy streets, where I could finally find solace in nature's embrace.
  • 4、After months of struggling to make ends meet, I finally received a job offer that came with a generous salary and luxurious benefits - a complete reversal of my previous financial hardships.
  • 5、The bright sunshine filtered through the thick, heavy clouds, casting a surreal glow over the gloomy landscape, creating a striking contrast between light and darkness.
  • 6、Asthe old ramshackle house stood among the modern high-rise buildings, it seemed to whisper stories of the past, reminding us of the enduring beauty in embracing history amidst progress.
  • 7、The passionate words flowed gracefully from her lips, leaving me utterly captivated by her eloquence, unaware of the shy and reserved nature that she typically portrays.
  • 8、The once barren desert now blooms with vibrant flowers, as if nature wanted to prove that life can flourish even in the harshest conditions, presenting a breathtaking contrast.
  • 9、Stepping into the grand library, I was surrounded by towering bookshelves, filled with knowledge and dreams, contrasting sharply with the empty void in my mind, urging me to expand my horizons.
  • 10、With each stroke of the artist's brush, the vivid colors burst onto the canvas, creating a mesmerizing painting that portrayed the stark contrast between turmoil and serenity.
  • 11、The bitter taste of disappointment lingered on my tongue as I watched him revel in his well-deserved success, serving as a stark reminder of the stark contrast between achievement and failure.
  • 12、The hauntingly beautiful melody of the violin filled the air, transporting me to a world of melancholy emotions, creating a striking juxtaposition between sadness and euphoria.
  • 13、The luxurious cruise ship sailed smoothly through the rough, stormy waters, showcasing the unparalleled engineering marvel, while symbolizing man's triumph over nature's powerful forces.
  • 14、The elaborate Victorian architecture stood proudly amidst the modern skyscrapers, reminding passersby of a bygone era, offering a glimpse into the vibrant history of the city.
  • 15、In the vast, barren desert, a tiny oasis nestled quietly, providing a sanctuary for weary travelers, a stark contrast to the harsh, unforgiving landscape that surrounded it.
  • 16、As the sun set behind the towering mountains, the tranquil lake mirrored the breathtaking scenery, creating a perfect harmony of colors, a stark contrast to the chaos of daily life.
  • 17、The confident, bold entrepreneur stood on stage, captivating the audience with her impressive achievements, hiding the traces of self-doubt that lingered beneath her polished facade.
  • 18、The crowded city streets teemed with relentless energy and noise, a stark contrast to the peaceful countryside, where time seemed to flow slower, allowing for moments of tranquility.
  • 19、The elderly couple walked hand in hand, their wrinkled faces glowing with happiness, a beautiful contrast to the fast-paced, superficial relationships that permeate modern society.
  • 20、The collision of cultures and traditions in the multicultural neighborhood created a lively and dynamic environment, where diversity was celebrated, and unity found through understanding.
  • 21、九零年代中期起活跃于电视剧的演出,虽然大多为绿叶角色,但罗氏扮演的角色反差很大,亦庄亦谐,既能演韦春花,又能演武则天。
  • 22、洋间图为保留雪景,把狸猫反差调度得更不小些.
  • 23反差过于巨大,看着有种白日见鬼的震惊。
  • 24、气质美女涂善妮,她本人和演出角色类型算是反差比较大的,从军校到进娱乐圈,毅然的离开,出国读书转行做设计师无不透露出这个广东籍女孩的倔强坚持。
  • 25、研究了最新发展的激光头焦扫描显微镜的下述光学特性:分辨本领及像的反差,层析分析原理及三维构像。
  • 26、这里曾是他的栖息之地,如今却已断瓦残垣,与周边拔地而起的大厦高楼形成强烈反差
  • 27、蛇吞象打造方大系“资本帝国”与低调的性格形成反差,方威控制的方大集团在资本市场的作风是大手笔并购和激进式的扩张。
  • 28、曾经的经历和现在的境遇之间有一种恍若隔世的割裂感,每每回想起来,现实与回忆间极不贴切的反差,使得这经历格外地不真实起来。
  • 29、往事好像硬盘上一些听旧了的老歌,虽然已经陈旧了,甚至自己也厌倦了,但每次一翻听,好像总会到过去的日子。可惜自己已经不是过去的自己。这种反差有时候让人惶恐,有时候让人悲伤,甚至无所适从。
  • 30、他笑着说,这要怪导演张多福,因为该剧主要表现的是许晴扮演的角色,为了体现“反差美”,要请一位眼睛小、很有喜感的男演员来演。
  • 31、明明刚刚还非常爽快的李天,突然之间就摇头拒绝,这巨大的反差让李画儿一时之间无法接受,不过谁叫现在是她有求于人,李画儿不得不去讨好并且恳求李天。
  • 32、庄明气势汹汹地喊道,但握剑的右手只是随意的一摆,与之形成极大的反差
  • 33、本文根据显影液的各组成成份在显影过程中的作用特点,介绍了低反差电镜图像底片及照片的冲洗方法。
  • 34、县内有古金山,东面有瑶人首领梁辰生,西面有僮人首领韦永盛,前年开始,就领导各自寨民反差抗捐!现在也都来归附,共同抵抗官军。
  • 35、宁夜痛呼一声,脑海中的那三股记忆,无人可挡的冲进识海中,剧烈的反差让宁夜痛呼出声。
  • 36、本来洪相具备条件,却是想要甩手而去,如此大的反差,令其难以接受。
  • 37、本文扼要介绍了多反差黑白照相纸的结构和性能特点。
  • 38、12月16日下午,包头市土右旗萨拉齐镇郭小平文化大院活动室热闹异常,与室外的寒冷天气形成鲜明反差
  • 39、这种近乎难以置信的反差简直太文艺了,她应该是金庸、梁羽生们笔下的女侠,静若处子迷死人,动如脱兔神鬼惊。
  • 40、发布会上,导演谈起剧中的“老公”林永健,笑称他们这对夫妻是“史上颜值反差最大夫妻CP”。
  • 41、碘离子掺入到亚表层可增加乳剂的光吸收,提高感光度,增加反差
  • 42、此刻沧浪洲右边巨浪滔天,凶恶惊人,左边却依然是轻浪微波,一派绿水渺渺的淡幽景色,真是反差巨大,令人愕然。
  • 43、置乎在空旷的讲台,底下面临着是朝气蓬勃的莘莘学子,及跟他年龄差不了多少的健康人,形成一种鲜明的反差,感觉他是那样的无助、赢弱、甚至是可怜。
  • 44、受传统伦理教育多年的国人,一旦步入极度开放的境地,往往会剑走偏峰,并导致价值观的不稳定,从而在言行上出现极大的反差
  • 45、鹭鸟的雪白与大山的苍黄,形成强烈鲜明的反差
  • 46、那时陆老师只不过五十岁出头,但却瘦弱苍老,颊萎腮瘪,口中只剩一二余齿,跟我心目中的陆小曼女士的形象反差实在太大。
  • 47、从14日起,一组照片在网上热传,一方是三位农妇下跪、哭求、抱腿,一方是一名干部叼烟、微笑、握手,强烈的反差极大地触动了观者的神经。
  • 48、王禹有些想笑,一个风神如玉,相貌堂堂之人,竟然如此随性自然,真是一种反差
  • 49、第一次从正义事业的立场被蓦地抛向罪恶深渊的巨大反差,让汉兵的手剧烈地颤栗起来,伸在老兵的胸前却动作不了。
  • 50、另外我们想给观众不一样的,看上去很新闻纪实,大家说话都很水,但故事剧情很戏剧,这种反差是很有意思的。


反差 fǎnchà

反差 反差,指不同事物或同一事物的不同方面对比的差异程度。



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