

  • 1、软化卸压带的软化系数与炮眼间距及排距呈双曲线关系。
  • 2、此外,它可以精确表示双曲线和悬链线。
  • 3、Sitting on a park bench, I traced the graceful curves of the hyperbola, a reminder of the endless possibilities in life and the beauty that lies in its unpredictability.
  • 4、Asthe roller coaster reached its peak and began its downward descent, my heart raced, mirroring the exhilaration and thrill of riding the hyperbolic path of life.
  • 5、The hyperbolic trajectory of a shooting star streaked across the night sky, filling me with a sense of wonder and awe at the vastness of the universe and the infinite possibilities it holds.
  • 6、Standing at the crossroads of a decision, the hyperbola became a symbol of the diverging paths in front of me, urging me to choose the one that would lead to growth and fulfillment.
  • 7、The intricate patterns on a seashell reminded me of the hyperbolic structures found in nature, a testament to the inherent order and complexity that exists in the world.
  • 8、The mathematician's chalk moved swiftly across the blackboard, illustrating the mathematical beauty of hyperbolic functions and their ability to accurately model a wide range of natural phenomena.
  • 9、Asthe waves crashed against the shore, their rhythmic rise and fall resembled the undulating shape of a hyperbola, a reminder of the constant ebb and flow of life's challenges and successes.
  • 10、The hyperbolic architecture of the museum blended harmoniously with its surroundings, a reflection of the seamless integration of human creativity and the natural world.
  • 11、Through the lens of a microscope, I marveled at the intricate structure of a cell, with its hyperbolic membranes and interconnected networks, highlighting the complexity and interconnectedness of life.
  • 12、The diver gracefully arched her body, mimicking the shape of a hyperbola as she soared through the air, leaving spectators in awe of her skill and precision.
  • 13、In a world filled with linear narratives, the hyperbolic plotline of the novel stood out, challenging conventional storytelling and inviting readers to embrace ambiguity and nonlinear thinking.
  • 14、The curves of the hyperbola illuminated the pages of my math textbook, revealing the fascinating possibilities and applications of this mathematical concept in the real world.
  • 15、The hyperbolic shapes of the Ferris wheel's arches soared into the sky, a testament to human ingenuity and the thrill of defying gravity.
  • 16、The hyperbolic argument presented by the debater left the audience captivated, as she skillfully weaved together facts and emotions to support her viewpoint.
  • 17、The hyperbola traced across the Cartesian plane, its symmetrical nature a reminder of the balance that can be found amidst chaos and asymmetry.
  • 18、Peering through the telescope, the astronomer marveled at the hyperbolic paths of comets as they danced through the night sky, silently reminding her of the transient nature of our existence.
  • 19、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出高质量的句子.
  • 20、离开的路径会是进来路径的镜像,呈现双曲线或是抛物线的图形.
  • 21、异性友情的发展,就象双曲线,无限接近担永不触及。卢梭
  • 22、帕克斯顿的方法采用了小范围随机抽样和双曲线的极限.
  • 23、忧伤的过后,恍然明白爱情是对生命的严重浪费,一个人就像渐行渐远和双曲线一样如此逼近,却怎么也不能相交。
  • 24、最后在基于双曲线介质来构造3D高指向天线.
  • 25、二是采用双曲线正切函数柔化输入矢量.
  • 26双曲线逐渐接近它的渐近线但不相交.
  • 27、动态,波动,流动以及切分韵律的弯曲的“鞭绳”轨迹代表了大部分新艺术主义的特征,另一个特征为双曲线和抛物线的运用。
  • 28、结果葡聚糖的浓度时间曲线为双曲线,时间反应曲线显示反应速率较低。
  • 29、如果想消除液压配流噪声,油缸的预升、释压力特性也必须按双曲线规律变化。
  • 30、内置三角函数,双曲线函数,对数,求幂,数组,数列,阶乘。并且用户可自定义新的变量和函数。
  • 31、异性友情的发展,就象双曲线,无限接近但永不触及。卢梭
  • 32、含氯量和孔隙度之间的关系图式也许近似于一条双曲线.
  • 33、汽车驱动桥的差速器齿轮应采用双曲线齿轮油来润滑.
  • 34、利用极大似然估计以及方向极大似然估计的概念,分别得到了双参数指数分布的参数的估计量,并证明了双参数指数分布中的两个参数满足双曲线型关。
  • 35、球面上共焦点之椭圆、双曲线,在球心投影中仍投影成共焦椭圆、双曲线
  • 36、时光急速向前推进,顺着轨道,我们在向同一条渐近线延伸。但双曲线有两条,落在不同象限。我们究竟是相濡以沫,还是背道而驰?夏茗悠
  • 37、根据圆弧的时间分割法插补原理,开发了基于圆心角分割的双曲线、抛物线插补算法。
  • 38、对过双曲线外一定点的法线作图问题作了探讨,提出了几何作图法的不可解性及优化法解的不全性。
  • 39、此方法大大减小了工件加工时的双曲线误差,实现了各种成形车刀的自动绘图,提高了设计速度和绘图质量。


双曲线 shuāngqūxiàn

双曲线 一般的,双曲线(希腊语“ὑπερβολή”,字面意思是“超过”或“超出”)是定义为平面交截直角圆锥面的两半的一类圆锥曲线。 它还可以定义为与两个固定的点(叫做焦点)的距离差是常数的点的轨迹。这个固定的距离差是a的两倍,这里的a是从双曲线的中心到双曲线最近的分支的顶点的距离。a还叫做双曲线的实半轴。焦点位于贯穿轴上,它们的中间点叫做中心,中心一般位于原点处。



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