

  • 1双宾语结构是现代语言学研究中的热点问题之一。
  • 2双宾语句是现代汉语语法体系中极富特色的一种句式,是动词谓语句的下位类型之一。
  • 3、Iresented my parents with a heartfelt letter and a bouquet of flowers as a token of my gratitude for their unending love and support throughout my life.
  • 4、She handed the homeless man on the street a warm blanket and a nourishing meal, hoping to bring some comfort to his difficult and lonely life.
  • 5、The teacher awarded the talented student an overflowing basket of accolades and a scholarship, recognizing their exceptional academic achievements and dedication.
  • 6、Hegifted his girlfriend a delicate necklace and a handwritten love letter, expressing his deep affection and commitment to their relationship.
  • 7、The company awarded their top-performing employees an all-expenses-paid vacation and a sizable bonus, acknowledging their hard work and valuable contributions.
  • 8、The museum curator presented the renowned artist with a prestigious exhibition opportunity and a publication of their artwork, honoring their immense talent and artistic vision.
  • 9、The philanthropist donated a substantial amount of money and a fully-equipped mobile clinic to the remote village, aiming to improve their access to medical care and alleviate their suffering.
  • 10、The coach granted the dedicated athlete a place on the national team and a chance to represent their country at the upcoming international competition, recognizing their exceptional skills and dedication to their sport.
  • 11、The audience gave the talented singer a standing ovation and a bouquet of roses, appreciating the power and emotion conveyed through their captivating performance.
  • 12、The professor assigned the eager students a challenging research project and a chance to present their findings at a prestigious conference, encouraging their curiosity and intellectual growth.
  • 13、She gave her best friend a heartfelt hug and a handwritten letter of apology, seeking forgiveness for her thoughtless actions and promising to make amends.
  • 14、The organization awarded the dedicated volunteers a certificate of appreciation and a heartfelt thank-you letter, recognizing their selfless efforts and commitment to improving the community.
  • 15、The chef prepared the guests a delectable five-course meal and a personalized menu, ensuring a memorable dining experience that would satisfy their cravings and delight their taste buds.
  • 16、The company offered the promising intern a permanent position and a mentorship program, recognizing their valuable contributions and potential for growth within the organization.
  • 17、The teacher provided the struggling student with extra tutoring sessions and a comprehensive study guide, ensuring they had the necessary support and resources to succeed academically.
  • 18、The director gave the talented actor a leading role in their upcoming film and a chance to showcase their skills on the big screen, recognizing their immense talent and potential.
  • 19、The photographer captured the newlyweds a series of breathtaking wedding portraits and a customized photo album, preserving their special day and creating cherished memories.
  • 20、The charitable organization granted the impoverished community access to clean drinking water and a sustainable farming program, aiming to improve their quality of life and alleviate poverty.
  • 21、The mother sewed her children a warm winter coat and a pair of cozy mittens, ensuring their comfort and protection during the cold months.
  • 22双宾语结构在英汉两种语言中都普遍存在。
  • 23、本文总结了湘阴方言中双宾语结构的几个特征:1。直接宾语和间接宾语的位置不能随意调换。
  • 24双宾语句中引进与事的介词在汉语方言中颇有歧异。
  • 25、现代汉语的双宾语句式是语法学界备受关注的语法现象。
  • 26双宾语结构中的两个宾语的凸显度由双宾动词的语义框架决定,事实证明,两个宾语的凸显度具有强弱之分,而且这种强弱度是语义关系,而非句法关系。
  • 27、文章首先回顾了不同语言学派对双宾语结构的研究,然后在对比不同学者对双宾结构定性的基础上,提出了应用认知语言的语义凸显理论可以为双宾语进行合理的定位。
  • 28双宾语句是现代汉语语法体系中富有特色的一种句式。
  • 29双宾语结构在汉语中相当普遍,一直吸引着汉语语言学者特别是语法学家们的关注。
  • 30、汉语中存在双宾语句,但对双宾语句的认识到现在还没有统一。
  • 31、在历来的语法研究中,双宾语结构一直受到前辈学者的关注,是汉语语法研究中一个传统且重要的课题。
  • 32、本文主要对双宾语句研究的开端、发展作一个历时的考察,指出争论的焦点,以及尚待解决的一些问题。
  • 33、生成语法可以对英汉双宾语结构作出明晰化的分析,但是不能解决汉语双宾结构中的歧义现象。


双宾语 shuāngbīnyǔ

双宾语 双宾语由直接宾语和间接宾语组成。直接宾语是谓语动词的承受者,间接宾语表示谓语动作的方向(对谁做)或动作的目标(为谁做),间接宾语紧接在谓语动词后,但它不能单独存在。它和直接宾语组成双宾语。



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