- 1、降使适去,左右劫夺财物,略取妻妾,放火烧宫。
- 2、在下名叫郑天寿,是个银匠,三年前路过此地时被王英劫夺上山虽然无奈落草,但是并没有做些为非作歹的事情,还请晁保正宽宥。
- 3、The devastating earthquake not only destroyed homes and buildings but also dealt a heavy blow to the local economy, robbing people of their livelihoods and plunging them into despair.
- 4、Asthe menacing storm approached, it unleashed its fury upon the coastal town, violently snatching away the dreams and aspirations of those who called it home.
- 5、The ruthless warlord, driven by power and greed, swooped down upon the peaceful village, his soldiers plundering its wealth and forcing the inhabitants into a life of despair and suffering.
- 6、Hunger, like a merciless thief, stealthily crept into the impoverished neighborhood, stealing away the hopes and dreams of countless children who had never known anything but want and deprivation.
- 7、Driven by desperation, she made the difficult decision to steal bread from the local bakery, knowing that it was her only chance to feed her starving family and save them from the clutches of hunger.
- 8、The corrupt government officials, with their insatiable thirst for power and wealth, mercilessly exploited the natural resources of the country, depriving future generations of their rightful inheritance and leaving nothing but environmental devastation in their wake.
- 9、As the bank robbers stormed into the building with guns blazing, terror gripped the hearts of the innocent bystanders who could only watch helplessly as their hard-earned savings were violently snatched away.
- 10、The cruel disease crept into her body, slowly robbing her of strength and vitality, leaving only a mere shadow of the vibrant woman she once was.
- 11、The invading army, driven by their thirst for power, descended upon the defenseless village, their barbaric actions robbing its inhabitants of their innocence and peace.
- 12、The heartless kidnapper ruthlessly snatched the innocent child from his loving family, leaving them paralyzed with fear and longing.
- 13、The devastating flood swept through the community, leaving destruction in its wake and robbing the residents of their homes and sense of security.
- 14、The cunning con artist, with his deceptive charm, deceived countless individuals, robbing them of their hard-earned savings and shattering their trust in humanity.
- 15、The cruel civil war tore apart families and communities, robbing thousands of innocent lives and leaving behind a trail of devastation and sorrow.
- 16、The manipulative cult leader, preying on the vulnerable, brainwashed his followers and robbed them of their critical thinking skills, leaving them trapped in his delusional world.
- 17、又次则援李督来电,指驳日使照会所称学生劫夺天田洋行货物一事为诬枉。
- 18、教士们虔诚地唱了一首赞美诗,把这劫夺行为神圣化了.
- 19、一杯咖啡120英镑,真是明目张胆的劫夺.
- 20、世界上的强盗,再没有比劫夺我们思想自由的罪恶更大的了。林语堂
- 21、反过来,我们可以说哪里有外婚制被发现,我们可以安心地期待在一定的调查之后,发现劫夺,至少是劫夺体系的痕迹。
- 22、一杯咖啡索价1.20英镑,真是明目张胆的劫夺.
- 23、这首诗写了诗人所爱的人被有权有势的人劫夺的悲哀,也反映了当时封建社会由于门第悬殊所造成的爱情悲剧。
- 24、去使多恃势作威,劫夺妇女,殴击吏卒,累得吏民痛心疾首,饮恨吞声。
- 25、窦马利和喜功曾经同属一个剿匪队。在战争中,剿匪队在本村进行了敲骨吸髓的劫夺。
- 26、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是更快地造出更优质的句子.
- 27、盖沿途不靖,各商转运现银,时被劫夺,而保镖者遇众寡不敌,亦束手无策,故为各商所深忧。
- 28、世界上的强盗,再没有比劫夺我们思想自由的罪恶更大的了。如果我们失掉了思想自由,那还不如匍匐而行,承认两足走路是一个错误,而回返到三万多年前的原来姿势。
- 29、在原始社会互相劫夺的战争中,一个被掳掠的美丽女俘,向征服者面露冁然一笑,从而改善了自己的囚徒命运,这大概是最早使用的美人计了。
- 30、又有世人所不常见之横死,即如前魇魅诸恶鬼劫夺精气等而死也。