- 1、我只想放轻松的抵达萨赫森灵,努力做到最好并且享受比赛.
- 2、无论什么事情,都要努力做到最好。
- 3、Despite facing numerous rejections, she never gave up and continued to strive for success, eventually becoming a renowned author.
- 4、Asa single mother, she worked tirelessly day and night to provide for her children, sacrificing her own happiness for their future.
- 5、Iay not be the best artist, but I will put in every ounce of effort to create something meaningful and unique, showcasing my passion and dedication.
- 6、Despite my fear of public speaking, I will make a conscious effort to improve my communication skills, participating in debates and presentations to overcome my weaknesses.
- 7、Asan athlete, I understand the importance of discipline and hard work, so I will continue to push myself to the limit, always striving to break my own records and achieve new heights.
- 8、Inorder to maintain a healthy lifestyle, I will make a conscious effort to exercise regularly, eat nutritious meals, and prioritize my physical and mental well-being.
- 9、Despite the challenges and setbacks I may face, I will persevere and keep striving for my goals, because I believe that with determination and hard work, anything is possible.
- 10、As an aspiring entrepreneur, I will devote my time and energy into building a successful business, constantly seeking new opportunities and working tirelessly to make my vision a reality.
- 11、Iunderstand that life is not always easy, but I vow to never give up and continue to push forward, always striving for personal growth and self-improvement.
- 12、As a teacher, my goal is to inspire and empower my students, fostering a love for learning and encouraging them to strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives.
- 13、Despite the doubts and criticisms from others, I will keep pushing myself to pursue my passion for music, constantly honing my skills and aiming to make a difference in the industry.
- 14、As a conservationist, I will dedicate my life to protecting and preserving our environment, raising awareness and advocating for sustainability, for the sake of future generations.
- 15、Despite my fear of failure, I will take risks, challenge myself, and explore new possibilities, because only by pushing my boundaries can I truly reach my full potential.
- 16、In order to overcome my shyness and social anxiety, I will push myself to step out of my comfort zone, actively engaging with others and working towards building stronger relationships.
- 17、Despite the obstacles and limitations imposed by society, I will strive to break free from societal norms and expectations, living my life authentically and following my own path.
- 18、生活压力日益增长,工作滋长胡思乱想,告诫自己不要紧张,努力做到积极客观,不管社会环境怎样,蓦然回首人生坦荡。
- 19、——通过格物致知来达到一颗没有私心物欲的心,心中的理也就是世间万物的理,知而行之,努力做到为善去恶。
- 20、知之小工具是一部在线造句词典,其宗旨是让大家更快地造出高质量的句子.
- 21、火是这样无情,而生命又是那样宝贵。所以我们要时刻保持警惕,努力做到安全用火。
- 22、多提意见,本人定当虚心接受,努力做到更好!
- 23、我们要努力做到德、智、体全面发展。
- 24、我不想预先判断目前的情况,但我可以说的是我们正在努力做到最好。
- 25、并及时发现精神懈怠、能力不足、脱离群众、消极腐败危险又有了哪些新苗头;深入思考并及时发现实际工作方面存在哪些问题和不足,努力做到不诿过、不贰过。
- 26、天下上最苦楚的感觉莫过于晓得你能努力做到最好,但是依然不敷好。
- 27、南京审计学院的师生十分友善和乐于助人,他们努力做到最好让我们的旅行舒适而难忘。
- 28、个体商贩们订出公约,要求努力做到买卖公平,斤两毫发不爽。
- 29、顾正主笑言,眼下他努力做到第一层境界,那就是“宁静以致远”,至于第二层境界“淡泊以明志”,或许还要经岁月和世事砥砺,方能渐臻佳境。
- 30、所谓造化,就是看你是否能够努力做到优秀,如果你连一些基本的东西都不会的话,那些高等一些的,你怎样去学?
- 31、我当然现在能力有限,写作能力很低,但对于文笔和情节还是想要努力做到最好。
- 32、党员领导干部必须把改造主观世界与改造客观世界有机结合起来,不断提升党性修养和思想境界,努力做到修身慎行、怀德自重、敦方正直和清廉自守。
- 33、既然已经去参选了,那就别管那么多了,记住一点就好,努力做到最好,把自己最大的优势发挥出来,过程才是最重要的!你面试是什么时候啊?什么题目啊?
- 34、所以说每一个练功夫的人都想努力做到这一点,像水一样柔软、灵活,能改变自己来适应对手。
- 35、努力做到为民务实清廉,展示良好党风政风作风!
- 36、所有国家都在搞经济上自给自足。为了努力做到自给自足,他们从国外只购进最低数量的商品。
- 37、但是一旦开始,她就会努力做到最好。
- 38、说今道古,我们面临的问题在哪里?我们解决问题的出路又在哪里?最根本的就是要按照构建和谐社会的要求,切实结合我省实际,努力做到“八个坚持”。
- 39、嘛虽然不能当做借口,但是咱会尽量努力码字,努力做到,嗯,周更。
- 40、会议要求,各县市区在蝗虫扩散迁移危害之前,及早扑杀控制,努力做到“飞蝗不起飞成灾,土蝗不扩散危害,入境蝗虫不二次迁飞”。
- 41、之所以有压力,一方面是因为《导演万岁》之前受到大家的喜爱,这本书能不能让大家一如既往地满意,是小张要努力做到的。
- 42、豫南收镰在即,南阳市于5月25日召开2011年夏季秸秆禁烧工作会议,明确了责任,完善了措施,正努力做到组织到位、宣传到位、督察到位、奖惩到位。
- 43、各位有什么请直接说,最好帮忙提提意见和改进的建议,虽然我没有太好的文笔和太多的经验,但一定努力做到最好。
- 44、已经具有一定规模和实力。我们努力做到大而全,专而精,使各级另售客户满意。
- 45、因此,民族地区的教育发展过程中必须使基层民众切身感受到,发展教育本质上不是上级的事情,而是他们自己的事业,要使他们切实参与到项目的决策和管理之中去,努力做到自力更生。
- 46、这时福尔只牵挂剩下的酒,他万分无奈举起瓶底,凑到嘴边呷上几口,努力做到涓滴不漏,把幸免于难的啤酒统统舔进肚里。
- 47、给孩子一缕阳光,孩子会给你一个太阳!用心,用爱,努力做到最好!
- 48、努力做到最好,不能是第二或者第三。只要你选择了这条路,就一定要做到最好。
- 49、风不舍昼夜,努力做到对人有益。
- 50、我们期盼着中国文化“发扬光大”的那一天;但是,在今天,我们应该、我们必须避免浮躁,沉下心来,努力做到“抱残守缺”、“守先待后”。