- 1、情不能掺假,情不能包藏过多的自私动机。
- 2、当你把持正确的动机来做对的事,上帝要在你生命中成就的,也是不可限量的。
- 3、Without a strong motivation, it is challenging to excel in any field, as motivation fuels our drive to push past obstacles and achieve our goals.
- 4、The desire to make a positive impact on the world motivates me every day to work towards creating a more sustainable and equitable future.
- 5、She faced countless setbacks and challenges, but her unwavering motivation to succeed propelled her to achieve her lifelong dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur.
- 6、The motivation to prove the doubters wrong and defy stereotypes is what drives her to break barriers and be a trailblazer in her industry.
- 7、The motivation to provide a better life for their children pushed them to migrate to a new country, leaving behind their familiar surroundings and starting from scratch.
- 8、Despite facing numerous failures and disappointments, his unyielding motivation for personal growth and self-improvement drives him to never give up and keep pushing forward.
- 9、The motivation to preserve our planet's natural beauty and protect it for future generations has sparked a global movement towards sustainable living.
- 10、The relentless pursuit of knowledge and thirst for learning are the primary motivations that distinguish successful individuals in their respective fields.
- 11、Love and support from family and friends serve as significant motivations, providing the strength and encouragement needed to overcome challenges and achieve one's dreams.
- 12、The motivation to bring joy and happiness to others is what drives her to pursue a career in the performing arts, using her talents to uplift and inspire audiences.
- 13、The motivation to prove her worth and show others that she is more than her physical appearance helped her overcome body image issues and cultivate self-love and acceptance.
- 14、The motivation to foster unity and understanding among diverse communities laid the foundation for a grassroots movement that promotes inclusivity and celebrates differences.
- 15、The motivation to overcome adversity and triumph against all odds is what turns ordinary individuals into extraordinary heroes.
- 16、The unwavering motivation to make a meaningful impact on society motivates countless volunteers to dedicate their time and energy to various social causes and community projects.
- 17、The motivation to break free from the cycle of poverty and create a better future for themselves and their families propels many individuals to pursue education and gain new skills.
- 18、The motivation to expand one's horizons and experience different cultures drives many individuals to embark on transformative travel journeys, broadening their perspectives and fostering personal growth.
- 19、通常一个二冲程发动机能产生相对它本身规格来说很大的能量,因为每次回转它有双倍的燃烧循环。
- 20、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
- 21、另一个办法是在发动机室的周围采用高效消声隔音材料.
- 22、汽车行驶时,空气被截留在发动机舱盖下.
- 23、让每一个念头都服从于利益动机。
- 24、吸收式冷冻机在中国格外受欢迎,因为许多工厂已经有了柴油发动机和柴油储存罐。
- 25、我们还把创造认识上争论情景的方法和组织学习讨论的方法列入刺激学习和启发学习动机的方法。……学生参与科学争论,不但使他们在有关问题上加深知识,而且不知不觉地他们的注意力吸引到主题上,引起新的学习兴趣。
- 26、宽恕所做的就是消除那种逃避动机,友谊才能重建,相应地,任务才能重新去做。
- 27、如果不是规定电阻值,替换起动机电枢装配。
- 28、虽然通常家长会比孩子懂得多,但没有人能够懂得足够多。我们心怀善意并希望自己动机纯洁,但有时这些动机比我们想象的要复杂。我们大概都清楚,家长送子女去哈佛或耶鲁,多多少少有炫耀的意味。
- 29、生物燃料在适合长途班机使用前,还需要对飞机生物燃料发动机作一些进一步的研究,但应该指日可待了。
- 30、“犯罪动机极其卑劣......手段特别残忍......后果特别严重,”法院法官说。
- 31、一个人动机纯正,完全为公,就是随机应变。一个人动机不纯,完全为己,就是投机取巧。
- 32、在过去,异步电动机的最大的缺陷就是很难改变转子的旋转速度,但随着现代半导体控制技术的发展,这一问题已经被解决。
- 33、我沿街走去,一面走一面左顾右盼,打量着所有的房子,但找不到进门的借口或动机。
- 34、这台发动机一直工作得很正常。
- 35、他们的动机很快就能看出,完全是自私自利。
- 36、我的成功并非源与高的智商,我认为最重要的是理性。我总是把智商和才能比作发动机的动力,但是输出功率,也就是工作的效率则取决与理性。
- 37、他就像一个有无限动力的发动机一样,孜孜不倦的学习到深夜。
- 38、一旦避免失败变成你做事的动机,你就走上了怠惰无力的路。
- 39、一身漆黑亮光的茸毛,一对漂亮轻捷的羽翼,加上剪刀似的尾巴,凑成了生动机灵的小燕子。
- 40、当一个人的言谈和举止怀着良善动机时,快乐便像影子般地跟随他。
- 41、腿懒、手懒、脑懒是衰老的催化剂,腿勤、手勤、脑勤是长寿的发动机,安逸和平庸的鸿沟只能用药物去填充,健康和多彩的生活必须用运动来打造!
- 42、有效的学习是与好的方法与动机分不开的。
- 43、浪漫的姿态并没有最高的动机,他们惟一的目的是要表达爱,要表明她是重要的,对你也非常特殊,要让他知道,你经常想着他。
- 44、熟悉汽车的人都知道,发动机质量是车重一项非常重要的组成部分。
- 45、飞机发动机短舱挠性管道。
- 46、我们上初中时,刚学了一点电的知识,就想发明“永动机”,这无异于痴人说梦。
- 47、一些双边资助机构也鹤立鸡群,但国家资助体系通常都支离破碎,效率低下,并且政治动机太强。
- 48、高尚的行为不必证明其动机是否审慎。维纳
- 49、1999年就脱离英联邦的一次全民公投以失败而告终,主要是因为大众对政治家们推行改革的动机不屑一顾。
- 50、再一种方法是大脚油门,把转速提上来,发动机也能很快升温。