

  • 1、将洗涤器浸入1汤勺配2加仑水的溶液中,然后将多余的水挤去。
  • 2、今年上半年的油价攀升期,每加仑汽油平均利润不到0.10美元.目前每加仑利润已提高到0.21美元.
  • 3、Ina remote village, the children lined up with their empty buckets, waiting eagerly for the water truck to arrive and fill each gallon of their lives with hope and survival.
  • 4、Asthe fuel gauge dropped to empty, the driver anxiously searched for the nearest gas station, praying that the next gallon of gas would be his ticket to finally reaching his long-lost love.
  • 5、Inthe blazing hot desert, the weary traveler stumbled upon an oasis, where a single gallon of water proved to be a precious lifeline, quenching his parched throat and renewing his determination to survive.
  • 6、With tears streaming down her face, the young mother carefully measured out each gallon of milk, ensuring that her newborn baby would have the nourishment and strength to thrive.
  • 7、The firefighters fearlessly battled the raging blaze, dousing it with gallons of water, their every drop representing their unwavering commitment to protect and save lives.
  • 8、With an overflowing heart, the philanthropist donated thousands of gallons of clean drinking water to a drought-stricken village, bringing new life and hope to its desperate residents.
  • 9、The marathon runner pushed through the pain and exhaustion, his determination fueled by the thought of reaching the finish line and celebrating his triumph with gallons of sweat and tears.
  • 10、In the chemistry lab, the scientists meticulously measured out precise gallons of chemicals, experimenting with the boundaries of knowledge and unlocking the mysteries of the universe.
  • 11、The passionate environmentalist organized a protest, holding up a sign that boldly proclaimed, "Not one more gallon of pollution shall be allowed to destroy our planet!"
  • 12、On a rainy day, the children gleefully splashed in puddles, their infectious laughter echoing as they jumped and danced, completely oblivious to the gallons of muddy water they were spreading around.
  • 13、The savvy businessman strategically invested millions of dollars, knowing that each gallon of profit would pave the way for a brighter future for himself and his employees.
  • 14、Deep in the ocean, the intrepid diver marveled at the breathtaking beauty of a coral reef, teeming with vibrant marine life and endless gallons of secrets waiting to be discovered.
  • 15、With each paint stroke, the artist poured her heart into her canvas, expressing her deepest emotions through vibrant colors and gallons of creativity that flowed effortlessly from her soul.
  • 16、The car enthusiast lovingly restored a vintage vehicle, investing countless hours and gallons of sweat into bringing it back to its former glory, relishing in the nostalgia and history it represented.
  • 17、这一家子会找一些自然的方式来纪念父亲在天堂的生日:有一年是养了只小猫咪,有一年是一只小狗,或者是在后院新增一口池塘,或是买一个100加仑的大鱼缸。
  • 18、当我设立新缸时,我习惯在每加仑的水中加入一茶匙的海盐,然后等过一个月后再换部份新水同时再加入同样比例的海盐于新水中。
  • 19、Amozoc的偷油量相当于大概120加仑,价值12,000美元。
  • 20、在一秒钟之内,亚马孙河向大西洋泄入5900万加仑的水。
  • 21、十加仑汽油十一元三角,一夸脱机油两元两角。
  • 22、您宁可会得到更多每英寸点数比英哩每加仑.
  • 23、容器可以是包装完好的加仑罐,提桶,或是鼓形桶。
  • 24、幸运的是,他们居住在一个26加仑的大水池里,并靠食用长在水池石头和墙壁上的藻类汲取营养。
  • 25、在亚特兰大的Ecco餐厅,服务员不会将食物残渣扫进垃圾箱,他们会把这些残杯冷炙倒进一个5加仑的木桶,制成堆肥。
  • 26、例如避免批量购买50加仑的热玉米面包馅卷。
  • 27、距一艘货轮和一艘油轮相撞引起400,000多加仑燃油渗漏到河道后已经两天。
  • 28、每年生产数百万加仑的油,捕鲸业被广泛认为是无懈可击的,支持者甚至嘲笑那些可能的照明替代品,如猪油和莰烯。
  • 29、在他任职期间,漏油滚滚漏进墨西哥湾,算不清有多少加仑
  • 30、密度可以通过知道体积的比重瓶可每加仑的重量杯来测量.
  • 31、今年夏天,埃克森美孚石油公司的输油管道发生爆裂事故,导致4.2万加仑的原油流入黄石河。
  • 32、每年,美国都会产生12万亿加仑的污水,并耗费21万亿千瓦时的电力将这些污水净化到饮用水的标准。
  • 33、我们每人节省一加仑的石油是生产中的一种新形式.
  • 34、在未来6年里,新兴的海水脱盐工厂每天可为全球供水量增加了13亿加仑,相当于一条科罗拉多河的水量。
  • 35、桶液体计量单位,通常一桶大约等于252加仑
  • 36、然后我们会将15吨菜油转换成3000加仑的汽油。
  • 37、一滴蜂密比一加仑胆汁招引的苍蝇还要多。
  • 38、自从汽油价格在2005年升至3美元一加仑以上后,底特律就试图夺回中档车市场,而不是依赖于高价格、高利润的SUV车型和其他油耗高的汽车。
  • 39、约翰谁开著一辆丰田花冠报告说,他是获得每加仑56英里。
  • 40、黑加仑,红莓酱,绿椒,烤炙过的浆果,辣,黑李子味.
  • 41、那时正展开一个价格战,我们在95号洲际公路的加油站正常销售二十九美分一加仑
  • 42、今天我开车去参加公司的野餐,后座放着85磅肉,一加仑的秘制烤肉酱还有芥末装在大锅里。
  • 43、随着每天至少20万加仑的石油泄漏进墨西哥湾,该公司现如今面临的是比网络上讽刺家的讽刺更为严峻的问题。
  • 44、如今,综合情况下每加仑行驶英里数,通常与绝大多数汽车驾驶者可能期望的每天行驶获得的数值非常接近。
  • 45、上周时,受冬季库存短缺影响,取暖油在美国这一最大的石油消费国的零售价格飙升,涨至每加仑2.95美元。
  • 46、因为不确定这段旅程会有多久,除了平常所携行李之外,我还带着整箱食物,包括几加仑水。
  • 47、知之小工具在线造句词典-造句大全,几千词语的造句供您参考哦!
  • 48、最高的均价在安克雷奇,每加仑2.45美元。
  • 49、幸运的是,它们居住在一个26加仑的大水池里,并靠食用长在水池石头和池壁上的藻类汲取营养。
  • 50、加满这战车大约要十加仑的汽油。


加仑 jiālún

加仑 加仑是一种容(体)积单位,英文全称gallon,简写gal。加仑又分为英制加仑和美制加仑,两者表示的大小不一样。 英制加仑是一种使用于英国、其前殖民地和英联邦国家非正式标准化的单位,英国已于1995年完成了到国际单位制的转换。现在从官方而言,加仑只应用于美国、利比里亚和缅甸。而其他国家或地区则使用国际单位制,即米制,又称为公制。



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