

  • 1、真不知道你怎么想的,说话前言不搭后语,自相矛盾,明眼人一看就知道他在说谎,你却不拆穿他。
  • 2、闺蜜就是坐在一起即使我说的前言不搭后语,你也懂,即使什么也不说,也不会感到尴尬。
  • 3、The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the peaceful meadow, when suddenly, a deafening explosion shattered the tranquility, leaving behind a trail of devastation and despair.
  • 4、AsI walked down the aisle towards the altar, the sound of my pounding heart was drowned out by the raucous laughter and clinking glasses of the wedding reception, a stark reminder of the fleeting happiness that awaited me.
  • 5、The elderly man sat alone on the park bench, lost in his thoughts, as the world around him bustled with the chatter of children and the honking of cars, oblivious to the deep loneliness that consumed him.
  • 6、The art exhibition showcased a collection of colorful abstract paintings, expertly executed and thought-provoking, yet the curator's stark and clinical explanations failed to capture the emotion and passion behind each brushstroke.
  • 7、The fields stretched out endlessly, bathed in the soft light of the moon, as the screams and cries of war echoed in the distance, a jarring juxtaposition of beauty and brutality.
  • 8、The young couple strolled hand in hand along the sandy beach, their laughter and playful banter in stark contrast to the dark storm clouds gathering above, foreshadowing the impending heartbreak that lay ahead.
  • 9、The majestic mountain peak stood tall and proud, surrounded by a sea of lush greenery, as the heavy footsteps of bulldozers and the roar of chainsaws relentlessly destroyed the natural harmony, a painful reminder of humanity's disregard for the environment.
  • 10、The vibrant city streets were alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life, but amidst the noise and chaos, a young artist sat alone in his studio, pouring his heart and soul onto a canvas, the only expression of his silent desperation.
  • 11、The lavish banquet hall was adorned with opulent decorations and filled with the sounds of clinking champagne glasses, yet the forced smiles and shallow conversations masked the underlying tension and disunity of the privileged elite.
  • 12、The crisp morning air filled my lungs as I stepped out into the deserted park, silence enveloping me like a comforting blanket, shielding me from the cacophony of daily life, a brief respite from the chaos that awaited.
  • 13、The once-thriving village now lay in ruins, its charred remains bearing witness to the merciless flames that devoured homes and dreams, a somber reminder of the fragility of human existence.
  • 14、The melodious notes of the piano danced through the air, enchanting all who listened, but as the final chord resonated, the applause that followed felt hollow and insincere, unable to capture the true beauty of the musician's soul.
  • 15、The smiling children gathered around the old storyteller, their eyes wide with anticipation, but as the tales unfolded, the darkness and tragedy within them startled and bewitched, leaving a lasting impression on their innocent minds.
  • 16、The bookshelf was filled with an eclectic mix of literature, each title beckoning with promises of adventure and knowledge, yet the mismatched assortment left me feeling overwhelmed and disconnected, lost amidst the discordant pages.
  • 17、The crisp autumn leaves rustled beneath my feet, releasing a familiar earthy scent, as I walked through the empty park, my heart heavy with longing and nostalgia for moments that could never be relived.
  • 18、The dilapidated house stood in stark contrast to the vibrant neighborhood, its broken windows and sagging roof a haunting reminder of the past, a silent witness to the lives and stories that once filled its walls.
  • 19、The gentle rain tapped against the windowpane, creating a soothing melody that blended with the comforting warmth of the fireplace, while outside, the storm raged on, a tempestuous symphony reminding me of life's unpredictability.
  • 20、可谓笑话百出,前言不搭后语,不管从哪个方面都能戳破“谎言”。
  • 21、是什么,我想多打听打听,老石又明显是喝高了,前言不搭后语,完全不知所云。
  • 22、老六这几句话前言不搭后语,把我说了个稀里糊涂,我问,“知道什么?什么说话你都在场?”。
  • 23、总觉得夸克有些前言不搭后语
  • 24、他讲起话来前言不搭后语,自相矛盾。
  • 25、其他常见的错误包括:文笔单调,前言不搭后语,计划书又臭又长。
  • 26、对于这莽汉前言不搭后语的表述,谢观星几乎要笑出声来,仔细打量了这个曾经的上官两眼,谢观星暗暗想道:“这倒是个妙人儿,只不知本领如何?”。
  • 27、这句很没有逻辑的话,出自火车之口,你一点也不会感到唐突,因为他说话时常前言不搭后语
  • 28、“大师”所说的话信口开河、前言不搭后语,而且所说的话都是和他的徒弟如出一辙,真是有其师必有其徒。
  • 29、大约过了良久,董军师才来到帅帐,边走,边问长问短,帅前军卒有些前言不搭后语,言辞闪烁,极力回避董军师的问话。
  • 30前言不搭后语的小菊,此刻花瓣都微微泛红。
  • 31、既不具有哲学美,更不具有实践美,前言不搭后语,自相矛盾、自我否定的地方,随手可以检出一大篓,存在重大理论误区。
  • 32、有的结结巴巴,前言不搭后语,引起哄堂大笑……
  • 33前言不搭后语的一番话,恐怕只有老者自己能够明白。


前言不搭后语 qián yán bù dā hòu yǔ




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