

  • 1、但是子参,他懂得玄门道法,加上利欲熏心,对无辜的民众下了手。
  • 2、无法体恤民心的信念,就是利欲熏心者。脱脱
  • 3、Inthe pursuit of wealth and success, the human heart can easily become clouded by the overwhelming desire for material gain, leading to actions that are driven by greed and self-interest rather than empathy and compassion.
  • 4、The insatiable greed that permeates our society has turned us into a society that worships money above all else, leaving behind a trail of broken relationships, shattered dreams, and moral bankruptcy.
  • 5、The power of greed is such that it can corrupt even the most virtuous of individuals, transforming them into ruthless, heartless beings solely focused on their own gain, without any regard for the well-being of others.
  • 6、The intoxicating allure of wealth and power has the ability to distort one's sense of morality, blinding them to the consequences of their actions and leading them down a path of destruction.
  • 7、When our hearts are consumed by the flames of greed, our relationships become transactional, devoid of love and compassion, reduced to mere tools for personal gain.
  • 8、The insidious nature of greed is such that it can penetrate every aspect of our lives, turning mundane tasks into ruthless competitions and causing us to lose sight of what truly matters.
  • 9、The alarming prevalence of corruption in our society is a testament to the overwhelming influence of greed, as it erodes trust, undermines stability, and perpetuates a culture of dishonesty.
  • 10、The consequences of a society consumed by greed are far-reaching, as social inequality widens, compassion diminishes, and the value of human life is overshadowed by the pursuit of wealth.
  • 11、The tale of a man who starts with humble beginnings but is eventually consumed by his own greed serves as a cautionary reminder of the destructive power that lies within us all.
  • 12、While the desire for success and financial prosperity is natural, it is important to recognize when this desire crosses the line into an obsession, transforming into a relentless pursuit of wealth at all costs.
  • 13、The true tragedy of a heart clouded by greed is that it blinds us to the beauty and abundance that surrounds us, leaving us perpetually dissatisfied, always yearning for more.
  • 14、It is when we find the courage to resist the temptations of greed and instead choose a path of selflessness, that we begin to truly appreciate the richness of life and experience the true joy of giving.
  • 15、The pursuit of wealth and power can be all-consuming, overshadowing our purpose in life and leaving us feeling empty and unfulfilled, for true happiness lies not in the accumulation of material possessions, but in the contentment of the soul.
  • 16、Greed blinds us to the suffering and struggles of others, as we become so focused on our own desires and ambitions that we lose sight of our shared humanity and responsibility to uplift one another.
  • 17、The path of greed may promise temporary satisfaction, but it is only through acts of kindness, compassion, and selflessness that we can find true fulfillment and lasting happiness.
  • 18、The allure of instant gratification and the desire for more can be all-consuming, but it is our ability to rise above these base instincts and prioritize the well-being of others that sets us apart as truly noble beings.
  • 19、但是在这个过程之中,总有一部分人被利欲熏心,而这些人会对另外一些人进行倾轧。
  • 20、真没看出来,利欲熏心的人是什么事情都做得出来的。
  • 21、被利欲熏心的神明,露出丑恶的姿态。
  • 22、但还是有些利欲熏心的计程车司机,对省委出台的方案视若无睹,依然我行我素,却被省**安排的执法人员逮个现行,直接送到局子里吃牢饭去了。
  • 23、就像所有他看过的漫画书里的情节那样,利欲熏心的人们已然无法控制住局面,尤其是他们日益膨胀的野心。
  • 24利欲熏心,此成语为贬义,而兰质熏心却是褒义。
  • 25、一些利欲熏心的人前赴后继的上山去寻找着,这座装满了金银财宝的陵墓但往往都是有去无回。
  • 26、他生性淡泊,绝不是那种利欲熏心的人。
  • 27、还是有几个利欲熏心的强者,用神识链接本源法则,感悟此等法则。
  • 28、他利欲熏心,谋财害命,最后被判了死刑。
  • 29、眼前的男子温文尔雅,的确和利欲熏心的洛禾不同,可是这样相似的脸让我不敢相信眼前这个人不是洛禾。
  • 30、是…是…小民招了,小民全招了,是小民利欲熏心,想骗取赵二旦的玉观音,请大人开恩啊!
  • 31、这个利欲熏心的人总想混水摸鱼,从中捞一把。
  • 32、然而因为这边贸城繁荣,和特殊的地理位置,吸引了一群利欲熏心的毒枭!毒枭们横行霸道,勾结当地官员,大肆利用这座边贸城进行非法交易。
  • 33、仙人在上,我错了,不该利欲熏心,前来……
  • 34利欲熏心,什么事都可能做的出来的。
  • 35、作为中医世家人,至少有两条路可选择,一是他秉承祖训,以歧黄之术济世救人;一条是利欲熏心,借世家之名欺世骗人。
  • 36、随即他又否定了这个想法,张四知老匹夫名声太差,薛国观虽然利欲熏心,却也极是爱惜自身羽毛,不会与他为伍。
  • 37、他又说坚信天理循环,“善恶到头终有报”,更即席挥毫写上“利欲熏心”4个大字。
  • 38、这些人,利欲熏心,私欲膨胀,假公济私,心狠手黑,有的,在错误的道路上越走越远,最后成了腐败分子,成了大蠹、“硕鼠”。
  • 39、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 40、我正在考虑描述人类的不洁,人与人关系中利欲熏心的方面.
  • 41、看着窗外的宇宙大世界,黒木泽的内心一下子怦然的再次激荡起来,那膨胀的利欲熏心也在开始慢慢的撑起他那已经扭曲的世界观。
  • 42、是的决明子师尊说的不错,如果世界都是平等的话,没有那强弱之分,没有那利欲熏心,我们又哪里会有这么纷杂的争斗!
  • 43、作者目的就是要用悟空的悲剧嘲讽帝王、警示国人,不要被自己无限膨胀的利欲熏心,不要被外族人内应外合、欲擒故纵的阴谋迷惑。
  • 44、依本少看来,分明是你这个狗东西,利欲熏心,对他们俩痛下杀手,以你的实力完全做得到。
  • 45、说心里话,他并不是很喜欢这个赵宗敬,但在这个利欲熏心的官场。
  • 46、文无第一,武无第二;人心叵测,利欲熏心;门派纷争,泥沙俱下。
  • 47、道兄身为一方圣主,不在你天华宗安享清福,偏偏利欲熏心,到我鬼幽门大占便宜,结果却落得个如此凄惨的下场,何苦来由?
  • 48、必须有工作激情但又没有贪念,并且对投资的过程入迷的人才适合做这个工作。利欲熏心会毁了自己。当然,漠视金钱或者淡泊财富的人也不适合玩这种‘游戏’,因为他不喜欢就没有激情。
  • 49、难道这厮要改换门庭,去投那老匹夫?随即他又否定了这个想法,张四知老匹夫名声太差,薛国观虽然利欲熏心,却也极是爱惜自身羽毛,不会与他为伍。
  • 50、他一和他们混在一起,他们就变成了梅尔维尔的一伙,俗不可耐、利欲熏心、虚伪.


利欲熏心 lì yù xūn xīn

宋 黄庭坚《赠别李次翁》诗:“利欲熏心,随人翕张。”





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