

  • 1、我还挺支持汪峰这次护犊子的,在这个商业规则清晰,利己主义横行的时代,护犊子有时候真的算是一种美德了。
  • 2、然而它本身就是旅游景点的卖点,难闻的鱼市场一直是几十年来利己主义的真实写照。
  • 3、Inthe world of fierce competition, the philosophy of utilitarianism advocates individuals to prioritize their own interests, pushing them to work harder, seize more opportunities, and ultimately achieve personal success.
  • 4、Selfishness often emerges in situations where individuals strive to maximize their own gains without considering the collective well-being, leading to a society where ethical values are compromised and trust between people diminishes.
  • 5、From an evolutionary perspective, humans' innate desire for self-preservation and self-advancement drives them to adopt a utilitarian approach, as it promotes the survival and progress of the individual in a highly competitive environment.
  • 6、The proponents of the philosophy of selfishness argue that pursuing personal interests provides individuals with motivation and incentives, leading to innovation, progress, and ultimately benefiting society as a whole.
  • 7、However, when selfishness becomes the predominant mindset, empathy and compassion towards others' needs and struggles tend to diminish, resulting in a more fragmented and divided society.
  • 8、Inthe business world, a certain level of self-interest is necessary for entrepreneurs and companies to thrive and succeed; however, it is equally important for them to consider the impact of their decisions on various stakeholders and the wider society.
  • 9、Some argue that selfishness is embedded in human nature and cannot be eradicated, but instead, it should be channeled and guided towards a more socially responsible path.
  • 10、It is essential to foster a sense of responsibility and accountability in individuals, ensuring that their pursuit of self-interest does not come at the expense of others' well-being or the long-term sustainability of the planet.
  • 11、The concept of enlightened self-interest implies that individuals can act in their own best interest while also considering the broader consequences of their actions, fostering a more harmonious and interconnected society.
  • 12、Utilitarianism, when adopted in moderation, can serve as a catalyst for creativity, innovation, and progress, as individuals are motivated to continuously improve their skills and capabilities.
  • 13、Asociety that excessively promotes selfishness and disregards collective values often experiences social inequality, lack of trust, and an overall deterioration in the quality of life for its members.
  • 14、It is essential for individuals to strike a balance between self-interest and altruism, recognizing that fostering a sense of community and solidarity can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
  • 15、The pursuit of personal gain should not overshadow the importance of social responsibility; instead, individuals should actively seek opportunities to give back to their communities and make a positive impact on the lives of others.
  • 16、While self-interest can be a powerful driving force, it is crucial for individuals to recognize the intrinsic value of human connection and compassion, as it contributes to a more cohesive and inclusive society.
  • 17、In a world where everyone solely seeks their own benefit, the foundations of trust, cooperation, and solidarity crumble, leading to a society plagued by conflict and an erosion of social bonds.
  • 18、The philosophy of self-interest challenges individuals to critically evaluate their motives and actions, striving for personal growth and success while remaining mindful of the impact on others and society as a whole.
  • 19、对某些尊奉“功利哲学”的利己主义者而言,谈责任甚至等同于痴傻憨。
  • 20利己主义,自我中心,有什么不对?我们是为了能够快乐的死去而活的呀!峰仓和也
  • 21、个人的自我并不是整个世界的最大的一部分。一个能够自我超越于自己的思想和希望的人,也能够在日常生活的困境中为自己找到安静闲适之地,而这对彻底的利己主义者来说是不可能的。罗素
  • 22、西季威克调和了直觉主义和功利主义,却无法调和功利主义和利己主义,留下了著名的实践理性二元论。
  • 23、个人本位主义、合理利己主义、虚假的集体主义等等,由于其种种局限性,不能作为现时代的伦理价值导向。
  • 24、这不仅仅是主角与黑帮老大的冲突,而是人道主义与利己主义上演了持续数百年的布满硝烟的战场。非天夜翔
  • 25、利己的人最先灭亡。他活着是为自己。如果他的这个“我”被损坏了,那他就无法生存了。他的前面一片昏暗,只有利己主义和注定的悲衰。
  • 26、我很高兴,欧盟能调查谷歌违反反垄断法的利己主义倾向。
  • 27、人的理想粉碎了迷信,而人的感情也将摧毁利己主义
  • 28、不想自我牺牲,就选择利己主义;不想选择利己主义,就只好自我牺牲,这是伦理学上道德两难的一种形式。
  • 29、人们宣扬的一切道德家庭的道德,社会的道德,只有失掉了利己主义才是美好的,只有在为了过分人道的亲爱者好儿女或好配偶而牺牲了自己神圣的思想时才是美好的!罗曼·罗兰
  • 30、人类是利己主义和利他主义的混和体,但通常而言,相互帮助比勾心斗角让人感觉更好。
  • 31、摘要合理利己主义不失为一种可以作为理性观点申述的伦理学观点.
  • 32、爱情是两个人的利己主义
  • 33、由于利己主义前提的限囿,合理利己主义在理论形式和理论内容上不仅具有其局部合理因素,而且即使在实践中也不乏有益启示,但是在面临现实利益冲突时却注定会陷入左右两难的因境。
  • 34、人的理性粉碎了迷信,而人的感情也将摧毁利己主义。海涅
  • 35、这个自取灭亡的制度把无限的权力给了极端利己主义者。
  • 36、世上有三种利己主义者:一种利己主义者是自己要活着,也要让别人活下去;另一种利己主义者是自己要活着,却不让别人活;最后一种利己主义者是自己不想活,也不让别人活……屠格涅夫
  • 37、为了要替自己煮蛋以致烧掉一幢房子而毫不后悔的人,乃是极端的利己主义者。弗兰西斯·培根
  • 38、克服利己主义,把自私的我踩在脚下。
  • 39、或许,这种令人厌烦的利己主义,才是我这个人真正的本质。绫辻行人
  • 40、要克服利己主义思想,摆脱名缰利索的羁绊,多做经常性、基础性的工作,把部队的基础打牢夯实,为长远发展攒足后劲。
  • 41、实际上,道德的基础不是对个人幸福的追求,而是对整体的幸福,即对部落、民族、阶级、人类的幸福的追求。这种愿望和利己主义毫无共同之点。相反地,它总是要以或多或少的自我牺牲为前提。
  • 42、良心会使每个人都成为利己主义者。王尔德
  • 43、虽然有些个人主义者,利己主义者,他们通常不认为自私是人性本善。
  • 44、知之小工具尽量原创和收集优质句子,使您在造句的同时,还能学到有用的知识.
  • 45、缺点:消极悲观,过于贪婪,个人利己主义,过于压抑自己的欲望,倾向于行动前不加思考,而且有时待人不友好,记仇。
  • 46、此外,韩媒亦痛陈,韩军存在严重的三军不均衡的体制和本军利己主义


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