- 1、这次他奋力一搏,击败强劲对手,终于得以扬眉吐气。
- 2、在这一天的另外一场比赛中,依靠高举防反大旗获得04年欧洲杯的希腊队被俄罗斯一比零击败,无缘淘汰赛。
- 3、Despite facing numerous obstacles, she never gave up and finally defeated her inner fear, emerging victorious in the battle against self-doubt.
- 4、Asthe underdog team, they fought tooth and nail, displaying unyielding determination and ultimately defeating the reigning champions, stunning the entire sports world.
- 5、With relentless perseverance and unwavering dedication, he conquered his weaknesses and defeated his past failures, rewriting his own destiny.
- 6、The profound love and unwavering support of her family and friends became the driving force behind her, enabling her to defeat the darkness of despair and regain her inner strength.
- 7、The courageous soldier fearlessly charged into the battlefield, risking his life to protect his comrades and defeat the enemy, demonstrating unparalleled bravery and heroism.
- 8、Against all odds, she rose above the challenges and criticisms, steadily climbing the ladder of success, defeating the skeptics and becoming a true inspiration to others.
- 9、Inthe face of adversity, they united as one cohesive force, surpassing all expectations and defeating the seemingly insurmountable obstacles, leaving a legacy of triumph and resilience.
- 10、The power of knowledge and education proved to be an unstoppable force, empowering individuals to defeat ignorance and bring about positive change in society.
- 11、The power of love can conquer all; it can defeat hatred, mend broken hearts, and bring light to the darkest corners of our souls.
- 12、The groundbreaking scientific discovery not only shattered existing theories but also defeated skepticism, revolutionizing the field and opening doors to new possibilities.
- 13、Through compassion and forgiveness, she was able to overcome the pain and bitterness in her heart, defeating the grasp of resentment and finding true inner peace.
- 14、With the power of unity and determination, the community rallied together to defeat poverty, creating a brighter future for generations to come.
- 15、Against all odds, the student who once struggled academically defeated the limitations imposed upon them, surprising everyone with their remarkable achievements.
- 16、With unwavering faith and indomitable spirit, he defeated his battle against cancer, inspiring others to remain hopeful in the face of adversity.
- 17、Through perseverance and resilience, she defeated the stereotypes associated with her gender, becoming a trailblazer and a symbol of empowerment for women everywhere.
- 18、The power of art transcends boundaries, enabling artists to express themselves freely, challenge conventions, and defeat the shackles of oppression.
- 19、The eradication of poverty requires a collective effort, as communities unite to defeat the inequalities that perpetuate this cycle and create opportunities for all.
- 20、差不多一个世纪前,参议员道尔拉斯对总统选举中击败自己的林肯说:党派的门户之见必须让位给爱国主义。
- 21、切切别和白痴争论。他们会把你拉低到和他们齐截的水平,再用经历击败你。
- 22、2013年10月,胡塞武装组织在北部阿姆兰省和焦夫省攻击**军及逊尼派部落,在击败**军后继续向首都扩展其势力范围。
- 23、不管防御工事如何强固,凡是在工事里消极等待敌人进攻者,必将最后被敌人击败。
- 24、阿森纳如果今晚能在主场击败德尚所率领的马赛队,那么仅仅4场比赛就能铺平晋级16强的道路。阿尔沙文赛前表示,球队必须把握机会,争取顺利晋级。
- 25、王皓在半决赛中击败格林卡,波尔则在半决赛中逆转击败马龙.
- 26、曼彻斯特联队在一场友谊比赛中击败了凯尔特队.
- 27、库兹涅佐娃以全胜击败同胞萨芬娜,荣获法网公开赛的冠军。
- 28、按照圣经的说法,大卫击败歌利亚是因为出了奇招.
- 29、法国队因为被墨西哥队狠狠地击败了而深受批评,并且里贝利也承认法国队没踢好。
- 30、只有我自己可以打败我自己,只是想把中国男子田径短道失去的拿回来,今后还要拿回更多!今后争取击败他们更多次,让他们知道什么是亚洲速度!
- 31、一个人被击败,不是因为外界环境的阻碍,而是取决于他对环境如何反应。
- 32、用别人的缺点来击败对方,这几乎是最卑鄙的方式。但裴诗已经别无选择。
- 33、科特莱尔第74分钟的进球使球队在主场以1:0击败了阿伯里斯图斯队,而客队的主力比林在11分钟时便被被罚下场,导致球队在余下来的时间内只能以10人应战。
- 34、一场是葛底斯堡战役,由米德将军率领的北方军击败了由罗伯特.李将军率领的南方军,北方军将南方军赶回到维吉尼亚,这是南方军最后一次进攻北方。
- 35、恩戈格在比赛中第四分钟的进球帮助球队战胜德布勒森,但最近六场比赛的首次胜利却因为佛罗伦萨击败里昂而失去了意义。
- 36、安德伍德此次一举击败斯威夫特,以及肯尼?切斯尼、凯斯?
- 37、古德里安说过闪电战缺点是:"若遭遇占物量优势的敌军,而他们又能集中运用,则闪电战的攻势一样会被击败。”。
- 38、在去年接近4月份,托尼点数击败约翰?鲁伊兹后获得了WBA金腰带而赢得了头衔。
- 39、他一直是开路先锋,让英国短跑选手相信我们能与世界上最好的运动员一决高下,并且击败他们。
- 40、在击败布恩利时,蓝军就已经知道下一轮的对手是东方队了。
- 41、阿尔塞斯击败伊利迪安,到达冰封王座。
- 42、但是,这种方式却引发了人类与细菌之间的军备竞赛,细菌开始演变以期击败抗生素。最后,被不停喂养,身经百战的细菌终于对人类的医疗武器不再俯首帖耳。
- 43、德州队在5强分区赛中以3比2击败坦帕湾光芒队。而旧金山则苦战4局后才打败亚特兰大勇者队。
- 44、曲棍球赛最高得分纪录的保持者是斯洛伐克女子曲棍球队,她们在2008年在奥运会预选赛上,她们以82比0的比分击败了保加利亚队。
- 45、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天向上!
- 46、如果下周我们没能击败莱切斯特,那么这场胜利就没什么意义.
- 47、在击败桑德兰之后,切尔西主帅卡罗。安切洛蒂承认他将继续贯彻阵容轮换制。
- 48、保罗9日早些时候还预测德国将在三四名决赛中击败乌拉圭。
- 49、她把笑容委婉,把生活所谓的大小格调放低,而他,却从容不迫,对待生活永远只剩下两种态度,击败或者击溃,是个尖锋利锐的战士,即使成了小木偶,鼻子长长了,也是对命运的悲壮化。书海沧生
- 50、这位七届大赛冠军得主说她很高兴这场比赛耗时不多就击败了中国对手,之前的复出满贯循环赛就没这么轻松。