

  • 1、你既然不想出差上海,何不成*之美,推荐小王去,他家在上海。
  • 2、知之小工具在线造句词典祝您造句快乐,天天进步!
  • 3、With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to my family as I embark on a business trip to a distant land, knowing that their love will guide me through any challenges that may arise.
  • 4、AsI step onto the plane, I feel a mix of trepidation and anticipation, knowing that this business trip will test my abilities and push me to reach new heights.
  • 5、The thought of spending days away from home on a business trip may seem daunting to some, but for me, it is an opportunity to immerse myself in new cultures and learn from different perspectives.
  • 6、AsI settle into my hotel room after a long day of meetings and negotiations, I reflect on the sweet taste of success that comes from a fruitful business trip, knowing that my hard work has paid off.
  • 7、Despite the exhaustion from long flights and countless meetings, the satisfaction of a successful business trip lingers, as I realize the impact I have made and the connections I have formed.
  • 8、Every business trip serves as a reminder that the world is a vast and interconnected place, with each journey offering a unique opportunity for personal and professional growth.
  • 9、While the thought of leaving behind loved ones for a business trip may be bittersweet, the exhilaration of embracing new challenges and expanding my horizons outweighs any temporary sadness.
  • 10、The thrill of discovering hidden gems in unfamiliar cities during a business trip fills my heart with joy, as I create memories that will last a lifetime.
  • 11、Every business trip presents a chance to exchange knowledge and ideas with colleagues from different backgrounds, fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity in the pursuit of shared goals.
  • 12、In the midst of a business trip, a moment of solitude provides me with the space to reflect on my achievements, acknowledging the growth I have undergone while paving the way for future success.
  • 13、Each business trip connects me with individuals who inspire and motivate me, widening my professional network and enriching my experiences.
  • 14、The anticipation of meeting new clients and building lasting partnerships fuels my enthusiasm for embarking on a business trip, ready to leave a lasting impression with my skills and expertise.
  • 15、While a business trip may disrupt the comfort and routine of daily life, it opens doors to new possibilities and fresh perspectives, nurturing personal and professional development.
  • 16、As I board the plane for yet another business trip, I am reminded of the limitless potential that lies ahead, eager to seize every opportunity and overcome any obstacles that come my way.
  • 17、From the exhilaration of exploring vibrant markets to the satisfaction of striking rewarding deals, each business trip is a testament to the power of determination and hard work.
  • 18、The experiences gained from every business trip, both triumphs and challenges, shape my character and resilience, propelling me forward on the path to success.
  • 19、The memories forged during a business trip, whether through successful collaborations or cultural immersion, become cherished treasures that enrich both my personal and professional life.
  • 20、老是出差,一出差忙的四脚朝天,根本没时间码字,这书,注定是没有了出头之日了。
  • 21、回避什么,隐瞒什么,当然是作者的权利,但这一权利要如何在‘据实直书’前提下得以维护以求适度、适当?其二,写什么?既然是‘对照’,那就要写出差异。
  • 22、爸爸、妈妈出差了,小弟就像一匹脱了缰的野马,在家里简直是无法无天了。
  • 23、她很不开心,因为她要出差到芝加哥去,直到晚上才能离开那里。
  • 24、对老公的思念不言而喻啊!希望出差的这三天老公不会饿死在家。
  • 25、小林听说爸爸出差回来了,撒腿就往外跑。
  • 26、爸爸出差时,把取报纸的事托付给我了。
  • 27、你同意到外地出差正中老板下怀,至于原因,还是留给你自己去思考吧。
  • 28、技术再高的工匠也会出差错。智者千虑,必有一失。
  • 29、办公室里一出差错就让我背黑锅,我已经忍无可忍了。
  • 30、爸爸出差回来给小胖买了个电动飞机,盼了半年多的小胖终于如愿以偿了。
  • 31、老板在其他城市也有养生堂,以后,我们肯能偶尔去其他城市出差
  • 32、也许唯一的差别就是柳桓的头发的质感没有柳桐的好,层次也比较乱,不过仔细输理了一下之后,还是看不出差别。
  • 33、所有外籍人员、客人、客户及公司因公出差员工的签证事务.
  • 34、你无法阻止任何人对你作出差的评价,而你,要给予自己多一点点的温情。
  • 35、这家三星级酒店,是出差到比利时首都或到海瑟尔展园的理想基地。
  • 36、他刚出差回来,又马不停蹄地去了厂里。
  • 37、如果您是来南京旅游,出差,学习等等,那么您来找我会让您有种宾至如归的感觉!
  • 38、对于经常旅外出差的你,能否对汇率的窜动暸若指掌呢?
  • 39、接下来的几天,张致恒那边的设计交底遇到了些麻烦,归期一拖再拖,他不回来,我自然就不用递交什么辞呈,而这几天安宁也出差去了,所以我倒也过的算是风平浪静。
  • 40、这次出差,刚碰上孩子有病,我有内顾之忧啊!
  • 41、我觉得我现在上课已经不是开小差了,而是,出差
  • 42、一种肤浅的创业心态,加浪漫主义的创业形态。主要表现为:办公场地选高档写字楼,员工工资向大公司看齐,出差住四星级宾馆,请客上希尔顿酒店……最终的结果是,别人还没搞懂你的企业是干什么的,你的流动资金已开始告急。
  • 43、在出差前做一些调查,这样才能根据你的行程,订到离会场或飞机场最近的酒店。
  • 44、老爸从北京出差回来,一进门,便滔滔不绝地和我谈起了登长城的感受。
  • 45、除了到外地出差,几乎每天早上上学之前杨踏疆都会弯下身来亲自为她穿上鞋并系好鞋带。
  • 46、今天接到一个可能要出差的通知,而这一去将是遥远的哈尔滨。
  • 47、我这两天出差,我家的小孩,你帮忙给照应下。
  • 48、要说起俺班的"辣子"班长,那可是了不得啊,说起话来,可说得上是一言九鼎,班主任出差,她的话,我班的"虾兵蟹将"个个惟命是从。
  • 49、小明的爸妈出差了,他在家如脱僵了的野马,跑得肆无忌惮,叫得肆无忌惮,跳得肆无忌惮,玩得肆无忌惮。
  • 50、有的包是有那种手风琴夹层的,记得出差回来清空检查一下,避免在会议上找文件时把你未洗的内裤抖出来。


出差 chūchāi

出差 出差,汉语词语,出自明·沈德符《野获编·内监·东厂印》:“大凡中官出差,所给原无钦差字面。即其署衔,不过曰内官、内臣而已。此又特称太监,以示威重。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二回:“上得岸时,便去访寻我伯父;寻到公馆,说是出差去了。”指工作人员临时被派遣外出办理公事,到常驻工作地以外的地区或城市工作或担任临时职务。



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