

  • 1、在你胜利之际,千万不要露出任何兴高采烈傲慢无礼的表情,而应该真心诚意地用礼貌的方式来宽慰你的对手,使他不要太苛求自己。
  • 2、明明是一只丑小鸭,却没有丝毫的自觉,闯入天鹅圈中,不谦卑讨好就算,居然傲慢无礼,处处与她们争锋,抢她们的锋头,这样人早就该死。阿彩
  • 3、His condescending tone and dismissive attitude towards her achievements was a clear display of his arrogance and lack of humility.
  • 4、Despite his lack of knowledge and experience in the subject, he still arrogantly claimed to be an expert, disregarding the opinions and insights of those who were actually knowledgeable.
  • 5、The way he flaunted his wealth and looked down upon those less fortunate showed his complete disdain for anyone he considered beneath him.
  • 6、Her constant need to belittle others and prove herself superior only highlighted her arrogant and disrespectful nature.
  • 7、The haughty and pretentious manner in which he spoke to others betrayed his deep-seated arrogance and inflated sense of self-importance.
  • 8、Hespoke with such unwarranted authority and arrogance, as if he was the only person who knew anything about the topic.
  • 9、Her arrogant and disrespectful behavior towards the waitstaff not only showed her lack of manners, but also reflected her inflated sense of entitlement.
  • 10、Despite their lack of talent and skills, they arrogantly believed they were above criticism and disregarded any feedback or suggestions from others.
  • 11、The way he treated his colleagues with disdain and constantly interrupted them during meetings only proved his arrogant and disrespectful nature.
  • 12、His arrogant and dismissive attitude towards the concerns and opinions of others showed a complete lack of empathy and understanding.
  • 13、Despite having achieved success, she still carried herself with an air of superiority and looked down upon those who hadn't reached her level.
  • 14、His constant need to one-up others and prove himself superior in every conversation revealed his arrogance and insecurity.
  • 15、His arrogant and patronizing behavior towards his colleagues not only created a toxic work environment, but also hindered collaboration and teamwork.
  • 16、The way she scoffed at the idea of listening to others' viewpoints and insisted that her own opinions were the only valid ones was a clear display of arrogance.
  • 17、She had a habit of interrupting and talking over others during discussions, displaying an arrogant and rude behavior that showed she didn't value anyone else's input.
  • 18、家庭教育的另一个内容是培养子女的服从性,服从性的培养可以使子女产生长大成*的渴望。反之,如果不注意子女服从性的培养,他会变得唐突孟浪,傲慢无礼
  • 19、抱怨不会引来怜悯与安慰,反会煽起激情、冲动和傲慢无礼,并促使那些聆听我们抱怨的人仿效我们所抱怨的人。称赞别人对你的恩惠,才是最得体的做法。
  • 20、云林工架雄健气度闲雅,很能体现关羽既神勇无敌又傲慢无礼的风范。
  • 21、作出自以为是的、逞能的、讽刺的、或傲慢无礼的评论的暴发户。
  • 22、我的灵魂里有很多地方玩世不恭,对人傲慢无礼,但是它有一个核心,这个核心害怕黑暗,柔弱得像绵羊一样。只有顶平等的友爱才能使他得到安慰。你对我是属于这个核心的。
  • 23傲慢无礼冷酷但却也有一两点能令小姑娘着迷的地方。古龙
  • 24、不允许一推了之,含糊其辞,或傲慢无礼
  • 25、他们对待佩内洛普的仆人和朋友傲慢无礼.
  • 26、哼,他已经把那个傲慢无礼的家伙赶走了.
  • 27、他仗着自己家里很富裕,高傲得目中无人,傲慢无礼
  • 28、我的灵魂里是有很多地方玩世不恭,对人傲慢无礼,但是它是有一个核心的,这个核心害怕黑暗,柔弱得像是绵羊一样。只有顶平等的友爱才能使他得到安慰。你对我是属于这个核心的。
  • 29、千万不要抱怨抱怨会使你丢丑。抱怨会使人对你傲慢无礼,并促使别人如你所抱怨的那么做。要赢得别人的帮助,最好的办法是表扬他人。
  • 30、他傲慢无礼地朝元先生冲过来,面露怒容。
  • 31、那我就让你和令儿一样傲慢无礼,装模作样,尽情地捣乱戏谑。
  • 32、我不能再忍受他那傲慢无礼的行为了.
  • 33、对别人傲慢无礼,必然失去朋友。


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