

  • 1、古汉语词义个体具有两重性特征.
  • 2、聪明有两重性,一类人很聪明,比如曹冲称象,就是聪明的代表。
  • 3、The beauty of a rainbow after a heavy storm carries the delightful two-fold nature of the natural world – adversity and wonderment.
  • 4、The struggle between the desire for instant gratification and the need for long-term fulfillment creates an inherent duality in our pursuit of happiness.
  • 5、Love is a complex emotion that embodies a dual nature – capable of both immense joy and profound sorrow.
  • 6、The dichotomy between knowledge and ignorance lies at the core of human enlightenment and the persistent pursuit of wisdom.
  • 7、The dichotomy of light and darkness is beautifully exemplified in the shimmering stars against the backdrop of a pitch-black sky, reminding us of the intricacies of life.
  • 8、The contrasting nature of success and failure fosters resilience and fortitude, guiding individuals towards personal growth and self-discovery.
  • 9、The dual nature of technology – connecting people across the globe while also isolating individuals in their virtual worlds – exposes the paradoxical impact it has on social interactions.
  • 10、The push and pull between tradition and progress shapes the ever-changing cultural landscape, preserving heritage while embracing innovation.
  • 11、Nature's beauty simultaneously astounds and humbles us, revealing its dualities in both its breathtaking landscapes and destructive natural disasters.
  • 12、The enigma of human nature lies in our capacity for both compassion and cruelty, highlighting the complex interplay between good and evil.
  • 13、The allure and deceit of power reveal its dual essence – capable of uplifting societies or corrupting individuals.
  • 14、The ebb and flow of time reflects the dual nature of aging, where wisdom and experience are juxtaposed with the loss of youth and vitality.
  • 15、The perennial battle between the intellect and emotions shapes our decisions, highlighting the duality within ourselves and the constant struggle for balance.
  • 16、The relationship between risk and reward embodies the inherent duality of life, reminding us that great accomplishments often come with great challenges.
  • 17、The double-edged sword of ambition drives both personal achievement and the potential for ethical compromise, highlighting the conflicting aspects of success.
  • 18、戴季陶的边政思想与实践具有两重性,实事求是地评价其边政思想与实践有助于全面了解戴季陶其人。
  • 19、应当说,这种“两重性”乃是历来如此、于今为烈。
  • 20、幸福有它的两重性:一方面在于福至心灵,时来运至……另一方面,也是最实际的方面,就是知足常乐地安度日常生活,这也就是说,头脑清醒,不干蠢事。
  • 21、药物都有两重性,虚症方可补之,无病者不可随意滥用,即便是有病也应根据病情选择使用。
  • 22、在整个经历中,我仍能感知自己的物质躯体,具有两重性.
  • 23、概括针对数学对象的本质属性和共同特征,具有两重性、过程性、层次性的特点。
  • 24、尼采的唯意志论哲学价值具有两重性,一方面,尼采继承了启蒙运动的精髓,反映了现代意识的觉醒。
  • 25、犹太复国主义的两重性对以巴和平产生的影响也是双重的,利弊兼有.
  • 26、灵与肉两重性的古老命题终于被众多科学术语淹没,我们仅仅将其作为一重过时的浅见陋识而加以嘲笑。
  • 27、这种角色的两重性,决定了君主在关心民瘼之时,为其自身计,必然创造以下两个条件。
  • 28、犹太复国主义具有两重性:它既是犹太民族的解放运动;也有狭隘的民族主义成分。
  • 29、而这种“两重性”之复杂深刻程度,以及由此而来的当代世界范围种种歧见和异动之纷纭杂沓,可能将远远超出基于经验和常规的判断。
  • 30、最后,从外债的“两重性”入手,尽可能给予这些外债客观的评价.
  • 31、在中国传统文化中,绿色有两重性,它除了表示义侠外,还表示野恶。
  • 32、在这些相对立的两重性中,神性与工具性是最基本的一对矛盾,它的转化决定着其他各对矛盾的转化。
  • 33、而这个同一的过程,又具有两重性的特征,具体表现为有限性与无限性、阶段性与连续性、曲折性与前进性的对立统一。
  • 34、传统具有两重性,它既是宝贵的历史财富,又是一种历史的惰力。
  • 35、机器体系的两重性与商品经济。
  • 36、成绩有两重性,错误也有两重性
  • 37、应该清楚地理解以上原则的两重性


两重性 liǎngchóngxìng




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