

  • 1、对善于走上层路线的王茂设来说,这都是绝好的官场资源。
  • 2、他很聪明、善经营关系、走上层路线与担任央视主持人的耀眼身份不同,芮成钢业余也参加过公关界的活动、客串主持。
  • 3、The upper-level route of life is paved with dreams and determination, leading us to a future filled with success and fulfillment.
  • 4、Through hard work and perseverance, we can embark on the upper-level route of education, opening doors to endless opportunities and knowledge.
  • 5、Choosing the upper-level route in relationships means valuing trust, communication, and respect, ensuring a deep and meaningful connection.
  • 6、Embracing the upper-level route of self-improvement allows us to discover our true potential, unleashing hidden talents and achieving personal growth.
  • 7、The upper-level route of entrepreneurship requires innovation, resilience, and strategic thinking, paving the way for groundbreaking achievements and business success.
  • 8、Pursuing the upper-level route of sustainable development is vital for the well-being of future generations, preserving our planet and its precious resources.
  • 9、When facing challenges, taking the upper-level route means finding creative solutions, thinking outside the box, and embracing change with optimism and courage.
  • 10、The upper-level route of leadership involves inspiring others, fostering collaboration, and empowering individuals to reach their highest potential.
  • 11、Choosing the upper-level route of health and wellness means prioritizing self-care, nurturing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being for a fulfilling life.
  • 12、The upper-level route of cultural exploration invites us to embrace diversity, appreciate different perspectives, and celebrate the richness of our global heritage.
  • 13、By taking the upper-level route in problem-solving, we can turn obstacles into opportunities, unlocking innovative solutions and driving progress.
  • 14、The upper-level route of financial planning involves wise investments, budgeting, and financial literacy, securing a stable and abundant future.
  • 15、Embracing the upper-level route in parenthood means providing love, guidance, and support, raising empowered, compassionate, and resilient individuals.
  • 16、The upper-level route of peacebuilding requires dialogue, understanding, and reconciliation, fostering harmony and unity in a world plagued by conflicts.
  • 17、Pursuing the upper-level route in technological advancements propels society forward, revolutionizing industries and improving lives on a global scale.
  • 18、Taking the upper-level route in personal relationships means prioritizing open communication, trust, and empathy, building strong and lasting connections.
  • 19、多位沭阳官场资深人士向澎湃新闻记者指出,仇和从主政沭阳起便表现出擅走上层路线和拉关系的特点。
  • 20、会走上层路线的王茂设,平时又很独断专行。
  • 21、在战友们的印象中,谷俊山个头矮,脖子短,看上去很谦和,但工作能力和技术水平一般,不踏实,爱走上层路线,为很多战友不喜。
  • 22、此外政治世家走出来的候选人更容易走上层路线,可以轻而易举得到党内重要人物的背书,很快得到本党高层的支持、政治资源的配置以及主流媒体的关注。
  • 23、工作能力和技术水平一般,爱走上层路线。知之小工具
  • 24、某种意义上说,金庸式的英雄成长史,同时也是一张走上层路线的履历表。
  • 25、他很聪明,很善于经营关系,走上层路线
  • 26、战友回忆,谷俊山善于与领导搞关系,爱走上层路线
  • 27、少林寺过去10多年的发展没少从登封市、河南省一直到中央,没少走上层路线
  • 28、但那些需用旁门左道包装既得的霸者之徒,以及想走上层路线的犬儒,上演一出权力与文化相互利用而媾和的好戏,真令人恶心。


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